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MTA:SA Public Release Script - PRS:1.3 Out Now!


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u should have at least these 3:




if all these 3 scripts arent loaded. Unload them all and start from the beginning,

Load mta.mrc, mta.dialog will load itsself, make sure mta.mrc is loaded and u can see Multi Theft Auto mIRC Admin 4.15 by Aeron.

once u can see mtama, and can connect with it, then u can load up PRS1.3.

Hey thanks m8 its working now!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi. Do You know any effective way to block players who use incorrect/illegal settings of handling file? It's the plague of MTA servers. I think Rockstar did the worst thing of this. If You don't know how to protect from changed handling, tell me please where could i find anything about it?? I have searched the net, and found anything, and also anything useful about anticheat module.

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Hi. Do You know any effective way to block players who use incorrect/illegal settings of handling file? It's the plague of MTA servers. I think Rockstar did the worst thing of this. If You don't know how to protect from changed handling, tell me please where could i find anything about it?? I have searched the net, and found anything, and also anything useful about anticheat module.

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I've downloaded MTA yesterday, so I'm a noob. I even don't know how to change the gamemode into this cool PRS. Can anyone help me? (From the beginning, the download a tutorials wich shows what EXACTLY i have to do) I also want to know how to make myself Admin.

Thx for help FLibber100

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I've downloaded MTA yesterday, so I'm a noob. I even don't know how to change the gamemode into this cool PRS. Can anyone help me? (From the beginning, the download a tutorials wich shows what EXACTLY i have to do) I also want to know how to make myself Admin.

Thx for help FLibber100

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this is not a gamemode, its a script for the MTA Race mod, which gives functions to admins/members/players, records race times/stats/cash etc

ive explained many times now on how to install it, theres also a text file included in the download.

heres a quick rundown..

first u need mIRC (http://www.mirc.com)

then u need to download mtama 4.15 (multi theft auto mirc admin by Aeron, u can find it on the forums)

once u have it, follow the instructions on how to load it into mirc

fill out all the info in the dialog of mtama when it pops up and connect to ur server

once u have these and u can connect to ur server with mtama then ur almost there

next u need to download prs1.3 and put it in ur mirc dir (unrared)

then u can load it with mtama (general > scripts)

once loaded, close mirc and reopen it, u should now have 2 dialogs open instead of 1 (mtama and prs)

fill out the info in prs and click the save button.

thats it.

to gain admin from ingame u must be added to the mtaserver.conf file then login when in game.

if u read all the text info that comes with all these files u should manage it.

if u get stuck, repost here saying how far u got and i'll try to help u out.

i dont have time right now to write a step by step guide.. so i hope this helps. :mrgreen:

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this is not a gamemode, its a script for the MTA Race mod, which gives functions to admins/members/players, records race times/stats/cash etc

ive explained many times now on how to install it, theres also a text file included in the download.

heres a quick rundown..

first u need mIRC (http://www.mirc.com)

then u need to download mtama 4.15 (multi theft auto mirc admin by Aeron, u can find it on the forums)

once u have it, follow the instructions on how to load it into mirc

fill out all the info in the dialog of mtama when it pops up and connect to ur server

once u have these and u can connect to ur server with mtama then ur almost there

next u need to download prs1.3 and put it in ur mirc dir (unrared)

then u can load it with mtama (general > scripts)

once loaded, close mirc and reopen it, u should now have 2 dialogs open instead of 1 (mtama and prs)

fill out the info in prs and click the save button.

thats it.

to gain admin from ingame u must be added to the mtaserver.conf file then login when in game.

if u read all the text info that comes with all these files u should manage it.

if u get stuck, repost here saying how far u got and i'll try to help u out.

i dont have time right now to write a step by step guide.. so i hope this helps. :mrgreen:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont know what you mean with Player 0 $

I thin you have deleted a '}' in the file.

So go Tho Mirc (Where your PRS.1.3 is loaded) and press the Check button in upper right of your screen.

And if it gives an error you must download the PRS script again (Stats wil be saved when you download it again)

And ou can add the !count script where ever you want like in rule:

FInd rule 364 with the text:

elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1- 

Replae that with:

  elseif ($3 == !transfer) pgs.transfer $1- 
elseif ($3 == !count) { 
.mta.text 1 3... 
.timer 1 1 .mta.text 1 2... 
.timer 1 2 .mta.text 1 1... 
.timer 1 3 .mta.text GO... 

