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Interesting will be in MTA DM headshots???If i will shoot someone in the head does she will gona disapear???Like in singlplayer???

And about sniperrifle

If i will shoot someone with sniperrifle does he will die momental??And how much damage sniperrifle takes of?

And what if i will shoot someone with hydra,hunter,rhino??I will have some frags or scores or it will be like in sa-mp "Enemy died, reason uknown"

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Not sure about the third one.

I houpe it doesn't work cuz if soeone crazy one will take a hydra and will kill every one(But what if on the server is 100pls and they are in one place)and then he start 1sec-100frags! :?

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I houpe it doesn't work cuz if soeone crazy one will take a hydra and will kill every one(But what if on the server is 100pls and they are in one place)and then he start 1sec-100frags! :?

i houpe you lern too speek englis

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There are no headshots, the head always stays on.

It takes 3 shots from a sniper to kill someone.

Not sure about the third one.

there are headshots iirc, its just that they dont instantly kill you and your head doesnt fall off, i think its just a damage ratio

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