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First person look mode


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Is it possible to create a new player camera mode... to see the player from first person... like in counter-strike or wolf einsetin... or doom3.. or in the all of the action game ?

Is it possibel... and can u guys do it?


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why do people ssay counter striek? it comes forom the game HALF-LIFE jeeze, its like its their own gamer :) (I'm sorry, Im a tfc addict and Cs people piss me off :) )

anyway, it can be possible, as when you use the rocket launcher its first person just reomove the hud and your set :) no gun animation though, and I'm not to sure of the amount of coding needed for something like that.

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what about the backseak mod where u can drive from the backseat of a car .but it kinda dident work out with me because everytime u went fast the camra sould move back further and further ntel u were in the trunk. im just saying that it would be really sweet if you guys can make camra dosent move and u could see the dash and the steering wheel making it more realistic :D

also can i build a MTA level (an addon map )

if it works out there will be a dragstrip,ramps,and other cool stuff.

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also can i build a MTA level (an addon map )

if it works out there will be a dragstrip,ramps,and other cool stuff.

Sure you can build one, but to use it you'll need to make sure everyone playing has it installed.

I think mods are officially not recomended by the devs at this point in time.

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