Moderators Vinyard Posted November 17, 2021 Moderators Share Posted November 17, 2021 Am făcut acest subiect pentru a face un cadru în care să centralizăm diversele funcții utile postate în ultima vreme pe Discord, dar care din păcate pot deveni greu de găsit printre canale odată cu trecerea timpului. Așadar, postați aici orice funcții utile considerați că merită împărtășite cu ceilalți membrii ai comunității! Asigurați-vă că specificați la ce ajută funcția respectivă și că atașați codul folosind butonul Insert code snippet. Link to comment
Hydra Posted November 17, 2021 Share Posted November 17, 2021 O simpla functie care te ajuta sa salvezi coordonatele tale intr-un fisier .txt: function pos(thePlayer, command) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) if not fileExists("posave.txt") then local pathFile = fileCreate("posave.txt") fileClose(pathFile) elseif fileExists("posave.txt") then local openFile = fileOpen("posave.txt") local sizeFile = fileGetSize(openFile) local dataFile = fileRead(openFile, sizeFile) fileWrite(openFile, "\n"..x..", "..y..", "..z.."") outputChatBox("Saved: "..x..", "..y..", "..z.."", root, 255, 255, 255, true) fileClose(openFile) end end addCommandHandler("gpos", pos) O functie care iti zice daca se aude sunetul sau nu: Poate fi gasita si aici: function isSoundPlaying(theSound) return (getSoundPosition(theSound)) end O functie care iti zice daca elementul este in aer sau nu: Poate fi gasita si aici: --// Varianta 1 (Valoarea default este 10) function isElementInAir(element) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) if element and isElement(element) then if z >= 10 then return z end end end --// Varianta 2 (Pui tu valoare la Z) function isElementInAir(element, ZPos) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) if element and isElement(element) then if z >= tonumber(ZPos) then return z end end end O functie care creeaza un dreptunghi 3D deasupra jucatorului: Poate fi gasita si aici: function dxDrawRectangleOnPlayer(x, y, width, height, color) local players = getElementsByType("player", root, true) if players then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for _, v in ipairs(players) do if v and isElement(v) then local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(v) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, px, py, pz) <= 20 then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(px, py, pz + 1.3) if sx and sy then dxDrawRectangle(sx + x, sy + y/1.6, width, height, color, false) end end end end end end 1 Link to comment
chris1384 Posted November 17, 2021 Share Posted November 17, 2021 genereaza un float intre lower si greater function randomFloat(lower, greater) return lower+math.random()*(greater-lower) end returneaza offset ul unui element in object space function getPositionFromElementOffset(element, offX, offY, offZ) local m = getElementMatrix(element) local x = offX * m[1][1] + offY * m[2][1] + offZ * m[3][1] + m[4][1] local y = offX * m[1][2] + offY * m[2][2] + offZ * m[3][2] + m[4][2] local z = offX * m[1][3] + offY * m[2][3] + offZ * m[3][3] + m[4][3] return x, y, z end self-made: returneaza secundele+ms gametime-ului local secondChange = 0 local secondStart = getTickCount() function convertTimeToSeconds() local hour, minute = getTime() if minute ~= secondChange then secondChange = minute secondStart = getTickCount() end return hour*60+minute+((getTickCount()-secondStart)/getMinuteDuration()) end sterge value dintr-un table function removeValueFromTable(table, value) if type(table) == "table" then for k,v in ipairs(table) then if v == value then table.remove(table, k) return true end end end return false end limiteaza value intr-un interval function clamp(value, min, max) return math.max(min, math.min(value, max)) end returneaza offset-ul unui punct bazat pe rotatie si distanta 2D function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) return x+math.cos(math.rad(90-angle))*dist, y+math.sin(math.rad(90-angle))*dist end self-made: genereaza un cubic bezier curve in 3D -- x, y, z - start -- x2, y2, z2 - end -- bx, by, bz - start handle -- b2x, b2y, b2z - end handle -- t - time float function cubicBezier3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, bx, by, bz, b2x, b2y, b2z, t) local p1 = {lerp(x, bx, t), lerp(y, by, t), lerp(z, bz, t)} local p2 = {lerp(bx, b2x, t), lerp(by, b2y, t), lerp(bz, b2z, t)} local p3 = {lerp(b2x, x2, t), lerp(b2y, y2, t), lerp(b2z, z2, t)} local l1 = {lerp(p1[1], p2[1], t), lerp(p1[2], p2[2], t), lerp(p1[3], p2[3], t)} local l2 = {lerp(p2[1], p3[1], t), lerp(p2[2], p3[2], t), lerp(p2[3], p3[3], t)} return lerp(l1[1], l2[1], t), lerp(l1[2], l2[2], t), lerp(l1[3], l2[3], t) end function lerp(a, b, c) return a + (b - a) * c end 1 Link to comment
