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  1. queria por em meu servidor 2 empregos que usam acl uber e mecanico ambos estao localizados na msm agencia consegui fazer com 1 porem quando tento adicionar outro nao funciona Scrip abaixo --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Pegar Trabalho >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] function Pegar_Emprego (source, Trab, Level, Hab) local Trabalho = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) or "Desempregado" local Habilicao = getElementData ( source, "DNL:Categoria("..Hab..")") local Level_Player = tonumber(getElementData(source, "Level")) or 0 if Level_Player >= tonumber(Level) then if Trabalho == Trab then triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "INFO: Você Já Trabalha Como "..Trab.."", "info") return end if Habilicao == false then triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "Erro: Você Não Tem Habilitação ("..Hab..") e Não Pode Trabalhar Como ("..Trab..")", "erro") return end setElementData ( source, "Emprego", Trab ) triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "INFO: Você Agora Trabalha de "..Trab.."", "info") else triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "Erro: Seu Level é Muito Baixo e Você Não Pode Trabalhar Como "..Trab.."", "erro") end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name local Emprego = getElementData ( playerSource, "Emprego" ) if Emprego == "Mecanico" then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("Mecanico"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de Mecanico!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) outputChatBox ("Va para o T marcado no mapa proximo a DP!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("Mecanico"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de Mecanico!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL) addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name local Emprego = getElementData ( playerSource, "Emprego" ) if Emprego == "Uber" then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("Uber"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de Uber!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Uber" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("Uber"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de Uber!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL) --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Demissao Trabalho >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] function Pedir_Demissao (source) local Trabalho = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) or "Desempregado" if Trabalho == "Desempregado" then triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "Erro: Você não está empregado para se demitir.", "erro") return end setElementData ( source, "Emprego", "Desempregado" ) triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "Sucesso: Você Se Demitiu Do Emprego de "..Trabalho.."", "sucesso") end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Pedir_Demissao)
  2. Olá, eu estou me interessando bastante por script e a melhor forma que achei por agora de aprender foi vendo scripts e tentando entender como eles funcionam e editando. Pessoal, eu e meu amigo @KingBC estamos editando um script de taxi convertendo ele pra uber. Usamos o comando /uber para que o player possa chamar. O problema é que fizemos algumas alterações e não estamos conseguindo ver onde está o erro. Alguém pode ajudar ??? Já criamos o time Uber, e mesmo assim não funcionou. Não sei se tem haver com grupo na ACL, mas creio que não. Script: **Não tiramos os créditos. Não somos os criadores, estamos apenas editando e aprendendo. Já criamos scripts mais simples e ate mesmo alguns mais complexo com ajuda de integrantes aqui do Fórum e agora queremos nos aprofundar ainda mais. -- by manawydan taxi_system lado = server local PrecoTaxi = "1000" local BlipsTaxi = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() if not TimeTaxi then TimeTaxi = createTeam("Uber",20,100,20) end end) function PedirTaxi(thePlayer) if (getElementData(thePlayer,"TaxiClient")) then return end --else if (getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) >= tonumber(PrecoTaxi)) then setElementData(thePlayer,"TaxiClient",true) BlipsTaxi[thePlayer] = createBlipAttachedTo(thePlayer,0,2,0,0,250,210) JogadoresTaxistaTabela(thePlayer) outputChatBox("[Uber]: Seu Uber logo chegara, por favor aguarde.",thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler("uber",PedirTaxi) function