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Release: MTA 0.5r2 for GTA3/VC


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To celebrate MTA 0.5's 6th birthday, MTA 0.5r2 for GTA3 and VC is available to play! This release includes:

  • A new external server browser application to replace the nonfunctional server browser in the client

  • For MTA:VC DM:
  • Fixed weapon crosshair for widescreen resolutions
  • Stubby jumping and grenade/Molotov sprinting & jumping re-enabled
  • Pay'n'Sprays which repair your vehicle
  • Interiors, stunting, and unique jumps

  • For GTA3:MTA:
  • Shoreside Vale's "color bug" significantly reduced or eliminated
  • Turismo/Shoreside Scramble race gamemode now functional for all islands

And many other fixes and tweaks; read the full changelogs in the next post for more detail.

Please note that this release is an unofficial update which will have limited support by myself only, and is not endorsed by the MTA team. Aside from the server browser, all changes are rather minor and gameplay related. Do not expect improvements of synchronization as I do not have access to the source code. These changes were all I could do with SCM and memory hacks.

vc11119sk_thumb.jpg gta3streetfight2dr_thumb.jpg

vc5558gt_thumb.jpg vc1113hs_thumb.jpg

I hope you enjoy playing MTA 0.5r2.


Feel free to join #mta3vc on irc.gtanet.com to gather with other players and for support if you need some help! You can click here to join immediately using the Mibbit Java IRC client.

Please read this thread to read about the future of MTA 0.x.

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  • Vice Changelog:
  • Fixed death upon exiting a helicopter as a passenger.
  • Implemented a check for players being dead inside vehicles.
  • GTA continues to execute in the pause menu, no more lame pausers during deathmatch!
  • Replay is disabled to prevent desync.
  • Inter-island loading time shortened.
  • Game now loads automatically after pressing "Start Game" in MTAClient.
  • Widescreen aiming fixed. screenshot 1 | screenshot 2
  • Draw distance doubled from default. screenshot
  • Frame limiter forced on to avoid certain unwanted behaviors and prevent side effects of some new memory patches.
  • All Pay’n’Sprays functioning. Color changing is disabled since it’s not synced. Do note that other players and passengers may not see the car “repaired” after spraying (even though you do), but it will have full health. Any vehicle, including emergency vehicles, is sprayable.
  • All interiors implemented: Print Works, Rifle Range, Lawyer's Office, Apartment 3C, VROCK Recording Studio, Love Fist "Temple of Rock", Biker Bar, Auntie Poulet's house, and Café Robina.
  • Lifts implemented: Hyman Condos, Gonzalez' house (directly behind the Malibu; Gonzalez was the guy you had to kill in the single-player mission "Treacherous Swine"), the VCN building, and the Bank Vault lift.
  • Added all of the missing objects from Cortez's boat: furniture on the deck, door textures, the getaway boat, and the gangplank. No more drowning!
  • Players no longer receive a golf club when entering a Caddy.
  • Players no longer receive 5 shotgun shells when entering a Police car.
  • Players no longer receive 20 health when entering an Ambulance.
  • Players no longer receive armor when entering an Enforcer.
  • Pausing on alt-tab is now disabled.
  • GTA3:MTA’s altimeter implemented. screenshot
  • Opened the Vercetti Mansion doors.
  • Fixed many door and lift Z-angles to stop infinite loops if you hold down the "forward" key.
  • All garages opened. They just open and close, no function at all otherwise.
  • Help text for commands added to the Spectator screen. screenshot
  • Weapon pickup message box moved out of the way of the chatbox for readability. screenshot
  • MTA 0.4 help marker removed.
  • Enabled second newspaper type. screenshot
  • Player no longer receives $12 upon entering a Taxi/Cabbie.
  • Radar is no longer visible in the “wasted” screen (the player’s blip would change direction 180º every few seconds; it looked annoying).
  • Hospital treatment is now free (i.e., no more -$100 upon death).
  • Wanted stars moved off-screen. screenshot
  • Time advance disabled after you die to prevent a minor visual bug.
  • Fixed an exploit where you could control Tommy from the spawn roof with the spawn menu still active.
  • Optimized a massive amount of code and removed unused/debug code.
    VC DM Changelog:
  • Vice City Crusader having 200 armor after respawning. The skin is now usable.
  • Stubby and nade/molotov jumping re-enabled.
  • Disabled drive-by in vehicles since it’s unsynced.
  • The Machete is not synced. Changed VCC's melee weapon to the Hammer.
  • Yellow Rancher at North Point Mall now respawns properly.
  • Silenced Ingram (Tec10) at Leaf Links fixed (it gave you negative ammo, thus rendering the weapon unusable in most cases).
  • Stunting and unique jumps implemented. Works just as in the Stunt gamemode, except your money (score) does not show up in the scoreboard, and money has no purpose at this time.
  • Yellow Cheetah moved into "Sir, Yes Sir!" garage (in other words, into the garage it was in front of in stock 0.5).
  • Moved Maverick and PCJ600 (yellow) spawns. The Maverick spawns on the Helipad of the building near its former spawn, and the PCJ nearby the small pier next to the bridge. Looks more realistic. The said PCJ600 also had random colors sometimes, and colors are not synced, so this bike has been given a permanent color of its typical yellow (thanks lil_Toady for pointing that out!).
  • Ambulance replaced the red BF Injection downtown. It can be found at Vice Point Hospital.
  • Fire Truck moved to the Fire Department downtown. Again, looks more realistic.
  • Removed the Cleaver from the tool shops as it isn’t synced, and added the Hammer at the North Point Mall and Downtown tool shops.
  • Golf Club spawns near the Caddy at Leaf Links.
  • Secret Service striped suit skin spawn moved to the bottom of the stairs.
  • “Known Rivals” text in spawn menu removed. screenshot
  • Tweaked some spawn points’ z-angles.
  • Corrected some pickups that had incorrect Z coordinates.
    VC Stunt Changelog:
  • Fixed an exploit where a player would spawn in a vehicle if they pressed action/enter key during environment loading.
  • Removed an unsynced Bloodring Banger from the Bloodring.
  • Unique jumps implemented. If you have the time and are bored enough to do all 36 unique jumps in one game session (and your game doesn’t crash!), then you get the money/score bonus as you would in single player.

