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[REL] GUI Editor 3.1.3


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R3mp, i hate to tell you this but someone has called your GUI editor their own. The server is Woozies Freeroam, or Woozies (something) for MTA:DM 1.0. This person has also ripped off the original creator of the cheats resource, and many other resources. Changing their names to wCHEATS and wGUIEDIT, not avrediting their original creators.

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If you guys are talking about who I think you are talking about, I am fairly certain that he has renamed them so that they are all in the same place on the resource list, so that it is more convenient when he wishes to start up a script. I have never seen him say something to the affect that he himself created those scripts.

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HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE. JUST BECAUSE I RENAMED A GOD DAMN RESOURCE MEANS SHIT. Suck a fucking dick. I didn't steal ANYTHING. I will show my damn cheat code right here. If anyone stole THIS:

function cheatsEnable ( command, whichCheat )
if whichCheat == "aircars" then
	if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", true ) then
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", false )
		outputChatBox ("off")
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "aircars", true )
		outputChatBox ("on")
elseif whichCheat == "hovercars" then
	if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", true ) then
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", false )
		outputChatBox ("off")
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "hovercars", true )
		outputChatBox ("on")
elseif whichCheat == "extrabunny" then
	if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "extrabunny", true ) then
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "extrabunny", false )
		outputChatBox ("off")
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "extrabunny", true )
		outputChatBox ("on")
elseif whichCheat == "extrajump" then
	if isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "extrajump" ) then
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "extrajump", false )
		outputChatBox ("off")
		setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled ( "extrajump", true )
		outputChatBox ("on")
	outputChatBox ("epic lose")
addCommandHandler ( "enablecheat", cheatsEnable )

I am sorry, but you shouldn't even be in the MTA community for scripting. That is a shitty code. Don't go running your fucking mouth if you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Just because I renamed a resource doesn't mean I am not crediting the author. It is my server, I can choose how I want the script ran and even IF I customized the script, as long as it is private it shouldn't be an issue. It isn't like I released some new GUI editor called wGUIEDIT. Any other issues like this, clear it up with me. Don't go around talking shit about legitimate scripters. Have a nice day :mrgreen:

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  • 4 weeks later...

uploaded version 2.0.1:

- reverted compatibility changes made in version 2.0, all versions of guieditor should work with mta 1.0.1 (if you are still using mta 1.0 this version of guieditor will not work for you)

- fixed small issue with canceling underneath right click menus of variable heights

- added header slot to right click menus indicating which element you right clicked on


if any problems arise as a result of this update (especially from reverting the dodgy 2.0 code) please post here or find me on irc

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  • 4 weeks later...

uploaded version 2.1.0

- you can now hold down shift while creating/moving elements for "loose manipulation", the editor will stop enforcing parent border integrity allowing you (for example) to position an image partially beyond the edge of its parent

- added missing "Create Image" option for tabs

- added minimum element size of 5x5 to prevent accidental creation of 0x0 elements which you cannot see/select/remove

- added "Parent" right click option allowing manipulation of the selected elements direct parent (even if it cannot be seen or selected normally)


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  • 2 months later...

uploaded version 2.2.0

This is a fairly substantial release, containing:

- added "resize" option for captured elements (so you can resize multiple elements at once)

- added info window, with update checker (optional automatic update checks)

(this requires the GUI Editor to have access to the callRemote function)

- added alignment dividers, accessed by scrolling the mouse wheel while moving an element

- created an interactive GUI Editor tutorial detailing some of the features

- created clientside settings file (opening up the posibility of default settings and such)

- added "Move X" and "Move Y" options to only move along a single axis

- fixed issue with stopping/restarting the guieditor while editing disabling your controls




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uploaded version 2.2.0

This is a fairly substantial release, containing:

- added "resize" option for captured elements (so you can resize multiple elements at once)

- added info window, with update checker (optional automatic update checks)

(this requires the GUI Editor to have access to the callRemote function)

- added alignment dividers, accessed by scrolling the mouse wheel while moving an element

- created an interactive GUI Editor tutorial detailing some of the features

- created clientside settings file (opening up the posibility of default settings and such)

- added "Move X" and "Move Y" options to only move along a single axis

- fixed issue with stopping/restarting the guieditor while editing disabling your controls




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For a challenge, how about a Visual Studio 2005/8 kind of GUI editor where controls you are moving or resizing "snap into place" with current controls' location and size? ;)

Either that (which would be awesome) or maybe a kind of grid. As it is now, aligning and sizing controls properly can be a bit difficult.

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For a challenge, how about a Visual Studio 2005/8 kind of GUI editor where controls you are moving or resizing "snap into place" with current controls' location and size? ;)

Either that (which would be awesome) or maybe a kind of grid. As it is now, aligning and sizing controls properly can be a bit difficult.