chris1384 Posted November 27, 2021 Share Posted November 27, 2021 part ii returneaza playerul dupa o parte a numelui (useful af) function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end return false end verifica daca contul player-ului este intr-un ACL Group function isPlayerInACL ( player, acl ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then return false end return isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( acl ) ) end verifica daca player-ul este intr-un team function isPlayerInTeam(player, team) return getPlayerTeam(player) == (type(team) == "string" and getTeamFromName(team) or (type(team) == "userdata" and team or (getPlayerTeam(player) or true))) end returneaza distanta dintre camera si element function getElementDistanceFromCamera(element) local cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix() local eX, eY, eZ = getElementPosition(element) return getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cX, cY, cZ, eX, eY, eZ) end returneaza viteza unui element in km/h function getElementKMh(element) if element and isElement(element) then local v = {getElementVelocity(element)} return math.floor(((v[1]^2 + v[2]^2 + v[3]^2)^(0.5))*180) end end returneaza un string fara Hex color codes: #00FF00Player > Player function unHex(string) return (type(string) == "string" and string:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) or false end recomandat pentru cei ce lucreaza cu functii dx, screenR returneaza raportul ecranului (de obicei 16/9 sau 1.(7)) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local screenR, screenN = screenW/screenH, 1280/screenW screenN il folositi pentru dx scaling, daca lucrati in rezolutia 1920/1080, folositi 1920/screenW, dupa va folositi de acea variabila de a inmulti fiecare constanta folosit in functiile dx (nu inmultiti screenN cu screenW sau screenH fiindca aceste 2 nu sunt constante) exemplu: local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local screenN, screenYnative = 1280/screenW, 720/screenH -- // a 2-a variabila este foarte putin folosita, dar o vom folosi aici doar ca exemplu addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() -- FOLOSIND DOAR CONSTANTE (rosu) dxDrawRectangle(screenW/2 - sizeX/2, screenH/2 - sizeY/2, 100, 200, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255)) -- // -- FOLOSIND x*screenN, y*screenYnative (verde) local sizeX, sizeY = 100*screenN, 200*screenYnative dxDrawRectangle(screenW/2 - sizeX/2, screenH/2 - sizeY/2, sizeX, sizeY, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 150)) -- // end) acest script deseneaza doua dreptunghiuri (rosu si verde) in mijlocul ecranului, veti observa ca dreptunghiul verde va avea dimensiunile relative rezolutiei ecranului, try it out. evident, se poate folosi aceasta variabila si in pozitionarea *elementelor* dx 1 Link to comment
FlyingFork Posted November 30, 2021 Share Posted November 30, 2021 return la handling flag-ul specificat este inclus local handlingFlags = { ["1G_BOOST"] = {1, 1}, ["2G_BOOST"] = {1, 2}, ["NPC_ANTI_ROLL"] = {1, 4}, ["NPC_NEUTRAL_HANDL"] = {1, 8}, ["NO_HANDBRAKE"] = {2, 1}, ["STEER_REARWHEELS"] = {2, 2}, ["HB_REARWHEEL_STEER"] = {2, 4}, ["ALT_STEER_OPT"] = {2, 8}, ["WHEEL_F_NARROW2"] = {3, 1}, ["WHEEL_F_NARROW"] = {3, 2}, ["WHEEL_F_WIDE"] = {3, 4}, ["WHEEL_F_WIDE2"] = {3, 8}, ["WHEEL_R_NARROW2"] = {4, 1}, ["WHEEL_R_NARROW"] = {4, 2}, ["WHEEL_R_WIDE"] = {4, 4}, ["WHEEL_R_WIDE2"] = {4, 8}, ["HYDRAULIC_GEOM"] = {5, 1}, ["HYDRAULIC_INST"] = {5, 2}, ["HYDRAULIC_NONE"] = {5, 4}, ["NOS_INST"] = {5, 8}, ["OFFROAD_ABILITY"] = {6, 1}, ["OFFROAD_ABILITY2"] = {6, 2}, ["HALOGEN_LIGHTS"] = {6, 4}, ["PROC_REARWHEEL_1ST"] = {6, 8}, ["USE_MAXSP_LIMIT"] = {7, 1}, ["LOW_RIDER"] = {7, 2}, ["STREET_RACER"] = {7, 4}, ["SWINGING_CHASSIS"] = {8, 1} } function getHandlingFlag(handling, name) handling = tostring(handling) if type(name) == "string" then local