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Show icon when somone is typing.....


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hi, first i want to say good work, but i have one problem with this 2 scripts,

I will try to explain:

Good on iam2noob4u´s script: The icon are sit in the world, it will be go smaller when i goes away.

Bad on iam2noob4u´s script: The chat bubble are dont show by me in some gamemodes like cdm

Good on khepra´s script: Works on every gamemodes

Bad on khepra´s script: The chat bubble are to big, and it go BIGGER when i goes away.

now my question: It is possibly to add this two GOOD thinks in one script? i have tried it, but when i change the code i dont see the chat bubble because i have made the script scrap, yes i am a scripting noob :lol:

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Well, in your first screenshot the bubble looks normal, i think. To other players it doesn't look that large, but since you're the origin point, it's biggest for you.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on in that second one. Are you on the ground there?

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i have a really dumb idea....

Quake, Do you have an ATI Graphics card? and have you Stopped the Sky flickering on it.

Because i have noticed that using the "ceguitext 1" command makes all the game text HUGE, mabye it does the same with that image.

so could you type "ceguitext 0" (without the quotes) into the games console and tell us if anything happens.

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  khepra said:
Well, in your first screenshot the bubble looks normal, i think. To other players it doesn't look that large, but since you're the origin point, it's biggest for you.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on in that second one. Are you on the ground there?

in the second screenshot, i am in the vehicle on the road, the bubble is so big that it dont shows to my head

but i have a idea: it is possibly to script that i dont see MY bubble? but the bubble from other players?

  DazzaJay said:
i have a really dumb idea....

Quake, Do you have an ATI Graphics card? and have you Stopped the Sky flickering on it.

Because i have noticed that using the "ceguitext 1" command makes all the game text HUGE, mabye it does the same with that image.

so could you type "ceguitext 0" (without the quotes) into the games console and tell us if anything happens.

no, i am using nvidia, but i have tried it and noting change

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I must say, khepra i have a lot of respect for you.

as you are one of the Few people who still hang around these forums that are willing to Help others with stuff that is so far out of thier leigue.

Which is the reason why i respect you.

I have made a little somthing mainly for my self, but i would like you to use it in your script.

its a "Higher Quality Speach Bubble" (yes, i love my HQ shit) Also a 50% transparent one, for a "Less Intrusive" chat icon.


Edited by Guest
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Alright, new release with some new features.


  • You can toggle your own icon on and off with /toggleicon . By default the icon is on, but you can change the line
    local showMyIcon = true 


    local showMyIcon = false 

    to have it start off instead

  • Keep in mind, everyone else can still see your icon.
  • You can resize all icons with /resizeicon . For example, /resizeicon 50 will make all icons half the normal size. I've also made the new default size 85% the old size.
  • You can edit the transparency of all icons with /seticonvis . The command /seticonvis 75 will make all icons 75% visible. By default, they are 85% visible.

Thanks to DazzaJay for the prettier icon and to XetaQuake for some ideas.

Again, let me know what you think!

EDIT: Oops, I forgot that I changed the transparency command at the last minute! It's now /seticonvis

Edited by Guest
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ok... here is my little surprise.


if you want it, here are the files.


"no">Chat Icon 
You can toggle your own chat icon on / off with /toggleicon 
Keeping in mind that this will only affect you, as others will still be able to see your typing icon. 
/resizeicon ## 
You can resize all icons with /resizeicon [new%] 
For example, /resizeicon 50 will make all icons 50% of normal size. 
/seticonalpha ## 
You can edit the transparency of all icons with /seticonalpha [new%] 
For example, /seticonalpha 75 will make all chat icons 75% visible

your meta.xml will need a coupple of extra lines added.. but im sure you know that :-)


"khepra" version="08.02.03" type="script" />> 
"helpmanager" /> 

also, a suggestion i have is, i belive that the icon's default size should be 50% (as ive been stuffing around, and it looks like a good size)

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  khepra said:
Alright, new release with some new features.

:D its so good! now i can toggle my graphic bug 8) you are realy the best :!:

i have a funy idea for a next release:

when i am chat /[command] the icon dont show, and when i chat with a number or a letter in beginning, the icon are show :mrgreen:

its only a funy idea, not so important ;)

thanks khepra for your nice public releases!

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