JogadoresTaxistaTabela(Player) local Jogadores = getElementsByType("player") for _,Jogad in ipairs(Jogadores) do if (getElementData(Jogad,"Uber")) and (getElementData(Jogad,"TaxistaStat") == vazio) and getPlayerTeam(Jogad) == getTeamFromName("Uber") then local NomeTaxiClient = getPlayerName(Player) outputChatBox("Uber solicitado por: "..NomeTaxiClient,Jogad) end end end function TaxiSystemEntrarNoTaxi(Carro,assento,jacked) if not (getElementModel(Carro) == 420) then return end if not (getElementData(source,"TaxiClient")) then return end if not (assento == 0) then local Taxista = getVehicleController(Carro) if Taxista and getElementData(Taxista,"Uber") and (getPlayerTeam(Taxista) == getTeamFromName("Uber")) then destroyElement(BlipsTaxi[source]) setElementData(Taxista,"TaxistaStat",ocupado) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),TaxiSystemEntrarNoTaxi) -- function TaxiSystemSairTaxi(Carro,assento,jacked) if not (getElementModel(Carro) == 420) then return end if not (getElementData(source,"TaxiClient")) then return end if not (assento == 0) then local Taxista = getVehicleController(Carro) if Taxista and getElementData(Taxista,"Uber") and (getPlayerTeam(Taxista) == getTeamFromName("Uber")) then removeElementData(source,"TaxiClient") setElementData(Taxista,"TaxistaStat",vazio) takePlayerMoney(source,tonumber(PrecoTaxi)) givePlayerMoney(Taxista,tonumber(PrecoTaxi)) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleExit",getRootElement(),TaxiSystemSairTaxi) function TaxistaSer(Carro,assento,jacked) if not (getElementModel(Carro) == 420) then return end if (getElementData(source,"Uber")) then return end --not if (getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("Uber")) then if (assento == 0) then setElementData(source,"Uber",true) setElementData(source,"TaxistaStat",vazio) outputChatBox("[Uber]: Você agora é um Uber. Fique atento para não perder clientes!",source) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),TaxistaSer) Obrigado!
  3. function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL) o script ficou assim, porem mesmo se o player clicar em pegar emprego e não ter os requerimentos para o emrpego ele é movido para a ACL tentei fazer desta forma usando de baser um script da agencia, mas infelizmente não funcionou function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource, Trab, Level, Hab) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name local Habilicao = getElementData ( playerSource, "DNL:Categoria("..Hab..")") local Level_Player = tonumber(getElementData(playerSource, "Level")) or 0 if Emprego == "Uber" then then triggerClientEvent(playerSource, "addNotification", root, "INFO: Você Já Trabalha Como "..Trab.."", "info") return end if Habilicao == false then triggerClientEvent(playerSource, "addNotification", root, "Erro: Você Não Tem Habilitação ("..Hab..") e Não Pode Trabalhar Como ("..Trab..")", "erro") return end setElementData ( playerSource, "Emprego", Trab ) triggerClientEvent(playerSource, "addNotification", root, "INFO: Você Agora Trabalha de "..Trab.."", "info") if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL)
  4. function chamarUber(player, cmd, ...) local msg = table.concat({...}, " ") for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)), aclGetGroup("Uber")) then outputChatBox("#ff0000(UBER) #ffffff" ..getPlayerName(player).." #ffffffpediu um uber em: "..msg, v, 255, 255, 255, true) end end outputChatBox("#ff6464[UBER] #ffffffUber chamado com sucesso!", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end addCommandHandler("uber", chamarUber)
  5. Eu tenho o emprego mecanico e uber quem e do mecanico e uber nao recebe a notificaçao de alguem precisa e queria que eles recebessem notificaçao e quando pegam emprego ficassem com tag no painel p -------------------------------------------------------------------- setElementData( localPlayer, "Chamado:Mecanico", false ) setElementData(localPlayer,"cliente:mecanico",nil) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function localizarMecanico(cn,name) local jobMecanico = getElementData(localPlayer,"Emprego") or false --if type(jobMecanico) == "boolean" then if jobMecanico == "Mecanico" then if type(name) == "string" then local player = getPlayerFromPartialName(name) if isElement(player) then if isElement(testeMecanico) then destroyElement(testeMecanico) end if getElementData ( player, "Chamado:Mecanico" ) == true then testeMecanico = createBlipAttachedTo(player,61,2,255,255,255,255,0,999999) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification("O