data = {} for i = 1, string.len(handling) do table.insert(data, tonumber(string.sub(handling, i, i))) end local flag = handlingFlags[name] return (data[flag[1]] == flag[2]) elseif type(name) == "table" then local data = {} for i = 1, string.len(handling) do table.insert(data, tonumber(string.sub(handling, i, i))) end local value = {} for i = 1, #name do local flag = name[i] local flagData = handlingFlags[flag] value[flag] = (data[flagData[1]] == flagData[2]) end return value else return false end end Exemple: local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then local handlingFlags = getVehicleHandling(vehicle).handlingFlags print(getHandlingFlag(handlingFlags, "1G_BOOST")) -- true daca are acest handling flag sau false daca nu iprint(getHandlingFlags(handlingFlags, {"1G_BOOST", "2G_BOOST"}) --[[ Raspuns: { ["1G_BOOST"] = true daca are acest handling flag sau false daca nu, ["2G_BOOST"] = true daca are acest handling flag sau false daca nu } ]] end Link to comment
Hydra Posted December 17, 2021 Share Posted December 17, 2021 Un mod mai usor de detectat daca un element este un obiect sau nu: function isElementObject(element) if isElement(element) and getElementType(element) == "object" then return element end end Link to comment
Hydra Posted June 13, 2022 Share Posted June 13, 2022 setPedAttack(ped theElement, target element theTarget, weapon theWeapon, ammo theAmmo, slot thePedSlot) Link: setPedFollow(ped theElement, target element theTarget) Link: ATENȚIE: Aceste functii merg doar client-side momentan Link to comment
chris1384 Posted March 11, 2023 Share Posted March 11, 2023 (edited) math.lerp pentru euler angles (generat de chatgpt pentru python, convertit de mine pentru lua) function lerp_angle(start_angle, end_angle, progress) local start_angle = math.rad(start_angle) local end_angle = math.rad(end_angle) if math.abs(end_angle - start_angle) > math.pi then if end_angle > start_angle then start_angle = start_angle + 2*math.pi else end_angle = end_angle + 2*math.pi end end local angle = (1 - progress) * start_angle + progress * end_angle return math.deg(angle) end Edited March 11, 2023 by chris1384 1 Link to comment
Hydra Posted March 15, 2023 Share Posted March 15, 2023 (edited) Nu gasesc o categorie adecvata pentru a posta link-urile acestea dar cea mai buna optiune ar fi aici: - (Tradus in Romana, posibil sa fie mici greseli) (Tradus in Romana, posibil sa fie mici greseli) - (Tradus in Romana) - (Tradus in Romana) - (Tradus in Romana) O sa incerc sa traduc cat mai multe Edited March 15, 2023 by Hydra 2 Link to comment
FlorinSzasz Posted March 15, 2023 Share Posted March 15, 2023 On 15/03/2023 at 16:58, Hydra said: Nu gasesc o categorie adecvata pentru a posta link-urile acestea dar cea mai buna optiune ar fi aici: - (Tradus in Romana, posibil sa fie mici greseli) (Tradus in Romana, posibil sa fie mici greseli) - (Tradus in Romana) - (Tradus in Romana) - (Tradus in Romana) O sa incerc sa traduc cat mai multe Expand float -- e un numar real ce poate sa aiba sau nu zecimale poate sa fie sau nu negativ Asta am vrut să adaug doar. Good Work Man. 1 Link to comment
FlorinSzasz Posted March 26, 2023 Share Posted March 26, 2023 function find_value_in_table(table,value) local a = table for i=1,#a do if a[i] == value then return true end end end function find_value_pos_in_table(table,value) local a = table for i=1,#a do do if a[i] == value then local t = i return t end end end end 1.Prima functie este folosita la a verifica daca o valoare se afla sau nu intr-un tabel. 2.Urmatoarea functie folosita pentru a gasi pozitia (index-ul) unei valori intr-un tabel daca acea valoare exista in tabelul respectiv. *Sunt testate si merg. Link to comment
Hydra Posted March 26, 2023 Share Posted March 26, 2023 Mai usor e fara _ la numele functiilor function FindValueInTable function FindValuePosInTable 1 Link to comment
FlorinSzasz Posted March 26, 2023 Share Posted March 26, 2023 On 26/03/2023 at 12:38, Hydra said: Mai usor e fara _ la numele functiilor function FindValueInTable function FindValuePosInTable Expand true, din obisnuinta fac așa :))) Link to comment
