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MTA 0.3 Filter for ASE

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i decided to make a new filter for ase since the new mta has come out. i basically used drab's(ds devil) original 0.22 filter and added to that.


hope this helps

download :arrow:http://www.thegamersalliance.com/other/0.3_filters.zip

Instructions: unzip the filters file into ase directory(c:\program files\the all seeing-eye\)

shudnt be hard to use

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new filters with manhunt & team-play(thx to aeron for his script and thx to sum1 called aeron for making those filters and thx to sum1 else called aeron for posting them :D strange coincidence)

note: the server has to have the words 'hunt' or 'team' in its name for dem to work. take a look:

:!::!: UPDATE :!::!: duel,kotc and VIP r added


click here to download manual install.

ive come accross sum ppl who r...um..not so good at cpu's (no insults) and cudnt manage to install the filters. ive now made a auto install. you can install with or without aerons filters. PLEASE remember that the install program will not backup ur original filters.txt

click here to download auto install


i didnt properly check the added filters and the install program, if u find any mistakes, tell me

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There's duel mode too but it's not widely available yet.

You can try the duel mode in our server that's running all the time. It's still in development but it works good. If you dont get any reply then come to see us in our channel.

Look at the sig.

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  • 2 months later...

well, i better get ma bag redy for 0.4 filters. ill start sum now, even thou i dont have a clue how the structure of the servers r yet(ill gess and change them l8er :D ).

these r the folders im gonna put











-Any Other Game Modes









-Any Other Game Modes






Any Other Game Modes










Any Other Game Modes







the *** are under the scripts folder

which 1s wud u prefer? cause there r a lot of script games. shud itbe put in a new folder?

Ive gessed COMPLETELY about there being any gamemodes in gta3:mta apart from deathmatch,so PLEASE dont be a n00b and ask about the features of these 'new' gamemodes

1 more thing, wud u prefer the folders being 'GTA3:MTA' & 'MTA:VC' or just 'GTAIII' and 'Vice City'?

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