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My empirical research :) shows that my dedicated(linux) server starts to fall apart (high pings) when the player number reach X, (X > 3). Is this the connection (512kbit/128kbit) or the proc [celeron 300 (covington) without L2cache] ?

What is the quota per player (kbit & Mhz/player).


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Hey, I have never seen someone laughing at his own dick like this. :)

No offence but you did seem to know what you were talking about.

However using only 5-7kbits is not realistic. At most we are talkinga bout 900 bytes. That aint gonna happen.

Then you make that comment above. Makes you look like a pathetic brat. :roll:

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Hey, I have never seen someone laughing at his own dick like this. :)

However using only 5-7kbits is not realistic. At most we are talkinga bout 900 bytes. That aint gonna happen.

Exactly... 5-7kbits is less than 1 k/sec transfer rate. Even crappy cable modem connections can upload at 20 k/sec, so according to that, you should be able to host a 20 player game. Not bloody likely!!!

From my experience, I've found that a 640kbit upstream connection can support 12 people without negative ping times appearing.

Once you go above 12 people, the game still plays fine (ie not much warping, you can still kill people, etc) but the ping readings (when you hit f11) are ALL f00ked up; you get negative numbers, numbers in the 16000 ranges (which would be like 16 seconds - definitely not accurate) etc. I have also seen EVERYONE on the server timeout all at once; INCLUDING a client connecting directly to localhost. That's something that always confuses me; why does a client running on the server time out?? There should be NO reason that happens...

Above 16 people (on a 640 kbit upstream connection) forget it. There's NO WAY 16 people can play without major problems. That being the case, 640/16 = 40kbits/sec per user; or roughly 5 KILOBYTES per second upstream and downstream is needed per user.

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