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MTA:SA Public Release Script - PRS:1.3 Out Now!


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Public Release Script 1.3- Released


!name----------------------------shows current map name

!admin---------------------------shows online admins in server

!seen -----------------shows when selected player was last seen in server

!stat ------------------Shows Selected players stats (Total races - finishes - raceratio - 1st/2nd/3rd places Total DM Maps played - Won - DM ratio - Top times held - Total points)

!mapstat -------------Shows Selected Players stats for current map - Times played - (Times finished if race/won if dm) - (Personal best time if race/ Ratio if DM))

!racestat -------------Shows details on current race (mapname / times ran on server)

!commands / !help-------------shows help

!time / !date--------------------shows time & date

!votekick -------------to initiate a votekick on a player

!vote-----------------------------to add a vote

!votemap------------------------starts a vote on the next map to be played

!new-----------------------------adds 1 vote to an instant map change vote

!level -----------------shows selected players admin level

!mode---------------------------shows current map mode

!rank ------------------shows selected players rank

!ping ------------------shows selected players ping & average ping

!info-----------------------------shows script info

!points ---------------shows selected players points

!max----------------------------shows max ping allowed

!toptime------------------------shows who has the top time on current map

!toptimes-----------------------shows selected players top times held

!best ------------------shows selected players best ever time on current map

!players------------------------shows players racing / players left alive in a DM

!wb ------------------shows welcome back msg in chat to selected player

!random------------------------shows a randomly picked map, selected at beginning of race

!total---------------------------shows total amount of maps uploaded

!timer--------------------------Shows time left on an RS-DM map

!sc / !score -shows current score on an RS-DM map

!creator-------------------------shows map creator is details are saved

!claim----------------------------to clam back a trpohy lost due to removed times

!rate---------------------------shows current map rating / how much u have rated it

!rate <1-10>------------------to rate the current map

!upload-------------------------shows Upload URL if added

!check ---------------to list maps with *name* as wildcard

!warnings -----------shows how many warnings selected player has

!dmlimit-------------------------shows minimum amount need to play a dm map

!banned---------------shows if selected player is banned

[tops in server]

!top 1st----------------------shows top 3 players with most race wins in the server

!top 2nd----------------------shows top 3 players with most 2nd places in the server

!top 3rd----------------------shows top 3 players with most 3rd places in the server

!top races--------------------shows top 3 players with most Races ran, in the server

!top finishes-----------------shows top 3 players with most finishes in the server

!top raceratio----------------shows top 3 players with best Race Ratio in the server

!top dmratio-----------------shows top 3 players with best DM Ratio in the server

!top deathmatches----------shows top 3 players with most DM's played in the server

!top dmwins------------------shows top 3 players with most dmwins in the server

!top points-------------------shows top 3 players with most points in the server

!top level--------------------shows top 3 highest admins in server

!top lagger-------------------shows top 3 with highest pings

!top best---------------------shows top 3 best times within the server

!top score--------------------shows top 3 scores on RS-DM maps so u can see whos leading.

!top cash---------------------Shows Top 3 players with most cash in the server

[best ever tops]

!top3 1st---------------------shows top 3 players with most race wins ever

!top3 2nd --------------------shows top 3 players with most 2nd places ever

!top3 3rd --------------------shows top 3 players with most 3rd places ever

!top3 races ------------------shows top 3 players with most total races ever

!top3 finishes ---------------shows top 3 players with most race finishes ever

!top3 deathmatches---------shows top 3 players with most DM Starts ever

!top3 dmwins ----------------shows top 3 players with most DM wins ever

!top3 points -----------------shows top 3 players with most points ever

!top3 times-------------------shows top 3 best ever times on current map

[PGS commands if activated]

!bethelp----------------------shows help on buying

!buyhelp---------------------shows help on betting

!itemlist----------------------shows Fixed Item list

!bet ---to bet on a player

!buy -----------------to buy an item

!use---------------------------to use an item

!cost -----------------to check item price and availability

!fund--------------------------shows current lottery fund

!cashstat -----------shows selected players cashstats

!bets ---------------shows who the selected player is betting on

!cash / !money --shows selected players cash

!bidlevel -------------shows selected players bidlevel

!cointossflips coin - 50/50 chance, double ur bet, or lose

!pms / !pms on/off------------turns betting pms on/off

!cashcheck -------------shows selected players cash (exact name)

!banwords---------------------shows how many words are added to the banned words file

!fine ------------------fines selected player if player has said a banned word (cash awarded)

!unbet------------------------removes a bet (within time limit)

!spent------------------------shows total spent on server

!fix / !repair----------------help out a broken down racer and gain bonus points

!drop-------------------------drops current item

!own--------------------------shows !own msg if purchased

!items -----------------shows selected players items


!alias ----------------------Shows selected aliases

!alias2-----------------------Shows selceted aliases from first 2 ip parts Alias Any Name / Any IP

!pma--------------------------PM's selected aliases Any First 2 IP Parts

!pma2-------------------------PM's selected aliases from first 2 ip parts In Server Or Out.

