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Team Killing

Guest darkshado

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This darkshadow guy obviously means semen shouldnt be shooting semen. They are not TEAM killing they are camping. Camping should not be allowed as it is unfiar to the spawner. But like stated 1000+times MTA is not TEAMPplay yet... Last night I was in a server and we decided to play team style. people came in and cops were killing cops and noone complained. It's obvious you are so insecure about making decisions and others making decisions that you can't decide to find a server to meet your desires and/or are to lazy to do so. So, instead you just jump into any ol' server and think everyone should play by YOUR rules. Go make your OWN server and then set your own damn rules. I waited 30 mins to get my authorization email to post here just to give your whiny tail my 2 cents.

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I agree camping should not be allowed but it would be difficult to code in the prevention. So, like said above spawn as a diff char and kill his arse, or just learn to move faster. Either way don't come here and complain to the dev's about the gameplay. It is as simple as that. They are working very hard on this. There taking a game with no built-in multi and transforming it into something spetacular. WAY TO GO DEVS! Can't wait for the next update!

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They are working very hard on this. There taking a game with no built-in multi and transforming it into something spetacular. WAY TO GO DEVS! Can't wait for the next update!

What, thats not a negative comment! Not allowed! :P

(If you havent spotted, im being sarcastic. In fact I think its good that someone realises that they're taking time to do this :))

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spawn campers are people who like to sit there and throw molotovs etc at people as they spawn. that is cheap as hell. then they sit there and brag about there score, well durrrrrrrrrr of course u have a high score. if im playing on a server, and i see someone spawn camping, i make a POINT OF going after them, they are usually pussies when it comes to a head on fight. if someone ever spawn camps u, fight them, dont just run from them. or better yet, ir ur the admin, KICK THEM. :P


and since were on the subject listen to the peeps when they say MTA IS NOT A TEAM GAME. just because ur the same class as me doesnt in ANY WAY exempt u from dying by my hand. :P and then u get some people *cough* 4d outback *cough* :P who sit there and complain about how ur team killing them cuz ur the same class. gimme a break. unless the server SPECIFICALLY STATES, or the people in the server say that its a team game, im killing everyone. why is it EVEN AN ISSUE if ur the same class :roll:

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With the skin bug that is in the game you cannot tell who is what character unless you saw them spawn. The only way you can have teams is with nametags. Even when the skins are fixed it will always be an ffa with voluntary teams unless there is a no team killing feature built in.

e.g. You may claim the robber's are your team but some butt plug will join as a robber and kill you.


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With the skin bug that is in the game you cannot tell who is what character unless you saw them spawn. The only way you can have teams is with nametags. Even when the skins are fixed it will always be an ffa with voluntary teams unless there is a no team killing feature built in.

e.g. You may claim the robber's are your team but some butt plug will join as a robber and kill you.


This problem has been fixed in 0.2.2

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