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Gang Headquarters Map (opening post has image)


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There I am now on the official gang memberlist so on behalf of the PCT I Officially Claim Sunshine autos as my gangs Hideout and that is my final decision! :D

Cut out the super-sized text, makes you look like an attention whore. Which you may well be, but the rest of us don't need to know that. :wink:

I've added PCT as the owners of Sunshine Autos. Image will be updated shortly. 8)

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As i said before this is pretty pointless, if were going to have a somewhat serious battle league, then lets get serious. Things like "lets pick a hideout weeeee" wont get us anywhere. I'm mainly saying this because in competitions im used to it being serious.

Check out http://www.theladder.org and look at the tribes 2 rules, maybe some of them can be converted to MTA battling, but no offense to anyone but picking hideouts is just stupid. :pottytrain2:

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As i said before this is pretty pointless, if were going to have a somewhat serious battle league, then lets get serious. Things like "lets pick a hideout weeeee" wont get us anywhere. I'm mainly saying this because in competitions im used to it being serious.

Check out http://www.theladder.org and look at the tribes 2 rules, maybe some of them can be converted to MTA battling, but no offense to anyone but picking hideouts is just stupid. :pottytrain2:

On the contrary, it is YOU who has demonstrated thier stupidity. If you don't like the idea then don't get involved with it. PM me and I'll explain why it's a good idea (or get me on windows messanger) but don't you dare spoil this for the people that ARE using it.

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Please state how im demonstrating my stupidity.

Dont get invovled with the idea? im part of this community just like you, im also a part of the gang warefare and im stating my opinion, if its serious then there should be set places, or maybe win these location in battles, but a free for all to see who can pick a spot? as i said stupid.

Dare me to spoil it? haha, im far from trying to spoil it, im trying to make it more constructive and better, rather than a damn free for all on hideouts lol.

Please explain the good points here of a free for all on the hideouts, because i fail to see any at this moment.

Dare...lol! :thefinger:

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Your stupidity could best be described using these elements:

Poor expression of ideas.

Childish choice of expressive icon.

Being unable to forsee future benefits.

Prefering to find faults than find solutions.

Criticising a system which has already been tested and proved.

Failure to understand that which you have formed an opinion of.

There are others but I'm a busy man. I tell you again - if you don't like it then we can discuss it through PM's rather than disrupting it.

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comon u guys, do u really have to argue about that sh*t in this thread? personally i think that gang hq's are a great idea, and if it ever comes down to there being no "good" spots left(which i doubt it ever will) then well just make the gangs fight for it or something. but personally i think that the gang hq's are a great idea, and they should stay.

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I apologise for arguing DeathB, i never flamed anyone in my statement/opinion and im basically being called stupid for it.

Anyway your so busy you cant write a few lines on the future benefits of this, or is it you havent made any up yet? I mean really what IS the benefits, you can start by your favourite car? thats not a benefit, it's an unfair advantage. You should have to make your way to cars or favourite spots, not start at them.

I can imagine it, someone starts at the vercetti estate and the others at the yardi drug hideout, Team one: "har har, we got the best spot lets stay here", Team two:"Mwahaha they will never get us in here, lets campout".

Prefering to find faults than find solutions

Is it me or are you being just plain ignorant here, in my first post i mention about changing rules and checking out a former tribes 2 ladder page, and looking at there rules but converting them to MTA. Then we will have a set of base rules to go from, instead of teams picking there own rules. Also as i said maybe you should win the hideouts, not just pick them.

Criticising a system which has already been tested and proved.

Im hardly criticising it, im just saying, IMPROVE it at this moment in time its pathetic, its been tested? hardly you obviously havent looked into the long run when more and more gangs come along. As MTA improves it will attract more and more, therefore it hasnt been "proved" in the slightest.

Poor expression of ideas.

Dont even go there, you have proved your "poor expression of ideas" by posting this thread before even thinking it through.

This Thread

This thread is open to all, so say what you think about this idea, post what location your gang's HQ is at and even suggest possible places that other gangs could use!

I said what i think, and you come back with top of your head flames.

The ignorance kills me.

Once again to all: Sorry for this, i know some of you guys back this idea up but that wont stop me from saying my views, i apologise. :brave:

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Hey Cerbera could you please update the map I changed the gang name to VCT anyway just wanted to let you know :lol:
Don't you there there are enough gangs that start "VC" already? :?

Please reconsider! If you decide to stick with this change I will update the image. Under protest, though. :wink:

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This is the co owner of the newest gang. vice city terroists. We own sunshine autos, but that may change. with a few changes it will work. but its far out in the open, so a more hidden hq could be chosen.

just wanted to let every one know wre here.

vct a force to be reckoned with 10-27-03

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