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Hi, i have played mta for a while now, but here are some suggestions:

1.You should be able to acess the Options menu from the main menu if you no what i mean, because some times i want to change my Relsolution, or controls on my gamepad, and i cant i have to quit mta then load the rea lgta to change it then start Mta again.

2.You should be able to see how many checkpoints there are in Spectate mode, because if there is a really long race, we could no what check point a player is currently at, and we should be able to SEE the checkpoints in spectate mode too.

3.We should be able to have a Private message function., I don't no if this exsists.

AND here are some questions i hacve about deathmatch.

1.Could we make maps then drive into an pickup, that changes you into a charactor, then saw you have to run to the next place, or something, basically a charactor change pickup, like the repair and nitro ones.

2.Could we switch between deathmatch servers and race servers.

3.Do we reswpan in a sertain amount of time, like battlefield Etc.

Thanks for looking, im sorry if there are some mentioned allready

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  [PP]Strapstah said:
3.We should be able to have a Private message function., I don't no if this exsists.
  [PP]Strapstah said:
2.Could we switch between deathmatch servers and race servers.
Yes, this feauture will be available
  [PP]Strapstah said:
3.Do we reswpan in a sertain amount of time, like battlefield Etc.

This has been told in the MTA-team blog

Edited by Guest
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  • 2 weeks later...
  [PP]Strapstah said:
Hi, i have played mta for a while now, but here are some suggestions:

1.You should be able to acess the Options menu from the main menu if you no what i mean, because some times i want to change my Relsolution, or controls on my gamepad, and i cant i have to quit mta then load the rea lgta to change it then start Mta again.

2.You should be able to see how many checkpoints there are in Spectate mode, because if there is a really long race, we could no what check point a player is currently at, and we should be able to SEE the checkpoints in spectate mode too...

both very badly needed!!! ^^^

i'd like 2 c these implemented mor than u cud evr kno... ;-) & i hope 2 c them in an upcoming release of MTA very soon, thx! :-D

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  Blokker_1999 said:
changing the resolution during the game makes the game crash when MTA is loaded. And how often do you chane your resolution/controls? I never access those things after i have set them the first time ...

Yes, except changing from Gamepad to Mouse Controls perhaps.

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  [ION]Leviathan said:
the team (like said somewhere else) will probably make it able to players to set their own binds. so you can simply bind the controll changes to some buttons so you can switch between different controll sets.

So you could switch between two different sets of keybinds d'you mean?

That would be awesome, i've always said one of the main issues i have with GTASA was the fact you couldnt bind different keys between road vehicles and aircraft like you do in other games.


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Why not just an option to have the main menu up in the beginning like there was for VC? If people press esc during the game it will just bring up the default box it does now. This way people can change settings before they start to actually play, and if they want to change them again they'll have to quit server their on without having to restart the entire game twice.

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  cyrix said:
  {Static} said:
Enabling the pause menu would make you invulnerable.

And be just as lame as it was in VC. I hated it when people did that.....ugh.

Almost 1/3 people who couldn't take it, pressed '/quit' or 'ESC'.

And there also is that 'printscreen', what looks like pausing too.. And then you may figure it out, is it lagg or pausing? Nah I hate it too.. Its okey in MTA:SA, no problems with it..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some ideas I had in another thread:

A)This is for destruction derby modes where you have to be the last one alive.

After your car gets blown up you're on foot and have to look for weapons while avoiding the other cars or other people on foot who have weapons. You can also get a car back by jacking it from someone. Think of how much fun that would be with a 20+ people!

B)How about a mode where there's only 1 car and everybody else is on foot and your in sort of a bull ring. All the people have bats and can try to destroy the car while it's trying to run everyone over. You can't tell me that wouldn't be fun. If you've ever seen those spanish bull pits where everyone is in the ring pissing off the bull and then start running for their lives once it goes after them, same type of deal here only you have bats.

C)Would it be possible to incorporate the gang territories from single player into MTA? You could have the 2 teams blue vs. red/crips vs. bloods. You have to tag a certain wall and that territory is yours unless someone comes up and tags over your work taking the territory back. It'll be vital to protect your gangs tags. Also so the game doesn't go on forever there can be a certain ammount of gang generals that divide up the team into small groups that respawn together(think bf2 squads), only once the general goes down his soldiers can't respawn anymore. Of course there'd be weapons, cars, and anything else that would be helpful in a gang battle(realistically).

D) Drive-by mode- 1 driver, 3 shooters. There are groups of 4 spawn points all around whatever map your playing on along with 1 car for each spawn area. You could make it so once you leave your respective spawn you can't re-enter it so people can't just get out of the car and steal a new one where people didn't spawn. Then of course you drive around trying to blow eachother up.

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I've played a bit version 1.1 now and I have to say I'm a little disappointed.

First I thought respawning would be a good new feature - now I realise their are some players who are driving just into each other now because they will be respawned anyway a few seconds later.

And also in death matches, destruction derbies, Cops vs Robbers and maps like SmugglersRun I think it doesnt make sense to respawn. Or it would only make sense if you will built in a "frag counter" - which counts the amount of other players you kill and also how often you get killed and then the winner is the one who has most frags and least own kills.

Anyway, thanks for your work...

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