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this is not a gamemode, its a script for the MTA Race mod, which gives functions to admins/members/players, records race times/stats/cash etc

ive explained many times now on how to install it, theres also a text file included in the download.

heres a quick rundown..

first u need mIRC (http://www.mirc.com)

then u need to download mtama 4.15 (multi theft auto mirc admin by Aeron, u can find it on the forums)

once u have it, follow the instructions on how to load it into mirc

fill out all the info in the dialog of mtama when it pops up and connect to ur server

once u have these and u can connect to ur server with mtama then ur almost there

next u need to download prs1.3 and put it in ur mirc dir (unrared)

then u can load it with mtama (general > scripts)

once loaded, close mirc and reopen it, u should now have 2 dialogs open instead of 1 (mtama and prs)

fill out the info in prs and click the save button.

thats it.

to gain admin from ingame u must be added to the mtaserver.conf file then login when in game.

if u read all the text info that comes with all these files u should manage it.

if u get stuck, repost here saying how far u got and i'll try to help u out.

i dont have time right now to write a step by step guide.. so i hope this helps. :mrgreen:

I will make a step for step quide to help him :mrgreen:.

Step 1: Download Mirc (http://www.mirc.com) And install it.

Step 2: Download PRS 1.3. (http://scooby.gonepsycho.com/PublicReleaseScripts.rar)

Step 3: Open mIRC. Add all information the need. THen dont press ok but press Servers and then Add.

Add there the server:




Step 4: Select the whole page i give and copy it. (http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/mtama/4.0/mta.mrc)

Step 5: Go to your mirc and join a channel.

Step 6: Press Alt + R and copy the text of MTAMA in the box and save it as mtama.mrc File -> New. Save (Save in the same folder as prs 1.3)

Step 6: Unload the file (File -> Unload)

Step 8: Load mtama.mrc (File -> Load (Go to the folder wheere you have saved mtama.mrc (Mostly same place as prs 1.3)))

Step 9: A new popup will come, called Mtama by aeron 4.15.

Step 10: Fill in the information i needs, like Server IP, Client port (Normally 22003), Port (Normally 44003) ServerPassword Nickname(Doenst care what it is)

Step 11: You now connected with you server :mrgreen: Good job.

Step 12: Now you need to load the PRS file so press in mtama, Script -> Load (Then go to the folder where prs 1.3 is saved and load it.

Step 13: Now go to your server and login in with rcon and the script wil detect you as admin.

Thanks for reading this little guide if you have questions you can aks me always :mrgreen:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
hi,can someone say how to change the time? i think on my server after 40 seconds it shows no more bets,its to long i want stop that after 15 seconds ....Help me pls

u can change the gambling duration in the pgs tab on the dialog. :roll:

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can you put it in please with 15 seconds,i dont know how to do it

if u dont see the dialog, type /prs into mirc and the dialog will pop up.

click on the pgs tab at the top and alter the gambling duration, then click save.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i need a script to show all removed maps please .... i've tryed myself but it dint work so i'm posting here ... can any1 help me please make a script to show all the !remaps


there is already a command to give u a list of the removed maps, it saves to an ini file for you to open and manually remove them from your server. listing them in the chat could get messy, i thought it would be better this way.

the command is !exportmaps, you will then get a msg saying: " Removed Maps Exported to 'removedmaps.ini' "

dont forget to delete them from the list in the ini too :wink:

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Scooby, How you made the on *:SIGNAL:prs.endrace: { part?

if u take a look at the script u would see its signaled in a few places, to determine the end of a race and the winner.

heres a basic example:

on *:SIGNAL:mta.finish: { 
  if ($mta.rank($1,$2) == 1) !.signal my.endrace $1 $2 

this would be the very basic version which would send the id of the player who finishes a race in rank 1 to my.endrace

i have added something like this in about 3 places i think, for the various modes in prs to determine the end of the race and the winner.

i hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...
I have one problem... I make my server, it works, everything works fine, but my server doesn't appear on the SERVER LIST. When i go to quick connect i can connect but my server is not in the server list. Please help me

I don't think is the correct thread for talking about that....

Explore your server folder and search that file: mtaserver.conf

Open with notepad and be sure the following part is the same:

# ASE 
# Required: No 
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should report to the All Seeing Eye (can be seen in the Server Browser) 
#          Format - ASE <on/off> 
# Notes: 
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable 
ASE 1 

Btw, I noticed problems when i used a lan-connection via router...


ANYWAY, return in-topic.

Hi, i have a lil question: for show in-game the rate text of a map, what procedure you suggest?

I wanna do a specific script about that, but i dunno how to get these details from the txt file:

-player names (who gave a rate)

-text of the rate

I wanna make 3 commands:

1) !namrat ....full list of person who rated a map

2) !showrat ....show the comment and the rate gave by the selected player

3) !delrat ....delete the selected rating from the file

Thanks in any chases ^^

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is it a possible to add command like this: !end - which ends currend race, and makes all things like at real finish of any player. I mean, it's not !new command to start randomly, but to end race and show the mta screen with selection od next races to being nominate.


btw. what's the program/plugin to check syntax of Scooby's scripts ?? :?

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