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The console game is out in October. The console versions will have multiplayer. I was inferring that it will be obvious when IV is released whether the multiplayer will be worth improving upon. Also, IV multiplayer might mean that less people will play SA multiplayer (including MP, Rumble, and any other online mods), although that won't apply to me, unless they add custom models, warp points, capture the flag, king of the hill, custom car skins and all the other great features of the new MTA.

PS: Any plans to reincorperate a microphone version of MTA so that you can speak to your team? It was mentioned in the interview, and I wondered if the idea has been abandoned.

PPS: Good name for multiplayer mod: GTAOL. lol.

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What are you a bunch of idiots? First of all IV does not come out mid-2008 it comes out straight up October 16 2007. I reserved it for my 360. However, I will be disapointed if DM does'nt come out before then.

Stupid? if you would of cared to read the thread, you would of noticed its about the PC release of GTA IV

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Rockstar said that GTA IV wont have a MMORPG multiplayer so mta will have a job :). I think the multiplayer will be like in SA

Oh trust me buddy, it will be Xbox Live enabled with some kind of multiplayer play. However, if it does release for PC, it won't be until 2008 IF it does.

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Rockstar said that GTA IV wont have a MMORPG multiplayer so mta will have a job :). I think the multiplayer will be like in SA

Maybe, if the MTA team are interested in converting GTAIV into a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game! Look at SA:MP, there is only so much fun to be had running around with others aimlessly, it's missions that make a multiplayer game.

And unless Rockstar announce that Liberty City was a joke, and in reality they will have pixies and elves running around and shooting, then an RPG is off.

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