  • GTA3:MTA Changes:
  • Turismo/Shoreside Scramble race gamemodes fixed.
  • GTA continues to execute in the pause menu, no more lame pausers during deathmatch!
  • Implemented a check for players being dead inside vehicles.
  • All islands now check if you left your current island and deal with you properly.
  • Replay disabled to prevent desync.
  • Players no longer earn money upon hitting other vehicles or entering a taxi.
  • Trains disabled to prevent crashes.
  • Drive-by disabled since it's unsynced, no point in wasting ammo.
  • Pay'n'Spray blips added to car scanner, and removed all non-Pay'n'Spray garages.
  • Vehicle 49 (the teal Esperanto on Portland, some Kuruma on Staunton [sorry for not being specific], and the Taxi near the Police Station on SSV) is not synced on any island. It has been moved to an inaccessible location.
  • Made carscanner faster.
  • If a player killed themselves while in the Ammunation screen, the player is teleported out of the Ammunation screen and the menu is deactivated so the player can be respawned properly. Previously, if a player did this and tried to buy a Race or some weapon, the game would crash.
  • Fixed minor text fade-in issue in the Ammunation menu.
  • Wanted stars moved off-screen. screenshot
  • Weapon pickup message box moved out of the way of the chatbox for readability.
  • Fixed many vehicle placements so vehicles aren't parked on the wrong side of the road.
  • Time advance disabled after you die to prevent a minor visual bug.
  • Massive code optimizations.
  • Closed off various mission-related doors (for example, Luigi's club's back door).
    Shoreside Vale:
  • "Color bug" that has been plaguing this island for several versions is now massively reduced. This is also dependent on a server setting (server operators please read mtaserver.conf at RandomWeather).
  • Player can no longer "superjump" if the player is not controllable (i.e. player is drowning, knocked down, or jumped already).
  • Blips added for your current gang's Ammunation as well as the universal Ammunation near the Pay'n'Spray, and added the gamemode selection location on the radar as a green telephone. All these blips appear only when using the car scanner (right mouse button or Del by default).
  • Fixed glitch where if you are in the gamemode selection screen and another player begins a gamemode, you are trapped in the gamemode selection screen and must restart GTA3:MTA.
  • Fixed glitch where players could spawn without a weapon of their choosing if they tried to spawn too quickly.
  • Your $50 is refunded if you back out of the gamemode selection screen after buying a Taxi from Ammunation.
  • Fixed many crashes and bugs in Van Heist and Ransack gamemodes.
  • Closed off front airport building doors and added Hoods safehouse door as it appears in SP (open at an angle).
  • Pay'n'Spray enabled.
  • Closed safehouse doors.
    american.gxt (text table used by MTA & GTA):
  • Fixed a lot of wording to improve clarity and fix several typos.
  • Added text that strongly suggests to not use the "start game" option after already beginning a game (i.e. restart game) as this usually crashes the game, and instead suggests to quit and start the game again if you really need to restart.
  • Added text that dissuades people trying to load a save game in MTA.
  • Other minor tweaks.

You may read development history for MTA:VC and GTA3:MTA if you wish.

Credits to the following who were involved with the making and/or release of MTA 0.5r2:



Kalle Anka



Mr. Smith





And all our beta testers, the MTA community, and the MTA 0.x team

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Project Redivivus also has a backup mirror hosted at http://www.projectredivivus.com/files/mta05r2/:

Win32 Client (Installer): http://www.projectredivivus.com/files/mta05r2/mta05r2_full_installer.exe

Win32 Server (Installer): http://www.projectredivivus.com/files/mta05r2/mta05r2_server_installer.exe

Win32 Server (ZIP Archive): http://www.projectredivivus.com/files/mta05r2/mta05r2_server_win32.zip

Linux Server (Tarball Archive): http://www.projectredivivus.com/files/mta05r2/mta05r2_server_linux.tar.gz

I strongly recommend using the primary mirror only, as posted by Towncivilian in his news post, but if for whatever reason that link may be down, I will have mine up 24/7 as a backup.

