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[Question] Do LOD models work fine on MTA?


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Question 1:
Say, I would replace the following model with a volcano.


Would I then be able to replace its LOD model with an optimized version of my volcano model? So that my volcano would have a high poly and low poly variant for performance reasons.

Question 2:

On this page https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetLowLODElement in one of the examples it mentions that the maximum distance for the low-LOD would be 300, as seen below:

    -- Set the draw distance for the model we are using for low LOD to maximum
    triggerClientEvent("onClientChangeModelLODDistance", resourceRoot, 5154, 300 )

Isn't the maximum distance around 700 or so? As far as I'm aware it's 300 for regular models and a lot higher for LOD models. Can I achieve a higher distance somehow?


PS. the above are mere examples; I'm not trying to script anything as we speak, it would just be good to know. Thanks!

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