Jogador "..getPlayerName(player).." Foi Localizado!, Para Deslocalizar Digite /Deslocalizar", "success") else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification("O Jogador "..getPlayerName(player).." Não Solicitou por um Mecânico!", "error") end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification("O Jogador Não Foi Encontrado!", "error") end else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification("Digite /Localizar Nick", "warning") end end --end end addCommandHandler("localizar",localizarMecanico) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function deslocalizar(cn,name) if isElement(testeMecanico) then destroyElement(testeMecanico) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification("O Jogador foi Deslocalizado com Sucesso!", "success") end end addCommandHandler("deslocalizar",deslocalizar) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function QuebradoMec ( ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification("Esse Veiculo Esta Quebrado, Chame Por um Mecanico digitando /Mecanicos", "warning") end addEvent( "Mecanico>Quebrado", true ) addEventHandler( "Mecanico>Quebrado", localPlayer, QuebradoMec ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------- function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", getRootElement(),function(loss) if getElementType ( source ) == "vehicle" then if not isVehicleDamageProof(source) then local HP = getElementHealth(source)-loss if HP <= 350 then HP = 350 setElementHealth(source,350) setVehicleEngineState(source,false) setVehicleDamageProof(source,true) if isVehicleBlown(source) then fixVehicle(source) setElementHealth(source,350) setVehicleDamageProof(source,true) end end end end end) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function DesligarAndLigar ( playerSource ) if math.floor ( getElementHealth( source ) + 0.5 ) > 350 then setVehicleDamageProof( source, false ) -- Não Quebrado else setVehicleEngineState( source, false ) -- Quebrado triggerClientEvent ( "Mecanico>Quebrado", playerSource ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", root, DesligarAndLigar ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function MecanicoVem(source) for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local uj = getElementData(player, "Emprego" ) or false --if type(uj) == "boolean" then if uj == "Mecanico" then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:createNotification(player, "O Jogador "..getPlayerName(source).." Chamou Por um Mecanico! Digite /Localizar "..getPlayerName(source), "warning") end --end end end addCommandHandler(cmd4,MecanicoVem) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function ComandoMecanico ( ThePlayer ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(ThePlayer, "Os Mecanicos Foram Avisados, Aguarde no Local!", "warning") setElementData ( ThePlayer, "Chamado:Mecanico", true ) setTimer ( function() removeElementData ( ThePlayer, "Chamado:Mecanico" ) end, 60000, 1 ) end addCommandHandler(cmd4, ComandoMecanico ) --------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Nós fizemos! Mas não funcionou. As vezes, com algumas alterações, Ou funciona só a parte do uber ou as vezes só a do cliente que solicita. Código: **Não somos donos do script. Apenas editamos. Não retiramos os créditos.** -- by manawydan taxi_system lado = server local PrecoTaxi = "1000" local BlipsTaxi = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() if not TimeTaxi then TimeTaxi = createTeam("Uber",20,100,20) end end) function PedirTaxi(thePlayer) if (getElementData(thePlayer,"TaxiClient")) then return end --else if (getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) >= tonumber(PrecoTaxi)) then setElementData(thePlayer,"TaxiClient",true) BlipsTaxi[thePlayer] = createBlipAttachedTo(thePlayer,0,2,0,0,250,210) JogadoresTaxistaTabela(thePlayer) outputChatBox("[Uber]: Seu Uber logo chegara, por favor aguarde.",thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler("uber",PedirTaxi) function JogadoresTaxistaTabela(Player) local Jogadores = getElementsByType("player") for _,Jogad in ipairs(Jogadores) do if (getElementData(Jogad,"Uber")) and (getElementData(Jogad,"TaxistaStat") == vazio) and getPlayerTeam(Jogad) == getTeamFromName("Uber") then local NomeTaxiClient = getPlayerName(Player) outputChatBox("Uber solicitado por: "..NomeTaxiClient,Jogad) end end end function TaxiSystemEntrarNoTaxi(Carro,assento,jacked) if not (getElementModel(Carro) == 