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Custom welcome msg command and addcom for PRS

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone would make me a (simple) script where whenever someone logs on with the name 'thestrangestick', it will say: God is here. Bow down! And another script where if you say !lol it says you are luaghing out loud, but if u say !lol it says you are laughing out loud at .

Also, I am still needing a addcom script for PRS. The ones I have been given are just ones for GUS that have had the level changed from 10 to 5, but it needs Gus lvl 5 not PRS lvl 5. Thanks.

EDIT: OK, buy changing gus.level to mta.level, I can get the script working in PRS (with rconlogin). But, when I use the variables %s and %u, it just says random numbers! whats happening.

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Also, this one:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by thestrangestick has just joined! Obey him, or else... 

You can put so many names as you want on it. Etc:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by thestrangestick has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by someone has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone2) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by someone2 has just joined! Obey him, or else... 

You can also use 'elseif' like this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by thestrangestick has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
elseif ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by someone has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
elseif ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone2) mta.text $1 $2 The god called by someone2 has just joined! Obey him, or else... 


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why are u using mta.text $1 $2

the $2 isnt needed.

just add in: on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: {

  if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 God is here. Bow down! 

also in prs, u can use prs.level instead of gus.level or mta.level

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Also, this one:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 The god called by thestrangestick has just joined! Obey him, or else... 

You can put so many names as you want on it. Etc:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 The god called by thestrangestick has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone) mta.text $1 The god called by someone has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone2) mta.text $1 The god called by someone2 has just joined! Obey him, or else... 

You can also use 'elseif' like this:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { 
if ($mta.nick($1,$2) == thestrangestick) mta.text $1 The god called by thestrangestick has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
elseif ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone) mta.text $1 The god called by someone has just joined! Obey him, or else... 
elseif ($mta.nick($1,$2) == someone2) mta.text $1 The god called by someone2 has just joined! Obey him, or else... 


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