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Perhaps someone has misinformed you, or you're thinking of a different game. These are the only two modes available to set in the .cfg file for MTA server.

(clip of actual mtaserver.cfg file)

# GameMode

# Required: Yes and MUST be set to 1 (Regular) or 2 (Stunt)

# Purpose: Defines the Game Mode that the Server will be running (and in turn all Client's will be force to use for this Server)

# Notes:

# 1 - Regular (mta.scm which holds regular deathmatch)

# 2 - Stunt (mtas.scm which holds stunt gameplay)

GameMode 2

That's not to say a bunch of people couldn't set up their own game and rules to follow for manhunt, which would be cool, but there are no such contraints built into MTA yet.

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That is real funny. Why wouldn't you look into it before you started pontificating? :shock: "that's why you have newbie under your name" :lol::lol: lmao very funny. Thanks Zero, you have really made me laugh.

There is also a team script that will be very valuable in gang wars. I can't wait for aeron to work out the bugs. It works though IRC and it's an addon I don't know if they even need to intergrate it into the new version. The reason it isn't everywhere is because it isn't 100% yet.

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