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[RACE] Event (3.06.2023)

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⭐⭐  EVENT  ⭐⭐


I'm inviting you to participate in a event on uDka Racing Server (mtasa:// - we're going to play maps from the previous editions of Captains Cup tournament, that was held in 2016! This mode before, involved PRO teams picking / banning maps. We're not going to use Captains Mode for that matter, because we're re-building the map pool for a pro game that will be held on that particular mode, however we just are going to play maps with normal CW script.

For future events you can add the server to your favourites on the server browser, we usually make them on Saturday / Sunday, starting from 16-18CET hour, however if you added to favourites and still dont see it - just search uDka and you should see the server with gamemode: RACE LITE.


  • DATE: 3rd June 2023 18:00 CET EU 
  • 11 maps
  • Normal points system
  • Max.: players to start the event: 4 (if less, will be canceled)
  • Time after finish: 60sec (increased from 40 sec)


I hope you'll join, and enjoy the event! There are no country restrictions for joining the server so if you're a casual player you can join too, and have fun



Edited by J4cobLIVEmain
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