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question about math.random() function


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Hi, I have a script in which math.random generates a number and I don't want the number I generate to be decodable by the user.
Therefore, if someone has been in a similar situation, could you explain how exactly this function works if I don't use the math.randomseed() function?
Perhaps someone knows what seed is pulled in by default that is used to generate the number?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Hi, think of math.randomseed() like the starting poit of your randomness, the seed, in order to have unpredictable random numbers you have to provide a integer seed to this function and from now on in your script the random numbers will be generated from this seed, like:

This will give you the same results every single time the code is generated

for i = 1, 10 do

While this will change every single time due to getRealTime().timestamp never returning the same number.

for i = 1, 10 do


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