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WARNING! Only if you have seen Matrix revolutions.

SM xenex

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Only keep reading if you have already watched Matrix Revolutions

I do not want it to be spoiled for you.

Ok so Im making this cause i know if i dont someone else will,anyways. So what what did you think of it, how did you find it what dont you still understand?So just give your toughts here and tell your opinion did you like it or not?And WHY!!!?? did the ones that die have to die??!!!?

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Its the end of the war, who cares if they died. A few golden characters dying isn't any big deal. What if the show was from someone elses perspective? Then their deaths would have been meaningless, just as all of those who died at the dock.

Entertainment-wise it was better tahn the second movie, which was pure shit... but some things really turned me off - the whole "software" thing and how it was introduced in the second movie carrying over within the first few minutes with that "train man" bullshit, all the way to all of the Smiths self-destructing just because one does? Doesn't make too much sense - sure, they may be connected, but just becuase one is lost, the rest are? And why do they call everything "programs?" ...dont answer that, it probably wont be technically-minded, and though it may be in the / a different future, I dont think the word "programs" would even quite suffice...

Some parts seemed to stretch it far for the sake of entertainment (not belief), but for the end of a series and with how it ties into the storyline, some of it works... such as the blind messiah ;)

I did like the colorwork - ever since the first movie, they've continued with the lack of luminescence, all the way until the end - even though Trinity sees it shortly before she is impaled with machine parts, everyone who is freed / or what? becuase it doesnt' seem technically "freed" in the world shown at the end... / can now see that beauty... see the light :)

I only wish the game, in its stupidity and uneventful gameplay, continued throughout with this same scheming - some parts seemed too luminous, or not of the same color shades and scales as in the movie.

....So what about this movie you might be asking after my rambling? I dont know. I dont like to involve too much storyline, that varies from movie to movie, and it was done how it was done becuase thats the way it was meant to be done. As for my enjoyment and thoughts, I laid those out. To sum it up.. the first one is completely different from the second two - they seem to show a more personal, man-vs-machine setting, set in a war and on a path to freedom, whereas the first was completely independent, and more of one mans struggles to find his own power - and, barely getting away with it, showing that he can end the "war" so mistakenly forgot about in the first one.


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Well i care! But it just had to be done this way, it seems like a good way to end the trilogy,but whosd to say Neo really died?I dont think we can say for sure from what the let us see,And the (crazy) guy the leader(damn it why cant i remember his name) he was one of my fav characters in this oneand he really did give them what he said:"If we must die ,lets give them hell before we do"

Indeed this one was better then Reloaded,i hatedthe love sences from reloaded i think they wasted too much film on those parts :evil: The trainman story we could compare it to "the light" some people have seen, you know the one the see before they die and some have come back,it just wasnt their time,so its the same with Neo he shoudlve died because of what he died in reloaded but because it wasnt his time he didnt

Well thats a good question qould people really want to be unplugged from the matrix?Seeing how the real world is compared to the"beauty" of the matrix?

You sound like morpheus here : it was done how it was done becuase thats the way it was meant to be done,loland yes indeed the movies do have big differences by what you are telling but they have similareties too.

BTW if you still havent noticed:I LOVED ALL 3 OF THEM.

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  • MTA Team

The original movie was the best for me, reloaded wasn't bad but could have been better and revolutions was just crap. There is no storyline in revolutions, it looks like it was written by amateurs, hell even i could have written that. The battlescenes were to long and there were to maney of them, i guess they had to fill the time due to the lack of some dialogs.. The only thing good about this movie where the speccial effects.

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Thank God for this thread, Im f'n confused. WTF

Why does neo become daredevil at the end?

How does he have powers outside of the matrix?

Why don't thier ships have airbags? lol

How do all smiths die with one smith?

How is this an end when everyone is still trapped in the matrix?

Will everyone on earth get a chance to pick the red pill?

How is the indian girl making the sun rise? Does she use a matrix trainer?

Too many questions for now, thanks

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1.Daredevil?IF you mean why he sacrifises everything for the "peace" , biggest reason is probably because Trinity died, dont think he would have done it if she didnt die

2.Neo stopped the Sentinels because of his connection to the source of the anomaly, and ended up at Mobil Ave, because using the full power of the anomaly should’ve killed him

3.I dunno, do they even have a drivers license?

