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cool highscore (-:

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haha by 7 :P i knew i shud have taken it to 500 kills :P argh well thats comin soon to server near you :P

Not so bothered anyways death :P 1. ur on my side 2. if anyone was gonna beat it i knew it wud be you

actually bitch how long did that take you ??? i notice a few of the members have been getting upto 100+ kills then staying on the server till the next day of play :P kinda cheating really, but im sure that didnt take u much more than 3 hrs !! It shudnt have :P

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lol dealer did u use enuf smilies in that post? :)

heh we just had a massive robber slugfest, it took me a good 3 and a half hours because my competition was good (sgb was on friggin fire last night, he was keepin up with me :shock::lol: ) i started at 11, and went to bed at 2:30. had to wake up at 5:45 to so youd better like it :)

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since the whole thread messed up im gonna make some rules here

thread rules

:arrow: keep any sarcasm out of here, its only causing misunderstandings and flame wars.

:arrow: dont even think about to post things like "i will beat your score", if you can than just post your screenshot

:arrow: any insults will get deleted <--the whole post

......stupid gta =)

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