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Feel free to join #mta3vc on irc.gtanet.com to gather with other players and for support if you need some help! You can click here to join immediately using the Mibbit Java IRC client.

I really wouldn't mind meeting up once a month to play, using IRC to get together... I'll hang out on the channel.

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4 players were on this morning at an unusual time on a school day! Progress considering Game-Monitor JUST came back up during awkward hours. Yesterday at release there were over 25 players throughout a 5 hour period on Argonath RPG's server, and another 5 on a Hungarian server somewhere.

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It’s nice to have finally seen this released (never knew it stretched all the way back to 2007). I had a little look on a few of the servers today and came across someone I hadn’t spoken to for a long while, he mentioned he was informed by someone else on these forums about the release, so it shows that word has spread rather quickly.

The tests were fun and it was good to see some of the vets from the past have a game or two.

I think I’ve expressed enough gratitude in the past about your contribution TV but you deserve it because you stuck to it from the beginning.

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  Z3RB1AN said:
It’s nice to have finally seen this released (never knew it stretched all the way back to 2007). I had a little look on a few of the servers today and came across someone I hadn’t spoken to for a long while, he mentioned he was informed by someone else on these forums about the release, so it shows that word has spread rather quickly.

The tests were fun and it was good to see some of the vets from the past have a game or two.

I think I’ve expressed enough gratitude in the past about your contribution TC but you deserve it because you stuck to it from the beginning.

+1. Well said.

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An old MTA remade with tons of fixes!

Well I played GTA VC long time ago (6 years even before I know about MTA), but now I can't install it, the CD is already broken...

Surely I hope I could get the game again and take MTA. I want to find the answer why most stunters go GTA VC. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  Towncivilian said:
  [LCK]Stoku said:
Yay, nice one!

Btw. Theres a frame limiter issue. MTA crashes on load screen when it's turned off.

Are you running VC 1.1?

Nope, 1.0. I assume this issue happened to some other players too. Try to start game (MTA), spawn, turn fl off then quit and start game again. It should crash at ~95% of loading.

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  • 2 months later...
  mistamontiel said:
  Towncivilian said:
Acquire a 1.0 or 1.1 no-CD EXE and MTA will work.

Welp. Does this mean it's beneficial to patch to 1.1 ?

N0CD for sure will do.

For Vice, generally not. I have found that MTA 0.5r2's client can have some issues with Vice 1.1.

And for GTAIII, if you acquire a GTAIII 1.1 no-CD you don't even need to patch GTAIII to 1.1 beforehand as all the patcher patches is gta3.exe itself, so a 1.1 no-CD already is patched.

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I had AMAZING nostalgia just now. I hung around for I assume 10 minutes. No one joined me.

I remember way back playing VC MTA. I think the 3 areas were linked..yes

Here in GTAIII they're separated. Don't know why.

When's the best time to jump on MTA III here ?

EDIT: Also can't get my music going in here. I remember these 3 GTAs were very similar with that. You can just shortcut "My Music" and it'll pick up all it can play. Must I really shortcut songs individually here ?

Edited by Guest
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There isn't really any player base right now. You can see if anybody in IRC is up for playing.

As far as I know, GTA3:MTA has never had the three islands joined due to vehicle limitations and presumably some other issues. Splitting 48 synced vehicles between 3 islands will be pretty sparse.

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As far as I know, the User Track Player on PC only works if you place the actual files in the ./mp3/ folder.

As for the different servers, ignore the warning on the Project Redivivus Test Servers about unauthorized users being banned. Feel free to play there if you wish, but I can't guarantee it won't lag as I host it on an already heavily loaded webserver. If you want, host your own and get your friend to as well! The more players, the better!

P.S. I've seen you on my servers as well. You'd be surprised how many people still use MTA 0.x...but unfortunately none of them ever come online at the same time!

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I'm glad to be back aboard. Well yeh you need to shortcut .mp3s. I think they just order by directory/filenames too. So it's pretty aggravating to work with.

One warning I did see was "suspected trainer usage". Something among those lines. I was baffled but not bant. Haha.

Suppose I'll run the installer again. Burn that extra meg or two. What's the port to unblock so I can host if I must..?

It is a shame. I connected then ran GTAIII when some other guy was on. I typed a bit, "use T to type !!"

He responds with "Yes ! I'm the only one here !!" 10 seconds later he disconnects from MTAIII. Awh shucks.

EDIT: Also, I guess there's no SC0REB0ARD (oops typo'd). I remember buying a taxi. Got to a mission portal. Well, it's the phone icon. Very amazing as it seems, just not solo. It was great drowning the rigged bus and blowing up to smithereens.

The 1st city, I discovered a mission portal in the safehouse as well. But in the 2nd one I went to the safehouse, didn't find any cool portals.

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