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spacer.pngHi, i am getting kicked for AC #4 EMRS / AC #4 "UPDATE INTEL LAN/GPU DRIVER (iqvw64e.sys)" and i really dont know why. I dont use any cheats or forbidden programs, and already cleaned my game installation to make sure. Please help and tell what is the reason of this kick!


TR: GTA ve MTA'yı kaldırıp tekrar yükledim ama hâlâ aynı sorunla karşı karşıyayım. Hile sayabilecek her türlü parti yazılımları kaldırdım "lolskin, cleo3-4, other mods, güvenlik duvarı kapalı, tarama yaptım, MTA'yı yönetici olarak çalıştırdım, oyunum crack ve temiz bir kuruluma sahip, önceden samp'da oynuyordum onu algılama olasılığı vardır diye onu da kaldırdım, ne yapmam gerek hiç bilmiyorum lütfen yardımcı olun.

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You're getting kicked due to a security violation. There's a driver running on your PC that is vulnerable, and as such only really used by gamehacks (cheats for other games included) and viruses/malware.

The anti-cheat kick message you should get is: UPDATE INTEL LAN/GPU DRIVER (iqvw64e.sys) // DON'T RUN HACKS FOR OTHER GAMES WHILE MTA IS OPENED

Folder location of the problematic driver file: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\iqvw64e.sys or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iqvw64e.sys

The vulnerable version is (which is affected by an exploit known as CVE-2015-2291, info) only and the presence of this file on your PC can only mean 2 things:

- You have used cheats in other game(s), and either the cheat is still constantly running or installed it in a way that the hackdriver will always be running (persist, even if you remove or no longer used the cheat). Just a note, no one likes cheaters, not in any game.. if this option applies to you, just don't cheat (to avoid scrutiny & technical problems in any other game)

- Your PC is infected with a virus. Viruses like to use vulnerable drivers such as this particular one, as it facilitates important malicious functions - a signed vulnerable kernel driver is neccesary for deep system actions that viruses rely on (messing with your PC in advanced ways)

So basically, the problem is on your end. All we can do is help you with information required to identify and resolve the problem that is on your PC. 

Running such vulnerable drivers (this intel iqvw64e is just 1 of many examples) is considered a violation by the anticheat of most games. In order to resolve it, you must identify the source of it (why is this hackdriver there, and actively running?) e.g perform a full virus & malware scan of your PC, and think about any cheats for any games that you may need to completely close before playing MTA. Be very aware that your PC is probably infected with a virus at the moment, endangering your online safety and data. Take it very seriously and perform full scans, or fully reinstall Windows operating system (preferably a secure, up-to-date OS like Windows 10) if you want to be entirely sure that any potential virus infection is wiped out.


Read the below spoiler if you really can't fix it (last resorts only):


Eventually, there is a 0.01% chance that it's neither of those 2 options, but using a really outdated Intel LAN driver. This driver is dominated by gamehacks and computer viruses, probably no one would legitimately use a specific version from 2013 out of the tons of releases & later updates, one that happens to exactly be vulnerable. But just in case, if you cannot solve it, also install the latest version of LAN driver (select your version of Windows  there) in case your PC even has an Intel LAN adapter. If it doesn't, you clearly have a virus or persistent gamehack

Manually removing the driver is the ultimate last resort option, because it doesn't guarantee the thing that keeps this vulnerable driver running, is really gone. For example, if it was a virus infection, the virus will still be there.. either with limited functionality (still unsafe) or with the ability to repair itself, e.g a lot of viruses that use vulnerable drivers to perform their functions are able to restore the driver file and start it back up. This means the problem, both with the  safety of your PC and anticheat kicks of various games like MTA, can return (almost) immediately or with a slight delay. The message is clear: you must always tackle the roots of the problem, instead of the symptoms.

If you realize this from point 2) and want to go ahead anyways, follow these instructions:

- You will observe that the driver file (in this case iqvw64e.sys in either of the earlier mentioned folders) cannot be deleted, because it says that the file is in use by something else. Files that are in use cannot be deleted, WIndows prevents it

The solution is to delete it in Safe mode. This ensures nothing is running that keeps the .sys file in use. For instructions on how to get into Windows safe mode, see these results from Google and make sure to find a specific guide for your version of Windows, the results definately contain them.

Log in to your Windows account like usual once in safe mode, and go to the folder again to now delete iqvw64e.sys. This time it should be getting deleted successfully. Then reboot your PC, back into the normal version of Windows.

If that doesn't solve the problem of anticheat kick, but you have already deleted the file in safemode, then what is described above (about viruses being able to restore the file automatically, when its missing) applies to you. You should now worry about the security of your PC and with an obvious virus infection, the safety of your data. Take it seriously, and do clean up the virus or completely reinstall Windows operating system to be entirely sure. Having skipped to "manual file removal" spoiler then was a bad idea.

Note: this was a long detailed post, because it will be used as a template reply for any cases where a vulnerable hackdriver is causing anticheat kicks.


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