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Ohh i dont know if this is what you mean but . There is an option in fraps that you select the "FPS" it is located on Fraps 2.0.0 on the "movies" TAB .Dont know were it is located on older versions . But it has 4 options .





If you select 30 fps the replay will be VERY fast . But if you want normal speed choose 20 or 25. I personally use 20 . It gives a nice smoth playback speed .

Hope this helps :wink:

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fisrt-time-gta3-user... Why are you using a sig which is EXACTLY THE SAME as others? Can't you make your own stunts? Only reason why I am saying this is because I HATE that sig. It's takes ages to load and it's slow...(and boring)

About fraps... Make sure you record using the SAME fps as the file has been setup for... I.E. if you're recording at 15 fps make sure that your final file settings are set for 15 too, otherwise it WILL play faster than It should be...

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