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Some Good Maps >> FOR FREE <<


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fuck you stupid SHC bastard. Tiesto is a shc member who uploaded just the ffs maps which are public on almost every server. you can have them.

BTW: A nice ddc friend, who is also playing on ddc, sended me the whole SHC server !

including all scripts and 543 SHC maps !

I will decide soon, if i will publish it. The file is very big (zipped 150 mb) full of scripts and all SHC maps!

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:o you stupid SHC bastard. Tiesto is a shc member who uploaded just the ffs maps which are public on almost every server. you can have them.

BTW: A nice ddc friend, who is also playing on ddc, sended me the whole SHC server !

including all scripts and 543 SHC maps !

I will decide soon, if i will publish it. The file is very big (zipped 150 mb) full of scripts and all SHC maps!

So I'm waiting for those maps :D

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haha Csena you're wrong. ffs maps are save 100 % and it will be impossible to get them, because they are only in ffs server and only 1 guy has ftp. it's impossible and it will be 4ever :)

I already have the whole shc server on my pc, so i will see, how to use it to help my friends in FFS.

Shc failed, because they thought, that they can mess up with FFS and their friends.

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haha Csena you're wrong. ffs maps are save 100 % and it will be impossible to get them, because they are only in ffs server and only 1 guy has ftp. it's impossible and it will be 4ever :)

I already have the whole shc server on my pc, so i will see, how to use it to help my friends in FFS.

Shc failed, because they thought, that they can mess up with FFS and their friends.

You're just too lame too stop the fight.Be more mature and let's deal with it like a man.

(You have whole shc server, yea of course...)

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@ -ffs-Holzhocker aka Sion /facepalm and get back to real life! FFS is just a clan like all other clans. You're behavior isn't just immature, it's unprofessional and unreasonable. You are making your whole FFS clan bad and you're not even the leader! People like Sion are the best example for people that think they are something important or someone special to others. But he isn't! He is just an average PC freak like many here are. If you want attention -ffs-Holzhocker aka Sion go to your friends and have fun. MTA is nothing for you!

@SHC resources:

Epic fail... these files are 8 months old and 150MB?! Do you really spend so many time just to make us laugh about your actions? :D I didn't give a shit as leader about that "fight" with FFS. But Sion lives in his own MTA world.


You are just a clan like I said before. With this actions you just destroy the whole MTA community a little more.

The maps uploaded by Tiesto are an answere to the FFS clan to wake up and care about Holzhockers own way of making the fight even worse.

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Wait, what?

You should really apply to some kind of fairy-tale contest cause you're really good in making things up.

Just to clarify, I bet no-one actually cares about what you say around here or anywhere, but it was easy as that:

• I banned you guys from our server, you got overwhelmed about it and started producing shit like little lunatics.

• You "Cracked" my Toolbox-script which has been around for months already and included a story-book with nothing but fiction in it.

• You tried telling shit about us but actually made your clan look like shit.

• You released maps that have been around there for half a year.

Please go and live your life and stop wasting so much time on virtually pointless things, do something useful. For example educate your-self or I don't care what really as long as it doesn't have anything to do with me.

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Please go and live your life and stop wasting so much time on virtually pointless things, do something useful. For example educate your-self or I don't care what really as long as it doesn't have anything to do with me.

Learn 3D or scripting or programming or all of them smiley-bave.gif

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OMFG, Bauss are u mad? You are 18 years old and the only thing u care is MTA world which is not real dude! When we cracked ToolBox and all parts like plasticgate ones were working, many guys said thanks.

Learn 3D or scripting or programming or all of them

better programming:P

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Wait, what?

Please go and live your life and stop wasting so much time on virtually pointless things, do something useful. For example educate your-self or I don't care what really as long as it doesn't have anything to do with me.

Hahahaha, well I'm not the one like you Bauss who spends hours just to hack passwords of SHC members. It's really pointless of you FFS guys that you care about a problem that we had 6 months ago. One time you say that you banned all SHC members cause they did not behave nicely and sometimes you say it's because SHC did not want to delete maps from FFS 6 months ago.

In fact you're the one who should say this to yourself. Sion has launched a new big discussion and Tiesto has answered to that.

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You think that SHC has good reputation now? You never thought that "people that thanked you for the cracked toolbox" were naps, that couldn't get original one, because their maps are CRAPPY? You go on your own, did past leaders of SHC expect this from you? I can bet that no. You have very bad reputation in MTA and you should reconsider that.

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You think that SHC has good reputation now? You never thought that "people that thanked you for the cracked toolbox" were naps, that couldn't get original one, because their maps are CRAPPY? You go on your own, did past leaders of SHC expect this from you? I can bet that no. You have very bad reputation in MTA and you should reconsider that.

Your maps were crappy too sometime, everyone started with bad maps! Toolbox helps them to improve mapping skills!

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Lulz. My v15 MP becomes MI (or my v2) was made in 2009 spring. So its a bit of 2 years difference? I only like toolbox, because i believe that it will help to make new map revolution. Like most oldschool maps evlved to road/loops maps by Looping Manager map and from it evolved to vgncarshade1 maps, that revolution was made by Raikkonnen for first time.

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