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Fraps not opening?

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I think I know how to fix it.

Download a program called RegMon, google it. Run it, right after you start it, run fraps, let all the fraps appear, after about 20 seconds stop recording in RegMon, go to file, stop capturing. then find a thing called Licenses, click on one of them. Click on Regedit Jump, delete everything in there. LEAVE THAT

OPEN. Click on Fraps, it should open. After it launches. Close RegMon, and Regedit. Note: You will have to do that everytime you want to start Fraps.

I hope this helps! It works for me, I have that problem.

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Gamecam wont work with MTA since it uses directx hooks.

I had trouble with fraps working. All i did to get it to work was uninstall, delete the FRAPS folder then reinstall. It would always quit working for some unknown reason and i had to do that everytime it quit working.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right this happened to me, ill do it in steps

1. Open Regmon

2. Open Fraps off the start menu

3. Lots of things will start appearing

4. Press Ctrl+E to stop it adding stuff

5. Search on the list for fraps and then find the licenses bit

6. It may have 1-3 different licenses (2 for me)

7. Open start menu and click on Run

8. Type in regedit and press enter

9. On the left side open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHNINE

10. Then open SOFTWARE


12. You will see theres about 12 different licenses

13. Search for the licenses that you saw on Regmon and delete them off regedit (MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT ONES!)

14. Now open fraps with both programs open and then once fraps is open shut regedit and regmon down.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Right this happened to me, ill do it in steps

1. Open Regmon

2. Open Fraps off the start menu

3. Lots of things will start appearing

4. Press Ctrl+E to stop it adding stuff

5. Search on the list for fraps and then find the licenses bit

6. It may have 1-3 different licenses (2 for me)

7. Open start menu and click on Run

8. Type in regedit and press enter

9. On the left side open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHNINE

10. Then open SOFTWARE


12. You will see theres about 12 different licenses

13. Search for the licenses that you saw on Regmon and delete them off regedit (MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT ONES!)

14. Now open fraps with both programs open and then once fraps is open shut regedit and regmon down.


DUDE, thats EXACTLY what I told him to do!!!!

DIdn't you see my post!!!!

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  • 11 months later...

Hey all, I'm new round here.. Found site while searching for an answer to the Fraps not running issue..

The best answer is what has been mentioned here. But the only trouble with this is it has to be done each time you wish to run Fraps. well, I'm a kind of impatient person so have wrote a small .bat program for all to use, Please feel free to spread it around as much as possible, but leave in my

rem (remarks)

Copy and past the code to notepad(or other text editor) then save it as a .bat

ps, Fraps needs to be in


and Regmon


for it to run, need any help email me or reply to this thread and I'll pop back

C:\ (or your standard windows directory)

@echo off

echo Solution to Fraps Not Opening Issue
echo Created by SaturN
echo X-Fire saturn101zinc
echo MSN [email protected]
echo Cheers, hope it works for all
echo PS: Please download and install/extract "regmon" to your system drive. (C:\ etc)

> "%Temp%.\FrapsTemp.reg" ECHO REGEDIT4
>>"%Temp%.\FrapsTemp.reg" ECHO.
>>"%Temp%.\FrapsTemp.reg" ECHO [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Licenses]
>>"%Temp%.\FrapsTemp.reg" ECHO [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Licenses]

START /WAIT REGEDIT /S "%Temp%.\FrapsTemp.reg"
DEL "%Temp%.\FrapsTemp.reg"

START /min %HOMEDRIVE%.\Regmon.exe
start %HOMEDRIVE%.\Fraps\Fraps.exe
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n 8 -w 1000> nul
TASKKILL /im Regmon.exe

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, i once had this problem, i will let you all in on how i fixed it.

It was very simple for me, and will be simple for anyone who knows Regedit.

The problem is caused by having the Trial installed.. and then upgrading to the full ver.

Basically, when you uninstall the Trial, it "Forgets" (Bad programming) to remove its Registry Keys.

So before Installing the Full ver, (Wich you have either Obtained..... or Purchaced)

You need to load Regedit.

Use the Search function and search for Fraps, and delete everything with Fraps in it.

Then repeat that process with the search term FPS1

(This includes deleting folders by the same name in the Registry)

Then install the Fraps that you are trying to use, and WALA!

it will install, it will run fine. (and no need for the Bat file that saturn made!) (Yo saturn, you should try this method, itl make things oh so much simpler.)

And thats how both me and ben have fixed this issue.

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  • 7 months later...
I think I know how to fix it.

Download a program called RegMon, google it. Run it, right after you start it, run fraps, let all the fraps appear, after about 20 seconds stop recording in RegMon, go to file, stop capturing. then find a thing called Licenses, click on one of them. Click on Regedit Jump, delete everything in there. LEAVE THAT

OPEN. Click on Fraps, it should open. After it launches. Close RegMon, and Regedit. Note: You will have to do that everytime you want to start Fraps.

I hope this helps! It works for me, I have that problem.

Worked for me, thanks very much!! <3<3

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  • 11 months later...
Right this happened to me, ill do it in steps

1. Open Regmon

2. Open Fraps off the start menu

3. Lots of things will start appearing

4. Press Ctrl+E to stop it adding stuff

5. Search on the list for fraps and then find the licenses bit

6. It may have 1-3 different licenses (2 for me)

7. Open start menu and click on Run

8. Type in regedit and press enter

9. On the left side open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHNINE

10. Then open SOFTWARE


12. You will see theres about 12 different licenses

13. Search for the licenses that you saw on Regmon and delete them off regedit (MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT ONES!)

14. Now open fraps with both programs open and then once fraps is open shut regedit and regmon down.


DUDE, thats EXACTLY what I told him to do!!!!

DIdn't you see my post!!!!

He's explaining it in order, in a simpler, more detailed way to explain. Not saying your bad at explaining, but it's hard to follow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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