4.I think the reason for this is quite simple,lets take the world for example it would collapse if it didnt have Both bad and good to balance it, so neo is the good part and smith the bad part it just exploded because it cant be balanced anymore.

5 & 6. It is an (temporary) end since yes everyone in the matrix will be given a chance too choose if they want to stay in or be unpluged(thats what the arhcitect said)

7.My own toughts about this is maybe she is the next "ONE" ?

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quote="SM xenex"1.Daredevil?IF you mean why he sacrifises everything for the "peace" , biggest reason is probably because Trinity died, dont think he would have done it if she didnt die

I meant why is he able to see without eyes (like daredevil) your next answer covers this, but this is a little disappointing because it enters more of the fantasy realm and less of the sci-fi. I have also heard the theory that Zion is the matrix outside the matrix and we have never seen outside the matix (and even further that everyone is a program and the humans have them enslaved - whoever wrote that must be on crack)

2.Neo stopped the Sentinels because of his connection to the source of the anomaly, and ended up at Mobil Ave, because using the full power of the anomaly should’ve killed him

3.I dunno, do they even have a drivers license?

4.I think the reason for this is quite simple,lets take the world for example it would collapse if it didnt have Both bad and good to balance it, so neo is the good part and smith the bad part it just exploded because it cant be balanced anymore.

If neo and smith were equal why would the architect want Neo's help to stop smith? There would already be balance. Smith was getting stonger and would soon be out of control. That does not jive with balance. I think Annie Wilkes would be screaming "they cheated us" is she saw this. (from Steven King's Misery)

5 & 6. It is an (temporary) end since yes everyone in the matrix will be given a chance too choose if they want to stay in or be unpluged(thats what the arhcitect said)

I guess he is counting on the fact that the matrix is much nicer than the real world. I buy that.

7.My own toughts about this is maybe she is the next "ONE" ?

I like that. the only thing is that this girl doesn't have a body. That would lend credence to the "everyone's a program" theory. They also said that this is why smith could take over bane's body, because it was just another program. (Bane did a great smith impression btw, and neo is a dolt for not catching on sooner)

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If neo and smith were equal why would the architect want Neo's help to stop smith? There would already be balance. Smith was getting stonger and would soon be out of control. That does not jive with balance. I think Annie Wilkes would be screaming "they cheated us" is she saw this. (from Steven King's Misery)

Well yuo ask and answer your own question there,in the begining its balance but when Smith begins to take over everyhting it goes out of balance , and maybe the reason why Neo could defeat smith was because he was "helping" the robots and 01 somehow gave neo more powers.

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If neo and smith were equal why would the architect want Neo's help to stop smith? There would already be balance. Smith was getting stonger and would soon be out of control. That does not jive with balance. I think Annie Wilkes would be screaming "they cheated us" is she saw this. (from Steven King's Misery)

Well yuo ask and answer your own question there,in the begining its balance but when Smith begins to take over everyhting it goes out of balance , and maybe the reason why Neo could defeat smith was because he was "helping" the robots and 01 somehow gave neo more powers.

I don't think he was any stonger I think he beat neo but hosed himself when he took over someone who was plugged in. I don't quite get how that killed every smith but if I believe how they got there and that human body heat is the best energy source I might as well believe that the smiths had to die.

People say that when neo died all the smiths had to die to restore balance. That means balance was self restoring so the arcitect just had to kill neo to kill smith.

Well my understanding of the movie didn't interfere with my enjoyment of it. Great effects and I would take the blue pill because everyone in zion is hot!! I think they must have a club bouncer approving who can get out of the matrix. It's a real shame that that is the end. I hope they do more Animatix stuff that was good too.

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Blokker_1999: They all followed the same storyline, but the last movie was hooked directly onto the end of the second movie, CONTINUING its storyline. It did have a very deep and expressed continuation of the storyline... probably moreso than those that came before it.

I loved the Bane bit though... I thought it was stupid that they didn't have him catch on, I mean c'mon.. "Mr. Anderson..."

I dont know shit about actors or their names, but the person who played Smith was by far the best actor in any of the movies. If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't have been the same. :)

KungFuGrip: take the red pill, hopefully you're good enough to join them :) Thats right... why aren't there any cripples/obese people/etc in Zion? Just the toothless and old counselors...

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..I dont like to involve too much storyline, that varies from movie to movie, and it was done how it was done becuase thats the way it was meant to be done.

