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Progress summary, Public Beta #1 + forthcoming Beta #2


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I think you should try to limit the flaming, at least until you've been here for more than five minutes.

All I'm saying is that DM would be vastly more effective in pretty much any kind of testing. I don't get what you're flaming about (in the somewhat small of your post that wasn't raped by the censor), nor why you think the next version will be less suited for DM than RPG.

Also, feel free to take those traffic lights and shove them. :wink:

Has anyone ever told you what a douchebag you are?

You've destroyed my life. I bet you're proud.

On a more serious (albeit still off-topic) note: I have at least contributed something to the community, as opposed to you. You have been here roughly 3 times as long as I have, yet you have only 34 posts, most of which reveal you as more of a douchebag than I (or about 10 of me put together) will ever be. Since you're calling people a douchebag while actually being worse than they are, though, you are also a world-class hypocrite.

As for you, Izanagi, I don't bother trying to argue with people if they're not even making sense. Try again later.

I win. Can we get back on topic now?

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At Valhalla were fully aware of the fact that this is a beta and the most important thing for us to make a good impression and do our best in allowing the dev's to iron out whatever smaller issues remain as they prevent themselves.

It should be noted that for this reason the strict roleplay sense of the server will not be fully enforced. All that we ask is that if you want to do whatever tests in the server you do so without interrupting another players roleplay that maybe happening nearby. (For example, mindless DM can't be tolerated.)

We also ask that you remain open minded when testing the script, a lot of work has been done with it and it has developed a lot.

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I think you should try to limit the flaming, at least until you've been here for more than five minutes.

All I'm saying is that DM would be vastly more effective in pretty much any kind of testing. I don't get what you're flaming about (in the somewhat small of your post that wasn't raped by the censor), nor why you think the next version will be less suited for DM than RPG.

Also, feel free to take those traffic lights and shove them. :wink:

Has anyone ever told you what a douchebag you are?

You've destroyed my life. I bet you're proud.

On a more serious (albeit still off-topic) note: I have at least contributed something to the community, as opposed to you. You have been here roughly 3 times as long as I have, yet you have only 34 posts, most of which reveal you as more of a douchebag than I (or about 10 of me put together) will ever be. Since you're calling people a douchebag while actually being worse than they are, though, you are also a world-class hypocrite.

As for you, Izanagi, I don't bother trying to argue with people if they're not even making sense. Try again later.

I win. Can we get back on topic now?

So your definition of being a douchebag is not posting that much even though you've been registered for several years? If you read through my posts again you'll see that I'm not as arrogant and full of mysef as you are. Therefore, by definition, you're much more of a douchebag.

And yes, you do win the prize of being the biggest douchebag I've seen in a while.

And I know, you'll give me a long, more self-fulfilling answer now to compensate for your childhood problems or whatever it can be that makes you the douchebag you are behind that keyboard. I won't bother answering it though.

Oh and about contributing to the community; if you think contributing to a community means being a douchebag, you're way off man. And if you have contributed to the community, please tell me in what way(s) and how that makes you less of a douchebag.

Take this in and try to improve yourself.

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No need, as there is not really any reason to keep going.

In closing, I'd like to say the following:

If there is a place on the net where I give the slightest thought to what people in it think of me, this is not it, and even if it were, Zarkolix would be at the very bottom of the figurative list of people whose opinion I care about, right down there with any number of other equally, or more, arrogant hypocrites who haven't contributed half as much to the community as I have.

I am fully aware that those contributions I've made may not be of earth-shaking importance, but at least I've done something, in contrast to this guy whose previously mentioned 34 (now 35) posts over 3 years are either questions, assorted snarky comments that are every least bit as "bad" as mine, if not worse, or downright flaming.

Zarkolix, if you would like to continue the argument, (although I can't possibly think of a reason why you would,) send me a PM or at least please don't spam threads with completely unrelated bitching.

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I can understand robhol's point to an extend. I can imagine DM is more intensive, faster paced and more suitable to check things like weapon synchro and shizzle. But I can also imagine that roleplay servers use a different array of functions and maybe put a heavier load on a server? These are just a few gists, I'm in no way educated in scripting or anything of the sort.

Furthermore though, even if DM would have been a better choice to check certain things, I still see this as a good "marketing" move from the MTA team. This beta has raised awereness drastically of the endless possibilities that MTA can offer for pure roleplay servers. We all know that SAMP gets most of his playerbase from the rp servers that are filled to the brim, this is why MTA has made a killer choice in appealing to the roleplayers. Before the betatest vG peaked at 25 - 30 players every day, and bare in mind, this on a nightly! Right now vG peaks at 50 - 55 players every day so there is clearly a big demand for pure roleplay on MTA. Flocks of SAMP followers from LSRP & vG are coming over to the MTA side and it will not be long before other communities will follow vG's example.

You don't like roleplay? No worries, people who roleplay like to take a break from it once in a while. I myself used to be on robhol's DM server every day. So it's not only roleplay servers that will benefit on MTA. I'm sure that MTA will finally get the playerbase it always deserved.

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I can understand robhol's point to an extend. I can imagine DM is more intensive, faster paced and more suitable to check things like weapon synchro and shizzle. But I can also imagine that roleplay servers use a different array of functions and maybe put a heavier load on a server? These are just a few gists, I'm in no way educated in scripting or anything of the sort.

Furthermore though, even if DM would have been a better choice to check certain things, I still see this as a good "marketing" move from the MTA team. This beta has raised awereness drastically of the endless possibilities that MTA can offer for pure roleplay servers. We all know that SAMP gets most of his playerbase from the rp servers that are filled to the brim, this is why MTA has made a killer choice in appealing to the roleplayers. Before the betatest vG peaked at 25 - 30 players every day, and bare in mind, this on a nightly! Right now vG peaks at 50 - 55 players every day so there is clearly a big demand for pure roleplay on MTA. Flocks of SAMP followers from LSRP & vG are coming over to the MTA side and it will not be long before other communities will follow vG's example.

You don't like roleplay? No worries, people who roleplay like to take a break from it once in a while. I myself used to be on robhol's DM server every day. So it's not only roleplay servers that will benefit on MTA. I'm sure that MTA will finally get the playerbase it always deserved.

You WILL wait for a TDM, you will wait!!! :twisted::twisted:

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