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MTA:VC: More Balanced Weapons

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I think the weapons in VC should be balanced a bit more..

the Mexican is ultimately the strongest person..

the chainsaw kills in practically one hit, they also have the gatling gun type gun, which is VERY powerful, and is especially powerful against vehicles..

but they also have molotovs..

They have the best of everything, except the pistol, since it's pretty slow at firing.

While, the robber, has a bat, a pistol, and a shotgun

pistols are pretty weak, and, along with a bat, should be used as a last resort.. the shotgun has a slow rate of fire, and a short range where the damage can actually be felt.

So ultimately, a good mexican versus a good robber, the mexican will probably win, in most cases.

So I propose the weapon selections be looked upon, again, to get them a bit more even

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lol trust me, the mexican and robbers both have to be played EXACTLY right to be guarunteed a win against the other. but your right in one way, the mexican will win if the player whos using him is experienced at using all the different weapons together at the same time to keep the robber off his feet. the only real balancing that needs to be done is to give the poor racers a chance :lol:

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yeah, the racers are never used.

Crusaders are used occasionally, but not as much as the others.

The thing about the mexicans that really has annoyed me are the players that have perfected their movements.. such as you get in a car, and think you're home free.. yet somehow they've mastered molotovs, and catch your car on fire, immediately.. you get out, and already, they've run up to you, and cut you with the chainsaw, killing you.

And the gatling gun (what is the real name of that gun?) can effectively kill you in about 3 shots, it seems. Pretty damn strong, so it's an effective long-distance gun, while the chainsaw is the most effective melee, and the molotovs are the most deadly form of explosive (grenade can be evaded, easier... )

and they're all given to the same character. so I believe that needs fixed. All of them could use some tweaking.

I think all of them should have some sort of sub-machine gun, and switching around the melee/ long-range weapons so the same class doesn't have the best of both

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All of the classes are fine. It really depends how you use each class that determines how good it is. I hope the racers get changed to something else in the future, because at the moment they are at a large disadvantage, even though I have seen a few people do quite well with them.

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I almost always use the crusader myself, but then i prefer running weapons, which is kind of what balances them vs others, if you kind of jab and move, jab and move you can be pretty successful, whereas mexicans have to stand still to use their more deadly weapons my input atleast

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