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I agree that it can be tricky, a lot of my own gripes with the editor stem from it being visually very difficult to judge accurate coordination between elements, something that is incredibly easy to do with raw code

this has been the motivation and inspiration for many of the alignment and sizing/moving updates, with things such as the left/right ctrl key alignment being one solution for what you describe

implementing a background grid would be trivial in comparison to what you are suggesting, and ive put a lot of thought into ways of solving the problem

the aspect of that kind of feature that i dont like is forcing peoples hand with default behaviour. That is, if you are carefully moving an element near to another and it snaps to position when you didnt actually want it to

thinking about it now, it may make sense to have that as default behaviour and modify the existing "loose manipulation" feature to bypass it, or maybe the other way around with it defaulting to bypass automatically and creating a "grid manipulation" key. With the clientside settings file that now exists this choice could probably be handed over to the user, which would help, though im not sure how many people using the editor are aware of these more obscure features

ive also previously thought that simple guidelines following along (and slightly beyond) the edges of nearby elements would be helpful, if only as a visual aid, as an interim between completely free movement and snapping

would be nice to hear your thoughts on this, most of these updates roll out with very little input beyond my own frustrations :wink:

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I agree that it can be tricky, a lot of my own gripes with the editor stem from it being visually very difficult to judge accurate coordination between elements, something that is incredibly easy to do with raw code

this has been the motivation and inspiration for many of the alignment and sizing/moving updates, with things such as the left/right ctrl key alignment being one solution for what you describe

implementing a background grid would be trivial in comparison to what you are suggesting, and ive put a lot of thought into ways of solving the problem

the aspect of that kind of feature that i dont like is forcing peoples hand with default behaviour. That is, if you are carefully moving an element near to another and it snaps to position when you didnt actually want it to

thinking about it now, it may make sense to have that as default behaviour and modify the existing "loose manipulation" feature to bypass it, or maybe the other way around with it defaulting to bypass automatically and creating a "grid manipulation" key. With the clientside settings file that now exists this choice could probably be handed over to the user, which would help, though im not sure how many people using the editor are aware of these more obscure features

ive also previously thought that simple guidelines following along (and slightly beyond) the edges of nearby elements would be helpful, if only as a visual aid, as an interim between completely free movement and snapping

would be nice to hear your thoughts on this, most of these updates roll out with very little input beyond my own frustrations :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

version 2.3.0 uploaded, with some changes based on robhols comments


- implemented support for DX Drawing functions (Text, Line(2d), Rectangle and Image)

- updated tutorial with DX information (+ created tutorial version setting)

- minor code tweaks & cleaning (notably: clearer true/false input, colours 0 rather than 000, settings, gridlist font)

- added element snapping & alignment based on a series of clientside settings (defaults to being turned off)


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version 2.3.0 uploaded, with some changes based on robhols comments


- implemented support for DX Drawing functions (Text, Line(2d), Rectangle and Image)

- updated tutorial with DX information (+ created tutorial version setting)

- minor code tweaks & cleaning (notably: clearer true/false input, colours 0 rather than 000, settings, gridlist font)

- added element snapping & alignment based on a series of clientside settings (defaults to being turned off)


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I think there's a small bug with tab panels, unfortunately I can't create a tab panel in a tab of another tab panel.

Tab panels have no 'Extra' option so you cant make a tab panel child of another tab panel

A hack around this is to make a label on the tab where you want the new tab panel, and add the tab panel on that label

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I think there's a small bug with tab panels, unfortunately I can't create a tab panel in a tab of another tab panel.

Tab panels have no 'Extra' option so you cant make a tab panel child of another tab panel

A hack around this is to make a label on the tab where you want the new tab panel, and add the tab panel on that label

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yep, looks like you are right. the logic is all there in the code, its just that the right click option itself is missing

i'll add this fix into the next release, in the mean time you can add it yourself by navigating to the gui editor folder (\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\GUIEditor\client\) and opening right_click_menus_c.lua

then replace line 16 with this:

[11] = {"Set Title","Set Variable",--[["Move","Resize",]]"Add Tab",--[["Copy",]]"Delete Tab Panel","Create Button","Create Label","Create Checkbox","Create Memo","Create Edit","Create Gridlist","Create Progress Bar","Create Tab Panel","Create Radio Button","Create Image","Parent","Set Property","Get Property","Cancel"}, -- tab

(or if you understand the code, simply add the "Create Tab Panel" option to the table yourself)

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yep, looks like you are right. the logic is all there in the code, its just that the right click option itself is missing

i'll add this fix into the next release, in the mean time you can add it yourself by navigating to the gui editor folder (\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\GUIEditor\client\) and opening right_click_menus_c.lua

then replace line 16 with this:

