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map modding is going well with the gta3 side of the map so there will be some decent new aditions to gta3 map so when you get the adjused maps be prepared to have some very different changes :D


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well that should be pretty cool. not only another cool mod comming out but ya gonna put some new stuff in, too! Hope that you keep what it is a secret so that its a nice surprize(like the first time we played GTA3. remember what it was like? didn't that feel real good, your first time running someone down with a taxi, or doin some random drive-by on those crazy gang members. ah that was great). can't wait to see! :D:D

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i will keep it a secret and i was amazed when i first played gta3 especially when i used the tank cheat and almost wiped out the first island. the new map editions should make the game feel more indepth and more places to go gives you a decent variety of thing do. :D:D

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i have had a chat with redspike and has agreed to let me adjust the map to the best of my abilities(that is alot then) so the maps should be the best ever tried by a modder :D:D:D:D

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First of all where is information for this mod, I can't find it anywhere (someone mentioned an FAQ earlier, I can't see where it is, if it's the website I do believe that's exceeded its poor old bandwith limit) and secondly could we see any proof that R* responded to your request?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Cant show it now for I am new to animations. I am sure that when the mod is complete, I will make a great intro movie.

And as far as the terroist skin, I do not have XP and can not take screenshots for some reason in ME. If I ever figure out how to convert the file, I can do a screenshot from the game.

SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

try using the print screen button on your keyboard. it takes a screen shot of whatever is on your screen. i use it all the time. even in the middle of gta. just tap the button once, minimize the game, open photoshop, select file->new (it defaults the new image size to your desktop resolution cause that's what was just copied to the clipboard ... nice :)) and paste that baby!


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