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Problem with Serial / Problem z serialem

Szymczox YT


Witam, mam bardzo ważną prośbę. Chciał bym poprosić o zmianę serialu mojego clienta MTA, ponieważ na serwerze jakim gram nie ma zwykłego logowanie a tworzy się konto które jest przypisane do mojego serialu i komputera, i mam problem że ktoś loguje się na moje konto bo się mu wyświetla. Dowiedziałem się na forum tego serwera że mam się zgłosić tutaj aby zmieniono mi serial mta. Nie wiem co potrzeba żebyście mi go zmienili, za to powiem tyle że w ustawieniach mta mam nick Szymson. Jeśli trzeba będzie podać coś więcej to odpiszę.

Hello, I have a very important request. I would like to ask you to change the series of my MTA client, because there is no regular login on the server I play, but an account is created that is assigned to my series and computer, and I have a problem that someone logs into my account because it shows up to him. I found out on the forum of this server that I should report here to have my mta serial changed. I do not know what it takes for you to change it, but I will say that in the mta settings I have the nickname Szymson. If you need to provide something more, I will write back.

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As previously stated by @Tut in a similar thread, changing your serial is currently not possible.

The problem you're facing on the server you play should be addressed by the staff (or better yet the upper management) there, you should be able to close or retrieve your account/change its credentials (as long you can prove your true ownership of it) so that you both retrieve your access and also prevent others from further accessing your account.

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