[11] = {"Set Title","Set Variable",--[["Move","Resize",]]"Add Tab",--[["Copy",]]"Delete Tab Panel","Create Button","Create Label","Create Checkbox","Create Memo","Create Edit","Create Gridlist","Create Progress Bar","Create Tab Panel","Create Radio Button","Create Image","Parent","Set Property","Get Property","Cancel"}, -- tab

(or if you understand the code, simply add the "Create Tab Panel" option to the table yourself)

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey i was just wondering how i should put this as resource. i got "Rules" code:

GUIEditor_Window = {}
GUIEditor_TabPanel = {}
GUIEditor_Tab = {}
GUIEditor_Button = {}
GUIEditor_Label = {}
GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(204,151,618,464,"Rules",false)
GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(118,419,97,24,"Accept",false,GUIEditor_Window[1])
GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(370,418,110,24,"Cancel",false,GUIEditor_Window[1])
GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(57,51,506,344,"Rules:",false,GUIEditor_Window[1])
GUIEditor_Label[2] = guiCreateLabel(1,28,141,19,"-No Cheating",false,GUIEditor_Label[1])
GUIEditor_Label[3] = guiCreateLabel(1,50,72,19,"-No Swearing",false,GUIEditor_Label[1])
GUIEditor_Label[4] = guiCreateLabel(1,73,70,16,"-English Only",false,GUIEditor_Label[1])
GUIEditor_TabPanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(5,115,495,225,false,GUIEditor_Label[1])
GUIEditor_Tab[1] = guiCreateTab("Exceptions",GUIEditor_TabPanel[1])
GUIEditor_Label[5] = guiCreateLabel(10,13,469,177,"Exeptions:",false,GUIEditor_Tab[1])
GUIEditor_Label[6] = guiCreateLabel(1,22,267,19,"-You can talk other language if You are in -GTD-",false,GUIEditor_Label[5])
GUIEditor_Tab[2] = guiCreateTab("-GTD-Members",GUIEditor_TabPanel[1])
GUIEditor_Label[7] = guiCreateLabel(18,16,118,18,"Leaders:",false,GUIEditor_Tab[2])
GUIEditor_Label[8] = guiCreateLabel(69,17,77,17,"Bleidex",false,GUIEditor_Tab[2])
GUIEditor_Label[9] = guiCreateLabel(16,43,455,20,"Co-Leaders: -",false,GUIEditor_Tab[2])
GUIEditor_Label[10] = guiCreateLabel(18,73,444,20,"Full Members: -",false,GUIEditor_Tab[2])
GUIEditor_Label[11] = guiCreateLabel(17,107,462,22,"Trial members: Anna    Denon",false,GUIEditor_Tab[2])
GUIEditor_Label[12] = guiCreateLabel(149,23,326,80,"www.gtd.wu.lt",false,GUIEditor_Label[1])

How i should put this in resource? :S any help plese. And i need that this would start with player connect(i mean when he is connected to server)

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  • 1 month later...

HI, im sorry im very new to this and thats why i decided to try this tool out.

I made a gui window and i wrote some stuff on it and whatever.

I did output to file and now i see the editor_ouput.txt file with the updated info.


How do i now load this gui up? Like say i closed my game and went back into my server and started the gui editor back up, how do i load the gui in? I dont even know how to make the gui i made display again =(

Any advice for a complete resource noob would be helpful. My basic knowledge is loading resources and thats about it besides the ingame tutorial this guieditor provides.


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First of all i think its important to understand the distinction between designing the gui and actually running the gui. The editor will allow you to design the gui but will not actually implement it in a script. For that, you will need to copy the code for the gui you made (from guieditor_output) into a clientside resource .lua file, then start that resource on your server. Once you have the gui running in-game, you can use the "Load GUI" option in the gui editor to continue editing it if you want to

I suggest you take a look at the gui tutorials on the wiki (starting here with a general scripting tutorial, then onto some gui tutorials for some more in depth guidance on scripting gui

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  R3mp said:
First of all i think its important to understand the distinction between designing the gui and actually running the gui. The editor will allow you to design the gui but will not actually implement it in a script. For that, you will need to copy the code for the gui you made (from guieditor_output) into a clientside resource .lua file, then start that resource on your server. Once you have the gui running in-game, you can use the "Load GUI" option in the gui editor to continue editing it if you want to

I suggest you take a look at the gui tutorials on the wiki (starting here with a general scripting tutorial, then onto some gui tutorials for some more in depth guidance on scripting gui

okay that makes pefect sense. so far what ive learned is i need a meta.xml to load the lua. so far so good, but how should i code the lua so that when it loads as a resourse, it will pop open when i press F6 for example?

Edit: i loaded a gui from a help resurce i downloaded from my clan's server. i managed to load it up right, but after ive made a few edits, i see no option for outputting the code... now how do i save this? its very unclear to me =(.

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