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[Blog] Vehicle Respawning and Friendly Fire


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Lately we've been having more work on MTA DM. Although there have been lots of holidays for team members, there is still a lot of activity. eAi and ChrML are currently working on bug fixing and general sync issues, MrJax is implementing new misc features as I'm sure you've seen already, IJs is working on some new GUI features which we'll be sure to show off at a later stage, while Oli has been working on the server side of things, as well as fixing up the full size radar map.

The most recent major addition to MTA DM is the new vehicle respawning system. This is vastly changed from the system featured in the old core (MTA 0.x) and is now more efficient. Vehicles now respawn after periods of inactivity. This means you cannot steal every car in the map and stash them away somewhere hidden like you could in 0.x, and also means it'll generally be easier to find vehicles. Vehicles also do not have to respawn immediately after their destruction, but customisably have a delay to prevent destruction of vehicles simply to 'fix' them. Delays after inactivity and destruction can be set, if any at all, by the map maker. Vehicles also no longer magically respawn to their original position after the player who last occupied them disconnects. They now use the inactivity delay system which makes syncing more efficient.

We've also had some further progress on the all new team support. MrJax and eAi have implemented something that has been requested hundreds of times in the past for previous MTA releases.


No, its not bad sync or someone turning on their health hacks. The screenshot shows friendly fire support which is the most reliable method of preventing teamkills. This adds huge gameplay value to team games and complements the teamsay function well.

That's all for now.

- Talidan

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It was, and then SA-MP released a deathmatch mod which is awesome except for the huge amount of cheaters and lack of working health bar.

The cheaters didn't really put me off because I only played on Partyserver where I was admin anyway...but the health bar is what made me dislike the mod.

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one question.. (I couldn't post on te blog site for some weird reason, it wouldn't let me log in).. anyway.. will there be several amounts of each vehicle..?.. like the hunter for example, or, especially the hunter.. lol.. cuz I remember in VC there was only ONE hunter.. which was kinda boring.. will there be more than one hunter, and more than one f-16..? that way ppl can have air wars..hehe


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