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Found 8 results

  1. Hello Community, first of all, i have searched for any fortnite battle royal gamemode or server on MTA:SA but i didn't find, and i can be wrong, well, today i'm making a Fortnite Battle Royale game mode and i will release it when i complete it, and if you have any suggestions you can post it down, you know its a hard work and it will take a little time because actually i'm working alone on my local server. - Regards xMKHx Here is some screenshots
  2. Olá pessoal! Irei compartilhar com vocês um servidor que não se desenvolve á mais de um ano. Porém, agora em 2018 decidimos voltar com esse desenvolvimento. Nosso entuito é fazer um servidor que seja no modo play, baseado no rpg e roleplay. Estamos no inicio, poucas coisas foram feitas, vou citar algumas e com o tempo vou atualizando o tópico. Desejamos incentivar a comunida brasileira á inovar em seus servidores, infelizmente os servidores brasileiros não possui algum diferencial e estamos na missão de trazer isso. Obrigado pela paciência em ler esse tópico. Contamos com uma equipe formada por seis membros Blowid, harper, Strikergfx, davila, DaeRon e Fellow. - Sistema GangWar – Concluído. - Sistema de Grupos – Concluído. - Sistema de Base – Concluído. - Sistema de Radar com GPS –Concluído, porém em breve terá atualizações. - Sistema de skins de armamento customizados e acessorios – Concluído. - Heits no Estilo GTA V – Concluído. - Concessionária e gerenciamento de veículos – Concluído. - Assalto a caixa eletrônico [ATM] – Concluído. Site | Discord | Facebook
  3. Tengo errores en esta funciones dentro de mi sistema de nivel me ayudarían a solucionarlo por favor?. ---EN EL SERVER TENGO ESTE ERROR AQUI: getPlayerEXP = function(l_13_0) if not tonumber(getElementData(l_13_0, "exp")) then -- return not l_13_0 or type(l_13_0) ~= "userdata" or getElementType(l_13_0) ~= "player" or 0 -- do return end -- AQUI end outputDebugString("Bad argument @ 'getPlayerEXP' [Expected player element at argument 1, got " .. tostring(l_13_0) .. "]", 2) return false end -- EN EL CLIENTE TENGO ESTE ERROR AQUI EN LAS MIMAS LINEAS: getPlayerEXP = function(l_7_0) if not tonumber(getElementData(l_7_0, "exp")) then return not l_7_0 or type(l_7_0) ~= "userdata" or getElementType(l_7_0) ~= "player" or 0 do return end -- AQUI end outputDebugString("Bad argument @ 'getPlayerEXP' [Expected player element at argument 1, got " .. tostring(l_7_0) .. "]", 2) return false end -- LOS ERRORES SON DE: `end`expected (to close `if` at line 197) near do
  4. local vehicles = { [1] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Barracks {433, 2611.8000488281, 237.5, 59.5, 65, 2}, {433, 277.7998046875, 2024.19921875, 18.200000762939, 65, 2}, -- Bobcats {422, -2051.8000488281, 144.19999694824, 28.89999961853, 20, 2}, {422, -237.19999694824,2812.5,61.799999237061, 20, 2}, -- Sanchez {468, -2039.5, 1108.69921875, 53, 8, 2}, {468, -1813.8994140625, -1598.7998046875, 22.799999237061, 8, 2}, -- Mesa {500, 1552.4000244141, -2088, 25.700000762939, 25, 2}, {500, 2786.69921875, 2244.2998046875, 11.199999809265, 25, 2}, -- Dodo {593, -1238.5999755859, -652.09997558594, 14.699999809265, 25, 2}, {593, 290.60000610352, 2538.6999511719, 17.39999961853, 25, 2}, -- QuadBike {471, 1931.6999511719, -587.79998779297, 27.200000762939, 10, 2}, {471, -386.2998046875, 1976.69921875, 92, 10, 2},, -- Freeway {541, -701, 945, 12, 8, 2}, {541, 2903.69921875, 1586, 10.39999961853, 8, 2}, }, -- [2] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Camper {483, 1527.5, -661.5, 94.5, 12, 2}, {483, 1318.19921875, -641.69921875, 108.90000152588, 12, 2}, }, -- [3] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Buffalo {402, -106.8994140625, -1573.2998046875, 2.5, 12, 2}, {402, -2137.8000488281, 1219.4000244141, 47.099998474121, 12, 2}, -- Bandito {456, -2304.69921875, -1643.099609375, 483.70001220703, 15, 5}, {456, -482.20001220703, -2026.4000244141, 50.400001525879, 15, 5}, }, -- [4] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- COACH {437, -271.29998779297, -2162.1000976563, 30, 190, 5}, }, } addCommandHandler("spawncars", function(p, cmd, n) if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) ) then if ( n ) and ( vehicles[n] ) then for i, k in ipairs(vehicles[n]) do local v = createVehicle(k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]) local c = createColSphere(k[2], k[3], k[4], k[6]) -- attachElements(c, v, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(c, "parent", v) setElementData(v, "parent", c) setElementData(c, "vehicle", true) setElementData(c, "MAX_Slots", k[5]) setElementData(c, "fuel", 5) -- local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(k[1]) if ( not tonumber(tires) ) then tires = math.random(0, 4) end if ( not tonumber(engine) ) then engine = math.random(0, 1) end if ( not tonumber(parts) ) then parts = math.random(0, 4) end setElementData(c, "Rueda_inVehicle", math.random(0, tires)) setElementData(c, "Motor_inVehicle", math.random(0, engine)) setElementData(c, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)) setElementData(c, "spawn", {k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]}) -- outputChatBox("¡Has respawneado todos los vehiculos!.", p, 0, 255, 120, true) end else outputChatBox("Error Syntax: /spawncars [1-4]", p, 255, 50, 0, true) outputChatBox("Ejemplo: /spawncars #ffffff1", p, 255, 50, 0, true) end end end ) Pues nada, ¿quería saber porque esta pequeña script no me funciona? Como ven es una simple script que sirve para spawnear vehículos dentro del servidor a través de un comando, pero cuando presiono "T" y tipeo /spanwcars 1, etc, me tira el siguiente mensaje: Error Syntax: /spawncars [1-4] Ejemplo: /spawncars 1 Pero no me dice que los autos hayan spawneado, la verdad no entiendo el problema y en el debugscript 3 no me tira ninguna clase de error con respecto a este LUA.
  5. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ( Reseller Hosting ) الي عنده خبرة كامله عن الريسلر يتواصل معي وشكرا
  6. سـلام عليكم ورحمـة الله تعالى . كيف الحال شباب انشاءالله بخير. المهم : سويت لوحة فري روم حقت سيرفر وزارة شغالة 100% نسخة مطابقة للاصل وسويت نك عربي حقتها (ليس حقد او كره) المهم لو عجبكم الموضوع بنزلها على قانتي جديدهـ..وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله
  7. Открылся игровой проект MTA DayZ (Revis) Наше сообщество VK: https://vk.com/mtarevis Ждём всех на сервере. Достаточно много обновлений произошло на сервере, добавлено лута, машин и много чего прочего. По поводу предложений можете писать в лс сообщества вк или тут. IP:
  8. BRASIL vida Real RPG 3.0 (VAS) [Skins Modificadas,veiculsc2 Olá Visite Nosso serve BRASIL vida Real RPG 3.0 (VAS) [Skins Modificadas,veiculsc2 Página do fecebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrasilvidaRealVas/ IP mtasa:// Ts:
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