pokepets360 Posted November 12, 2003 Share Posted November 12, 2003 does anyone know of a program that can edit .scm files? that are found in the gta vc folder? Link to comment
raiden Posted November 12, 2003 Share Posted November 12, 2003 There is a program called Vice City Mission Assembler or something. A word of warning: do not edit mta.scm! It violates the contract that you agree to when installing and it also screws up other peoples games. Link to comment
MTA Team Blokker_1999 Posted November 12, 2003 MTA Team Share Posted November 12, 2003 if you do not know with what to edit an scm i recommend to leave those files alone Link to comment
me Posted November 12, 2003 Share Posted November 12, 2003 ...or at least copy them before you screw around with them I think there was one by Barton Waterduck... Might only be for GTA3 though. Link to comment
pokepets360 Posted November 12, 2003 Author Share Posted November 12, 2003 heh... can you edit scm files in notepad? and I won't play around with mta.scm Link to comment
me Posted November 12, 2003 Share Posted November 12, 2003 no, you can't edit them in notepad. Link to comment
pokepets360 Posted November 12, 2003 Author Share Posted November 12, 2003 yeah... this is what I get ô '¦ ô¥ ‘ š …Ä éà Aô$ô@uô ´B)ô$$ È ðâ Ö …?øLM Gå ª øàäè è €?79àäè ÍÌÌ= €?Ö …?øRM Gå Ö €Ø}M bå ª øàäè è €?7 àäè ÍÌÌ= €?79àäè ÍÌL> À? Ø¿øM ½ä Gå Ö ¿øM Zä bå Ø Ü ôø '¦ ø¥ ˜ uÄ @*Ä33+Aø$ø@uø ‡C)øC Ü Zä Ö …?üLM ±æ ª üôøü ü €?79ôøü ÍÌÌ= €?Ö …?üRM ±æ Ö €ì}M Ìæ ª üôøü ü €?7 ôøü ÍÌÌ= €?79ôøü ÍÌL> À? ì¿üM 'æ ±æ Ö ¿üM Äå Ìæ ì ð ôü '¦ ü¥ f6¬ÄšYpÄ?Â]Aü$ü@uü )ü+ ð Äå Ö …? LM è ª €?79 ÍÌÌ= €?Ö …? RM è Ö € }M 6è ª €?7 ÍÌÌ= €?79 ÍÌL> À? ¿ M ‘ç è Ö ¿ M .ç 6è ô '¦ ¥ œ šÙ±Cf¦ÿÚ™9A $ @u C) . .ç Ö …?LM Œé ª $ $ €?79 $ ÍÌÌ= €?Ö …?RM Œé Ö €}M §é ª $ $ €?7 $ ÍÌÌ= €?79 $ ÍÌL> À? ¿M é Œé Ö ¿M Ÿè §é ô '¦ ¥ œ ÍL&Ä EDff&A$@u ). Ÿè Ö …?LM ýê ª 048 8 €?79048 ÍÌÌ= €?Ö …?RM ýê Ö €(}M ë ª 048 8 €?7 048 ÍÌÌ= €?79048 ÍÌL> À? 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@ndy Posted November 12, 2003 Share Posted November 12, 2003 looks like the matrix hehe but if 1 of those char r out of place then u cant play mta at all Link to comment
raiden Posted November 12, 2003 Share Posted November 12, 2003 The .scm can be decompiled into a .txt file, which can THEN be edited in notepad though, but then you'll need to recompile it. However, you'll need a program called Vice City Mission Builder to do this. As long as you don't modify important things and just stick with weapon and car placement, you should be fine. Happy modding. Link to comment
trx Posted November 14, 2003 Share Posted November 14, 2003 At this point, I would recommend NOT to modify the mta.scm, even if it's solely for private use. But, if you are really interested in creating your own missions for single-player, you should check these links out: http://www.home.no/bobby-stalefish - Barton's Editor http://www.gtascripts.org - Mission Assembler (recommended) http://vice-city.gibteshier.de - Opcode Database http://www.gtaforums.com - Knowlegde Forum At some point we *may* write the scm so that people can edit/change it to their needs without much hassle. But this will not happen anytime soon. Link to comment
b0b0 Posted November 14, 2003 Share Posted November 14, 2003 looks like the matrix hehebut if 1 of those char r out of place then u cant play mta at all I notice the Matrix is composed of backwards Japanese characters Link to comment
@ndy Posted November 14, 2003 Share Posted November 14, 2003 so u get wot i mean but the japenese stuff is pretty interesting Link to comment
Guest Posted November 15, 2003 Share Posted November 15, 2003 how long did it take u to type all those letters Link to comment
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