chris1384 Posted April 29, 2023 Share Posted April 29, 2023 -- onClientVehicleReverse / chris1384 local reversing = {vehicles = {}} local getElementsByType = getElementsByType local root = getRootElement() local pairs = pairs local triggerEvent = triggerEvent local getElementType = getElementType local getElementMatrix = getElementMatrix local getElementVelocity = getElementVelocity function reversing.start() local vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle", root, true) local vehicles_count = #vehicles if vehicles_count > 0 then for i=1, vehicles_count do local vehicle = vehicles[i] reversing.vehicles[vehicle] = reversing.detect(vehicle) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, reversing.start) function reversing.render() for vehicle, d in pairs(reversing.vehicles) do local r = reversing.detect(vehicle) if d ~= r then reversing.vehicles[vehicle] = r triggerEvent("onClientVehicleReverse", vehicle, r == 1) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, reversing.render) function reversing.add() local vehicle = source if getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then reversing.vehicles[vehicle] = reversing.detect(vehicle) end end addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, reversing.add) function reversing.remove() local vehicle = source if getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then reversing.vehicles[vehicle] = nil end end addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", root, reversing.remove) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", root, reversing.remove) function reversing.detect(vehicle) local m = getElementMatrix(vehicle) local x, y, z = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local d = (x * m[2][1]) + (y * m[2][2]) + (z * m[2][3]) return (d < 0 and 1) or 0 end usage: addEvent("onClientVehicleReverse") addEventHandler("onClientVehicleReverse", root, function(reversing) iprint(vehicle, reversing) -- OUTPUT -- vehicle:element, true if reversing, false otherwise end) Link to comment
FlorinSzasz Posted May 6, 2023 Share Posted May 6, 2023 Numara cati jucatori sunt intr-o dimensiune function PlayersInDimension(dimension) local count = 0 local people = getElementsByType("player") for _,players in ipairs(people) do if getElementDimension(players) == tonumber(dimension) then count = count + 1 end end return count end Link to comment
Shady1 Posted May 7, 2023 Share Posted May 7, 2023 Bună, băieți, am vrut să contribui la această problemă și vreau să împărtășesc un cod pe care l-am pregătit cu voi, scopul acestui cod este 6 pe care le vor genera numere și litere aleatorii, permiteți-mi să vă spun unde puteți utiliza acest cod, pt. exemplu: verificare e-mail, parola uitată, misiuni, evenimente function timeNeedsPlural(theNumber) if not (type(tonumber(theNumber)) == "number") then return "" end if (tonumber(theNumber) == 1) then return "" end return "" end function shuffleTable(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math.random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end function generateCode(codeSize) local code = {} local charset = {} for i = 48,57 do charset[#charset+1] = string.char(i) end for i = 97,122 do charset[#charset+1] = string.char(i) end for i=1,codeSize do code[#code+1] = charset[math.random(1,#charset)] end return code end 1 Link to comment
FlorinSzasz Posted May 7, 2023 Share Posted May 7, 2023 On 07/05/2023 at 13:13, Shady1 said: Bună, băieți, am vrut să contribui la această problemă și vreau să împărtășesc un cod pe care l-am pregătit cu voi, scopul acestui cod este 6 pe care le vor genera numere și litere aleatorii, permiteți-mi să vă spun unde puteți utiliza acest cod, pt. exemplu: verificare e-mail, parola uitată, misiuni, evenimente function timeNeedsPlural(theNumber) if not (type(tonumber(theNumber)) == "number") then return "" end if (tonumber(theNumber) == 1) then return "" end return "" end function shuffleTable(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math.random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end function generateCode(codeSize) local code = {} local charset = {} for i = 48,57 do charset[#charset+1] = string.char(i) end for i = 97,122 do charset[#charset+1] = string.char(i) end for i=1,codeSize do code[#code+1] = charset[math.random(1,#charset)] end return code end Expand Nici nu stiam ca esti de-al nostru, cand te-am vazut pe forum :))), oricum nice to see you here man! Link to comment
