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Is there any Programmers in here?


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Are there any good programmers at MTAVC ?

Cause i'm starting a programming team that will program applications to others on the net, i need a few of those who can program in one or some these languages:

HTML / PHP / MySQL / ASP.NET / SQL / ASP / Visual Basic / C++ / C#

The team will split money per custumer, if the custumer pays 1000 $ everybody splits on that, and i will manage the page for this programming team and also be part of the coding team.

If you're intrested PM me or email me on what you know of to Blade_1941 { a } Hotmail { dot } com, MSN is the same as email.

If you just want to diss the topic, there is a backwards icon near the textfield so use that instead :roll:

also feel free to ask whatever question you do may have here or in a PM.

This applications can be from all from (CMS, Contact, Forum, Guestbook, Scripts)

Another thing is many does try to froad you when you try on a site like that one JonChapelle typed you under the website owner get maybe 25 % from the buyer befor you get the money, and also you need to be highskilled, so if i do the site and find custumers i wont take 25 % from anyone, i play fair also you also you will not have to code much cause we will be many on the team.

- Regards Blade1941

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but wtf is this?

This will be a coding team, to code applications in those following programming languages i typed abow ;).

There are many people who cannot code themself so they pay others to code to them, and this coding team will code to others that pay for applications.

I hope this answers your question..

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Yeah, that answers my question. 1000 dollars you say?

Depending on what we code yes.

So what one(s) are you good with Blade

All those i typed abow languages, but i'm not so good on C++/Visual Basic

So basically everyone else does the work and you get a share for doing nothing?

I'm finding the custumers, and i'm also part of the coding. Also i'll be doing the webdesign part, some custumers may want just coding of a layout some may want a script and i handle the design part. The design money and the coding money will be slit on the team.

cus' you've always seemed like a retard to me :lol:

That's you're opinium, Well maybe that's some of my personality to be cocky sometimes.

If you want to make money from coding, cut out the middle man and go to http://www.rentacoder.com

It's somthing like that site we gonna do, but for others. If i go there i will pay and rent a coder, then i'm stupid cause i can do the job myself, if there is a team of 5 then there will go much faster to do the Scripts, 1 hour should be the max range to do a forum.

I've updated what sort of Scripts we will be doing, you should have some basic knowledge atleast on one of the program languages otherwise it will be hard for you to help :roll:

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i don't think anyone would trust anything that you coded

What do you mean by that ? You whouldn't trust if i said i coded something ?

You have wrong in that i already have 2 in the team that trust me, but why should i trust you is the question do you have anything to show that you have done ?

Even if you do trust me i need to know that you know about those Programming languages abow for you to join the team . :wink:

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If you want to make money from coding, cut out the middle man and go to http://www.rentacoder.com

It's somthing like that site we gonna do, but for others. If i go there i will pay and rent a coder, then i'm stupid cause i can do the job myself, if there is a team of 5 then there will go much faster to do the Scripts, 1 hour should be the max range to do a forum.

I think you misunderstood. It's kind of like eBay where both coders and buyers sign up and the site provides a place to bring the two together. They don't just do programming projects either; I was thinking of doing some writing projects but I realised that I didn't have enough time to put into them.

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If you want to make money from coding, cut out the middle man and go to http://www.rentacoder.com

It's somthing like that site we gonna do, but for others. If i go there i will pay and rent a coder, then i'm stupid cause i can do the job myself, if there is a team of 5 then there will go much faster to do the Scripts, 1 hour should be the max range to do a forum.

I think you misunderstood. It's kind of like eBay where both coders and buyers sign up and the site provides a place to bring the two together. They don't just do programming projects either; I was thinking of doing some writing projects but I realised that I didn't have enough time to put into them.

Oh okey, but in this site no Programmer need to register anything i just find a custumer and we all work on whatever he wants then he gets it and he pay us the money, the minimum is 50 $ for very small things like stylesheets or simple page editings.

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I forgot to say that this mather is solved

10 People applied at another forum, 4 of them was good coders but the problem is about some of them didn't have Pay Pal so i could pay them, so i rather do the jobs myself instead of doing the code with others that way i don't have to send money here and there all the time.

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