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MTA:SA Public Release Script - PRS:1.3 Out Now!


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hmm ok well i looked again and i did find 1 small error,

its to do with !unregister.

line 391:

 !hdel pgs.items register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) 

should be:

 !hdel pgsitems register $+ $mta.nick($1,%a) 

u can change this yourself... maybe this will help :?

link updated.

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Hi Scoob! Unregister is working, register is working too! So thanks for that. Is it possible to create a script so u can see why someone is warned?

and is it possible to make !transfer only available for 1 name?.. HOpe so!

Thanks, KEslertje

u mean only 1 admin allowed to use it?

there are a few ways, u can add ur name to the command line, eg:

if (($3 == !transfer) && ($mta.nick($1,$2) == YOURNICK)) pgs.transfer $1-

this is an easy way to make any command only work for 1 person, so if u need to change any others, u would do it this way^

or u can change it in the alias.

replace the alias with this:

alias pgs.transfer {
 var %a = $iif($hget(pgscash,$4) == $null,0,$v1)
 if ($mta.nick($1,$2) != YOURNICK) insuf $1 $2
 elseif (($4 == $null) || ($5 == $null) || ($6 == $null) || ($6 !isnum)) {
   mta.pm $1 $2 Type: !transfer 
   mta.pm $1 $2 Use Exact names, no wildcards!
   mta.pm $1 $2 Sends Cash From Nick1 to Nick2.
 elseif ($calc(%a - $6) < 0) mta.pm $1 $2 Error $4 $+ 's Cash: $ $+ %a
 else {
   pgs.sub $4 $6
   pgs.add $5 $6
   mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Transfered $ $+ $6 From $4 To $5

both methods would work.

as for the warning thing, i guess so, but it would mean saving every reason individually, not so good if u have it set to 10 warns:P

but yeah... u could modify it to save the warnings.

i didnt add it coz i didnt see the point.

half the time people dont give a reason.

and if its coz u want to know why/who was warned for what,

then they can make up any reason... so its not much use:P

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I assume a lot of the servers display stats from PRS on their websites?

I can code in COBOL, but can't web script, and hate reinventing the wheel.

Would it be possible for someone to email me/msn me/reply here with some code I could incorporate on my LAMP web server? It has local access to the PRS stat files.

[email protected]

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I have some major hackers in the server... example:

[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP LAGGER
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP BEST
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP SCORE
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 1ST
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 2ND
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 3RD
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 RACES
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !ITEMLIST
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP CASH
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 FINISHES
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 DEATHMATCHES
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 DMWINS
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 POINTS
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !TOP3 TIMES
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !BETHELP
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !BUYHELP
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !BET CREAM 200
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !BUY IPREGISTER
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !USE
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !COST IPREGISTER
[17:05:33] CHAT: @!EM!@|Ac*~: !FUND
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !name
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !admin
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !seen a
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !commands
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !votekick a
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !votemap 1
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !ratemap 1
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !mode
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !info
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !!players
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !wb a
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !timer
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !total
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !players
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !rank
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !cash
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !name
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !admin
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !seen a
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !commands
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !players
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !rate
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !mode
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !upload
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !creator
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !dmlimit
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !banned
[17:05:33] CHAT: Slag: !total

Super irritating, is there a way to get rid of this? hes changing ips and names and coming back all the time...

Hope so...

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what is that? if thats the chat then where is the response from the script?

You could try adding this to the top of mta.command:

spamcheck $1 $2

then add this alias:

alias spamcheck {
 var %a = $calc($iif($hget(prstemp,$2) == $null,0,$v1) + 1)
 !hadd prstemp $2 %a
 if (%a == 3) mta.pm $1 $2 WARNING - DO NO SPAM!!!
 elseif (%a == 4) {
   mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Auto-Muted: 60 secs - Reason: Spamming
   mta.mute $1 $2 
   .timerunmute $+ $2 1 60 mta.unmute $1 $2
 !hadd -u2 prstemp $2 %a

theres not much u can else do about it sadly.

depends how much his IP changes.

we've had problems like this since mta came out.

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ahh i see, we saw similar porgs in 0.5 too.

crashes everyone then kills the server.

theres not much u can do about it.

just keep an eye on his IP and see how much its changing, when u find a pattern, it might be easier to detect suspects.

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two problems with 1.3

1. !alias does nothing

2. 2 players have reached 4000 points and now !points and !top3 points wont match for them. !points seems to show right value but !top3 points stays around 4000


[13:30] [RevC]puuks: !top3 points

[13:30] Best Ever Top points

[13:30] 1st: [RevC]wtf: 4024

[13:30] 2nd: [RevC]puuks: 3984

[13:30] 3rd: [RevC]Mikk: 2606

[13:30] [RevC]puuks: !points

[13:30] [RevC]puuks's Points: 4029

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!alias works fine for everyone else, maybe u have an earlier version, i think there was a bug with the !alias command, when i first replaced it, but its fixed now.

As for the points... no idea. i'll keep an eye on it.

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Scooby, last question about spamming, ur my only hope.... Else I have to stop using any scripts... (its that worse) :(

If im right, the script disconnects after its fucked up... Is it possible to remove all the commands said by the spammer before it disconnected? So the script will reconnect with a fresh and clean command list? Hope so... I really hope u can help me out this way!

gr Keslertje

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Ok, i know solution.

Follow those steps to find out how to make it autoconnect allways:

1. Open your script program (in GUS mta.mrc) with wordpad or something.

2. Find there text somewhere what connects to game. Then put timer in that script.

3. then copy and paste them under mta.disconnect or what it is.

4. Then add into timer it will run the script in every second.

5. Now save the file, and if your scripts will disconnects, if will automatically reconnect allways...

''Hoping you understand my bad tutorials'' :roll:

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and on some rare occasions it shows everything twice but second ones are correct

something like that:

[RevC]puuks: !top3 points
Best Ever Top points
1st: [RevC]wtf: 4292
2nd: [RevC]puuks: 4079
3rd: [RevC]wtf: 4024
1st: [RevC]wtf: 4292
2nd: [RevC]puuks: 4079
3rd: Weedy: 2577

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Ok, i know solution.

Follow those steps to find out how to make it autoconnect allways:

1. Open your script program (in GUS mta.mrc) with wordpad or something.

2. Find there text somewhere what connects to game. Then put timer in that script.

3. then copy and paste them under mta.disconnect or what it is.

4. Then add into timer it will run the script in every second.

5. Now save the file, and if your scripts will disconnects, if will automatically reconnect allways...

''Hoping you understand my bad tutorials'' :roll:

Thanks for your reply!!! But reconnecting is not the problem :) its the problem that mirc keeps busy with all those commands. Thats the prob. So mirc has to like close down and start all over again... It doenst have to close down, but just use the script again like it just started. Without all the spamming commands.

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