!en---------------------------shows english only message in chat

!setmode ------Sets the Mode of the current map (level 5 only)

!setupload--------------------Used to add a custom URL shown to players to upload their maps

!setwarnlimit-----------------sets maximum warning limit allowed before being kicked with !warn

!Setdmlimit-------------------sets minimum amount allowed to play a DM map

!warn ------------------warns selected player

!unwarn ----------------removes warnings on selected player

!exportmaps-------------------saves removed maps to an INI, for visual use, so u can manually remove with ftp

!cancel-----------------------cancels a votekick

!lostmaps---------------------shows amount of maps

!addo-------------------------To add a custom admin message

!o----------------------------shows custom msg

!ip --------------------shows selected players IP

!getip------------------------Shows IP for Any Name

!redo-------------------------Restarts current map

!restartscript----------------restarts MTAMA and script

!addcreator / !ac-------------Add a map creators name

!remcreator-------------------remove a map creators name

!deletetime-------------------remove the top time

!kick ------------------kick selected player

!ban -------------------bans selected player

!banip *.*.*.*----------------bans selected IP

!unbanip *.*.*.*--------------unbans selected IP

!banname ---------------bans selected name

!unbanname -------------unbans selected name

!mute ------------------mutes selected player

!unmute ----------------unmutes selected player

!freeze ---------------freezes selected player

!unfreeze --------------unfreezes selected player

!qm --------------------QuickMute - Mutes selected player for a preset Time, Then Unmutes (time specified in dialog)

!qf --------------------QuickFreeze - Freezes selected player for a preset time, then Unfreezes (time specified in dialog)

!nextmap----------------------picks the next map to be raced

!map /!changemap -changes the current map to selected

!remmap-----------------------Temporarily Removes current map (does not delete it, Just stops it from being ran)

!restore----------------------Restores previously removed maps

!setping----------------------sets max ping

!addadmin ------add selected player as a script admin

!remadmin / !deladmin---------removes selected player from script admin

!unregister-------------------remove registration on player who purchased IPregister and their IP changed

!banword ---------------bans word

!unbanword -------------unbans word

!transfer --transfers cash from nick1 to nick2

Updated: 07-05-07 15:26(gmt)


Please report all bugs, errors, suggestions etc into this post.

Plz Read the text files!

Edited by Guest
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yeah, wrote a new one, not that much code :Phttp://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=18961 You can use it if you want :D

Your script uses hashes or inis?

The script is Fully Hashed, there is one ini, but its only to save the settings from the dialog.

Your new !trace script looks much neater and smaller than ur last :D nice work, i even fixed ur error:) :wink:

and yeah thx, i'll stick it in.

Added !ratemap to it earlier.

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ok ive added a few more requested commands and the script is running on the =TmM=/GTAMP server. As far as i can tell, seems to be bug free, if anyone wants to go check it out, the ip is:

I wont be making many updates to this script, so if anyone is considering using it and requires more commands adding plz post asap.

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well my original intention was to make something similar to what i run there, but not quite as good, basically coz some people were having problems with their current scripts, but as it turns out, its pretty much the same, the only major difference is, i havent added the 3 top times, ive only got it showing the top 1. it has some extra things that mine doesnt have but the main thing is every stat is recorded, so anything u might wanna do to it will be possible.

also i added a dialog so u can customise the admin level required for a command on most of the major admin commands.thers also a points system and a rank system that i dont have on mine.

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woohoo, gj :)

btw i think i've nearly finished the races list update, but as i told you i have no mta:race server to test :( Will need to ask Tommis about one

ok nice, also, u could always host one... wouldnt take u long

just fire up a server and stick about 1000 maps in:P

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Nice u doing this, many ppl will use it for their servers.

Will there be some mtavc scripts avaible? I only run mtavc and mtasa dm.

mtasa dm :?

ok the scripts i made for mtavc i never released, there were a few available to download at the time, so i never really bothered.

theres tons out there if u look. did u check the one on that site i posted to u somewhere?

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