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Stunt'd: By Grim

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Hey guys i made a new school stunt movie, its pretty cool if i can say so myself. ;).

It has no stunts at the airport and stays well away from unique jumps, all stunts are completely original and most of the stuff in here i garauntee you haven't seen before. The movie features a 2834 degree pcj spin, pcj full flips, 15 metre grind plus heaps more!

Download! - 56.7 MB

http://www.gta-modding.com/files//pafil ... ile&id=122


More Mirrors Soon!

thanks. :D

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I liked how your worked the backflip glitch thing, you got some nice unique stuff from it. many of the stunts were really nice with exceptional hieght and distance.

Only suggestion is to try to make the camera angles better next time (seems this gets everyone) and leave the words on the credits up a little longer.

Nice work. 8.5/10

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I liked how your worked the backflip glitch thing, you got some nice unique stuff from it. many of the stunts were really nice with exceptional hieght and distance.

Only suggestion is to try to make the camera angles better next time (seems this gets everyone) and leave the words on the credits up a little longer.

Nice work. 8.5/10

thanks, with the credits, i tried to save some time and space by making them nice and short, i mean after all who is interested in the credits. :P:lol:

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Wow that was awesome... Great stunts, but it lacked editing. And i dont understand, i have never done a backflip like that. you say it only occurs with certain video cars?? If thats the case i gotta get me one of them :D

Well i give it a 9/10 only because editing and oh yea, i got a head ache from those damn camera angles. Nice job tho.

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OK I'll let you in on the secret that is the backflip bug..

Put your bike a bit away from the jump and shoot it, once its on fire jump on and ride as quickly as you can towards the jump. If your bike explodes on the jump or in mid air, the camera angle will change and say wasted but you will survive and you can watch this again on your replay.

Yea editing was poor, I sorta rushed that bit, and im only getting used to Premiere Pro.

thanks for the comments

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just didnt like the backflip cuz it requires the use of glitches. not alot of skill involved there :(

Yes the back flip is a glitch.. as mentioned many times in the past. and YES it does take skill to work that glitch. (lets see someone else do a backflip to front flip and ride it out... all without having control of your bike)

It takes skill, patience, timing, and luck. All of which make an excellent stunter.

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Well the other two are worse in terms of stunts, so don't expect much. I mean like you are the king dude, The vids are only gonna disapoint. :wink:

You can get them from http://www.gtadiscussion.com in the Library--> Videos Forum, you will need to register though.

Samurai, just finished watching metus for the 3rd time, damn is all i can say. stunts, music, its all just too much ecstasy.

Man can't wait for the next, especially if its a collection of alot more stunts from different people!

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Well the other two are worse in terms of stunts, so don't expect much. I mean like you are the king dude, The vids are only gonna disapoint. :wink:

Samurai, just finished watching metus for the 3rd time, damn is all i can say. stunts, music, its all just too much ecstasy.

Man can't wait for the next, especially if its a collection of alot more stunts from different people!

Reloaded was pretty cool. Editing was pretty damn sweet and was something different and original. Well, I can tell you have improved in stunting :wink: If you liked Metus you will love our next one . Its already 10000x better stuntwise. (we haven't started to edit at all yet) We got a few surprises so you'll just have to wait and see. :)

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ok Grim and Samurai_Ohk what do you think: What is the most important thing for one movie :

- the stuns

- the music

- the editing

and if someone have good stuns, but it's not so good in editing and just put the stuns together and edit some music, is this movie will be good or bed

and in the other hand, if someone is good in editing but don't have good stuns and create a movie with very good music and editing, is this movie will be good or bed

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since these are STUNT vids, the stunts are paramount imo

I agree. Though a stunt can be ruined though by crappy camera angles and horrible editing. Also a decent stunt can be awesome if the editing and music are done very well. For the most part, if you want a badass vid, get some crazy stunts as well as original, think about how your going to record it before you start Fraps. Then put that shit together and spend some time editing and pick out some good music to edit with. I usually pick a song a lot of ppl haven't heard and won't make them shoot theirselves. Watch the damn vid before you release it. It should make you excited to put it out. If it doesn't go back to the editing room :wink:

simple enough.

The are all important. To each his own on music, synching it up adds alot

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yeah man, i definately agree on that! stunts can sumtimes be ruined that way, so i often try to synch alot of stuff in our stunt video. But i think wut can sumtimes also be more important than the stunts, is the attitude u create. This depends on the editing and the FPS you are using. Take SORRY for instance, kinda a tribute-party stunt video. Then also there's I DARE, which wuz fast paced.

METUS (i dunno y u called it this :( ) wuz really good stuntwise and editing wise. Only thing wuz that it didn't have that good strong feel to it. Personally its not a video id watch 3 times in a row, but don't let that effect other's decisions, it wuz one badass movie!

and Grim, sorry bout my last post cuz i didn't have alot of time! I thought the full flips were kinda kool, but i hate when people use glitches for their stunts, as it kinda ruins the skill put into it. Although, the editing wuz fantastic, and you should definaelty create sum more videos. Just, i personally won't miss the flips if u don't put them in. Although, it wuz the first video featuring this glitch. I wanna see sum more grind combo's, like that kool one u did at the golf course. that wuz badass.

Right now we AMPT r gathering stunts for our next video (s). We've got loadsa originality hitting it, and our newest member Blah is doing a gr8 job contributing stunts and ideas, im definaelty glad that the rest of AMPT agreed to let him in!

I wish u guys from SM, TGA, or people makin solo vids GOOD LUCK on ur next videos. We LOVE competition, cuz it's just raisin the bar for all of us experienced stunters!

l8er - - - - - - - - Andyroososoft

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