Shady1 Posted May 7, 2023 Share Posted May 7, 2023 On 07/05/2023 at 16:24, FlorinSzasz said: Nici nu stiam ca esti de-al nostru, cand te-am vazut pe forum :))), oricum nice to see you here man! Expand Link to comment
Hydra Posted May 7, 2023 Share Posted May 7, 2023 (edited) Weather & Time events --// Client addDebugHook("postFunction", function(_, _, _, _, _, weatherType) triggerEvent("onClientWeatherChange", resourceRoot, weatherType) end, {"setWeather"}) addDebugHook("postFunction", function(_, _, _, _, _, timeHour, timeMinute) triggerEvent("onClientTimeChange", resourceRoot, timeHour, timeMinute) end, {"setTime"}) --// Server addDebugHook("postFunction", function(_, _, _, _, _, weatherType) triggerEvent("onWeatherChange", resourceRoot, weatherType) end, {"setWeather"}) addDebugHook("postFunction", function(_, _, _, _, _, timeHour, timeMinute) triggerEvent("onTimeChange", resourceRoot, timeHour, timeMinute) end, {"setTime"}) EXAMPLES (CLIENT & SERVER): function TimeOnWeatherChange() outputChatBox("Weather changed (SERVER)", root, 255, 255, 0, true) end addEvent("onWeatherChange") addEventHandler("onWeatherChange", root, TimeOnWeatherChange) function TimeCheck() outputChatBox("Time changed (SERVER)", root, 255, 255, 0, true) end addEvent("onTimeChange") addEventHandler("onTimeChange", root, TimeCheck) function CTimeOnWeatherChange() outputChatBox("Weather changed (CLIENT)") end addEvent("onClientWeatherChange") addEventHandler("onClientWeatherChange", root, CTimeOnWeatherChange) function CTimeCheck() outputChatBox("Time changed (CLIENT)") end addEvent("onClientTimeChange") addEventHandler("onClientTimeChange", root, CTimeCheck) NOTE: Aceste eventuri merg doar daca folositi functiile (setTime & setWeather) Edited May 7, 2023 by Hydra Link to comment
Hydra Posted September 21, 2023 Share Posted September 21, 2023 (edited) function setCursorCenteredOnRectangle(x, y, width, height) if x and y and width and height then setCursorPosition(x + width/2, y + height/2) end end Cu aceasta functie puteti seta cursoru in centrul unui rectangle(merge si pentru text cel mai probabil) Edited September 21, 2023 by Hydra 1 Link to comment
Hydra Posted October 11, 2023 Share Posted October 11, 2023 Cu aceasta functie vei putea detecta daca un jucator/npc foloseste o animatie sau nu Exemplu: bindKey("i", "down", function() if isPedDoingAnim(localPlayer) then outputChatBox("Folosesti o animatie", 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("Nu folosesti o animatie", 255, 255, 255, true) end end) function isPedDoingAnim(theElement) if isElement(theElement) and getElementType(theElement) == "ped" or getElementType(theElement) == "player" then local block, anim = getPedAnimation(theElement) if block ~= nil and anim ~= nil then return true else return false end end end 1 Link to comment
FlorinSzasz Posted March 20, 2024 Share Posted March 20, 2024 Niște afiramții/formulări ce pot fi utile când dorim să aflăm informații legate de un anumit tabel sau coloane ce corespund unui tabel dintr-o bază de date. --- varianta MySQL local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '""';"),-1) -- inlocuiți name cu numele bazei de date de la care doriți să aflați informații legate de tabele -- rez o sa returneze un tabel cu denumirile tabelelor din baza de date pe care ați asociat-o cu variabila name for k,v in pairs(rez) do outputDebugString(v.table_name) end local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '"..table.."' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION"),-1) -- selectam denumirea coloanelor si tipul datelor pentru tabela aflata sub variabila table for k,v in pairs(rez) do outputDebugString(v.COLUMN_NAME) outputDebugString(v.DATA_TYPE) end ---------------------- -- Pentru SQLite local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"),-1) -- aici nu mai aveti nevoie de denumirea bazei de date deoarece se returneaza tabelele din baza de date la care sunteti conectat. for k,v in pairs(rez) do if ~= "sqlite_sequence" then outputDebugString( end end local rez = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"PRAGMA table_info("..tostring(table)..")"),-1) -- selectam date legate de coloane -- table este denumirea tabelului de la care dorim sa aflam date legate de coloane. for k,v in pairs(rez) do outputDebugString( outputDebugString(v.type) end 1 Link to comment
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