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  MAD_BOY said:
you damn porky pigs, you can't beat us (VCP) we have NEVER lost a match and we're no n00bs (sorry had to say it :P )

btw: can i be in iggy? i wanna fght those bastards :twisted:

btw(again): looks like i need to cool down

mad boy: if your that pumped i have no problem with letting you fight :P

hehe to bad they took the butcher knife out of mta, it would have been nice for this battle :twisted:

and as far as us NEVER LOSING A MATCH oh how sweet that record is :twisted:

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  [PWA]Overkill said:
haha, wot rubbish, we will battle you and take that unbeaten record away from you. Because were so pumped up lol :lol:

go ahead SON talk smack, cuz we have a bad habit of winning and then throwing it back atcha. so dig ur own grave :P

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  Thargore said:
heh, or you just dug a grave for us, deathB ;-p. in all fairness, i think VCK members had overall more experience, yet we beat them anyways..

are u on crack dude? the vck is just players just like us, that vck tag doesnt make them super killers like most people believe. actually most of the peeps in vck arent that extraordinary at killing. hell some of them i hardly ever see on- NOW THATS DIGGING A GRAVE, just thought i would show u the difference :wink:

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im saying that VCK has been about the oldest real gang there is, so they probably thought they overexperienced us.

we might not know any of the PWA dudes from IRC or anything, but they might know how to fight, and with some luck they have a chance of winning.

VCP is unbeaten, but we're talking about TWO matches here..

Im just saying, don't yell anything before we played.. If we fight now, and are unlucky enough to lose by any chance, you''ll have made us the prime target of ridicule. While if we just prepare us for a cool match, and win, we'd have the victory ánd respect.

But hey, that's just my attitude towards the game.

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  Thargore said:
im saying that VCK has been about the oldest real gang there is, so they probably thought they overexperienced us.

we might not know any of the PWA dudes from IRC or anything, but they might know how to fight, and with some luck they have a chance of winning.

VCP is unbeaten, but we're talking about TWO matches here..

Im just saying, don't yell anything before we played.. If we fight now, and are unlucky enough to lose by any chance, you''ll have made us the prime target of ridicule. While if we just prepare us for a cool match, and win, we'd have the victory ánd respect.

But hey, that's just my attitude towards the game.

lol dude u need to take this a little less seriously. we are getting respect because we are beating people, and they can tell that its not just some luck of the draw that we won. besides i think that everyone knows that we are smack talking outa fun. thats why we do it, to have fun :wink:

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  [PWA]Overkill said:
At the end of it all it is fun lol (cheesy), but that dosnt mean that if were new it dosnt make us N00BS or rubbish at the game or whatever.

AWWWWWW i wanted some fresh meat, oh well i guess i dont mind a challenge :twisted:

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  [PWA]Overkill said:
when we av u a match u sure will get a challenge.

rest assured son, i always look forward to a challenge :twisted: now lets set some timing for this thing

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  _Ransom_ said:
The oldest gang in MTA was actually OMG I think...

Official Multitheftauto Gang

naw... I was somethin that sounded better than that. But I'm pretty sure that was the first gang ever.

ya that was the first gang, but who knows what happened to them, are they still alive? or did they give up :cry:

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  me said:
Keva left, and the gang fell apart :(

It was either Original MTA Gang,

One Man Gang

or Official MTA Gang... can't remember :)

awwwww, it wouldve been fun to fight the "official" mta gang hehe

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  Dealer said:
  Iggy248 said:
yeh we are...any gang thats not full of n00bs is special

u certainly are 'special'

why thank you dealer for the compliment :D thats probably the one compliment ive ever heard outa you(hehe and it was probably a mistake to)

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  Dealer said:
i meant special needs but hey never mind u proved my point :)

ah yes we do demand special things, we demand that vcs bows down to us, and that everyone worships us... hehe j\k of course, dont wanna start a flame war with little kiddies *cough*dealer*cough* now do we :wink:

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  [PWA]Brophy said:
10pm IP# only PWA vs SM

the others will be booted

first of all, were from vcp. second of all, the match isnt going to be tonight unless we can get all our leaders together. you need to warn us not just post info about a match 8 hours b4 it and expect us to get together. but who knows, maybe u do wanna fight sm

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  [PWA]Brophy said:
10pm IP# only PWA vs SM

the others will be booted

cant u learn how to be orginized and not say thats its gonna be in 8 hours (ive4 been gone all day) we should at least get a 2 days to know

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