Just love the way you phrased that :)

As for the little girl if anything i think shes not going to be the next "one" if anything I think she'll be the next oracle, I mean come on it only make sense since the oracle Is staying with the little girl a lot right?

And as for my views on how al the smiths were like cabluer, I think since Neo was in the matrix via the connection the source gave him, I think the source just acted as a virus andspreaded through all the smiths and deleting all their "code" hence why he was all like " no thats cheating" or was it "thats not fair" type of deal.

the actor who played smith was perfect, but did anyone else notice that by the thrid one he had more character? it seems as if he had like, more feelings (you know hate and revenge, but stil had em) I mean like when he laughed (that freaked me out, man that guy can look scary). He seemed like almost normal, maybe when he took over someone he took a bit of that person and made it become him? hence why he got a "character" came out.

"I can see why she likes you..." "why who likes me?" "not to bright though" our first hint that neo isnt that smart, or fast making that whole bane bit just a little more beleavable :)

and you cant count reloaded and revolutions as 2 movies, it just dosnt work that way, like AT ALL. their are just 1 movie, but like 2 chapters, just like the lotr, their one movie and you cant count em seperatly, watch em both one after the other THEN tell me what you think of it.

and then again maybe that why people didnt like it? the 2nd had to end and the 3rd had no beginning or middle? but put them together BANG! one kick ass movie.

Personnaly, im kinda glad they killed off trinity and neo, I mean it just makes sense right, had they made it out alive people would be like THATS BS blah blah blah, but since they died you can also go back to the proficy, like how neo will be reborn, again since he finnally was returned to the source.

taking that whole "one movie" bit in consideraion, i think it was pretty kick ass.

and as for the 1 being just about neo that fact is like compleatly ture, and its what made the last bit different from th first movie, it was like a sort of starter.

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Ok Bill you are saying that they got smith because he took over someone who was plugged in? Most of the smiths were taken over from pod ppl. Why not zapp one of them?

The little girl is the new oracle? I agree that sounds good, I didn't think of that. Anyway if anyone else has any questions about this movie ask me. I can just ask morpheus here in sunny Zion. read above

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No when i said he was pluged in, I meant you know how neo was plugged in right? those wires came up adn connected to them? they were in almost direct contact with the source unlike the other people who were with smith, therefor meaning when smith took over the source just use neo as a gateway almost, like as if it was planed!

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ugh oh my god... I just watched it and it's confusing as hell.

So many unexplained parts.

Yes, I agree, wtf is up with this "trainman" bullshit? The ending blew me away the most. I just lost it at that point. I mean... wtf? Hes all like "Waitta minute I'm supposed to say this" blah blah blah, then he takes over nero and "oh no... not that" then BOOM all of them die... movie over


More fucked up shit that I don't understand... after these messages

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Yes, very confusing but don't worry I got a postcard from Neo. He is in a better place.


Hey KungFu,

I'm dead dude. I am here with my most excellent friend Death. Don't worry I don't miss trinity cause I'm totally gay dude. Catch ya later KungFuGrip. de da de le de *air guitar*

Edited by Guest
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ROFL!!!!! ok now thats funny

Now ransom, HAD you been paying attention there were bits of story between all the battles, Smith took over the oracle, therefor he could see the futur, because he had the oracle eyes or whats it, either he saw that he was going to kill neo, no questions asked.

here the messed up part,

As it is, Smith didnt win, but he saw in the futur that he would right? he "predicted" his win!

but since he didnt, maybe he didnt toaly take over the oracle, maybe she was still in him right? maybe she gave him the wrong prediction, to give neo a better chance of winning, because had neo faught all those smiths he a been fucked. but he didnt have to so many the oracle risked something for neo AGAIN! as she SAIDN she would!! it all fits so perfectly!!!

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umm... I think you're delusional bill :P The whole oracle still alive part anyways.

Well... he DID beat Neo as predicted, but after that the machine blew his ass away. :P

but who knows... maybe you're right :)

BTW, does anyone know a site which explains the story like this!?

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Of course. Then you have to watch the movie about 20 times to get the real story.

I don't really see how a prequel would help explain some things like the trainman or neo getting powers outside the matrix.

They probably left the ending open so as not to make anyone disappointed by a "crappy" ending in their eyes.

It is sort of sad to know trin/neo die at the end.

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