420) then return end if not (getElementData(source,"TaxiClient")) then return end if not (assento == 0) then local Taxista = getVehicleController(Carro) if Taxista and getElementData(Taxista,"Uber") and (getPlayerTeam(Taxista) == getTeamFromName("Uber")) then destroyElement(BlipsTaxi[source]) setElementData(Taxista,"TaxistaStat",ocupado) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),TaxiSystemEntrarNoTaxi) -- function TaxiSystemSairTaxi(Carro,assento,jacked) if not (getElementModel(Carro) == 420) then return end if not (getElementData(source,"TaxiClient")) then return end if not (assento == 0) then local Taxista = getVehicleController(Carro) if Taxista and getElementData(Taxista,"Uber") and (getPlayerTeam(Taxista) == getTeamFromName("Uber")) then removeElementData(source,"TaxiClient") setElementData(Taxista,"TaxistaStat",vazio) takePlayerMoney(source,tonumber(PrecoTaxi)) givePlayerMoney(Taxista,tonumber(PrecoTaxi)) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleExit",getRootElement(),TaxiSystemSairTaxi) function TaxistaSer(Carro,assento,jacked) if not (getElementModel(Carro) == 420) then return end if (getElementData(source,"Uber")) then return end --not if (getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("Uber")) then if (assento == 0) then setElementData(source,"Uber",true) setElementData(source,"TaxistaStat",vazio) outputChatBox("[Uber]: Você agora é um Uber. Fique atento para não perder clientes!",source) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),TaxistaSer)
  7. Recomendo que use setAccountData em vez de ACL, é mais leve pro seu servidor e fácil de trabalhar. function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource) local account = getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) if not getAccountData (account, 'Emprego', 'UBER') then setAccountData (account, 'Emprego', 'UBER' ) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox ("Você já está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local account = getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) if getAccountData (account, 'Emprego', 'UBER') then setAccountData (account, 'Emprego', nil) outputChatBox ("Você se demitiu do emprego de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) else outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL)
  8. alguem poderia me ajudar, não consigo fazer este script dar acl para quem pega o emprego function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource, commandName, accountName) if (type == "DNL:Pegar_Emprego") then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accountName) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de UBER!", client, 0, 255, 0) elseif (type == "DNL:Pegar_Emprego") then if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (client))) outputChatBox ("Você saiu do trabalho de UBER!", client, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox ("Você não está no trabalho de UBER!", client, 255, 30, 30) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) estou usando o mod de agencia do danilin. e este script esta separado para o emprego que adicionei de uber
  9. Bom eu queria uma ajuda,eu tinha um mod de uber,que quando voce desse /uber os player q tava no trab uber era chamado,mas perdi ele,alguem teria pra me mandar/
  10. كيف حالكم عساكم بخير , مثل ماهو معروض بعنوان الموضوع للبيع سكربت اوبر للي مايعرف وش اوبر , تطلب سيارة وتختار مكان ويجي شخص يوصلك للمكان الي اخترته الي انا سويته خليت بيد تلقائي يجي يوصلك للمكان الي تبغاه طبعا هذا اول سكربت اعرضه للبيع تفتحلك لوحة وفيها الاماكن وانت تضيف الاماكن والسعر بيكون على حسب بعدك عن المكان الي تبي تروح له سعر الميل انا حاطه 2 ويمديك تغيره بس تشتري السكربت , الاماكن القريبة لك ماراح تظهر لازم يكون بعدك 150 عن المكان عشان يظهر هذا الحد الادنى وطبعا تقدر تغير البعد تقدر تخلي السكربت يفتح من زر وتقدر تخليه يفتح من امر من اف8 صور من السكربت طبعا في حال استعجالك عشان تروح للمكان تضغط انتر وراح ينتقلك للمكان الي تبيه بثانية الخصائص الموجودة بالسكربت ولو يتبرع واحد من الشباب يسوي فديو ويحطه بأكون شاكر له الي يبي يجرب السكربت وياخذ صورة اوضح منه يخش السيرفر mtasa:// uber او اكتب باف8 m طبعا بس تخش راح يعطيك فلوس واضغط حرف حاب اقولك ماخذت من السكربت الا احداثيات الطرق traffic وجرب لين تقتنع , الي يجي يسوي نفسه محقق كونان ويقول نسخ لصق من سكربت السكربت يحتوي على ملفين كلينت وسيرفر وملف احداثيات الطرق مثل ماذكرت فوق التحميل حق السكربت قليل مره لان احداثيات الطرق سيرفر واغلب الشغل على السيرفر والمعروف ان ملفات السيرفر ماتتحمل على جهاز الاعب الكلينت عليه اللوحة وبعض الامور البسيطة , السكربت مبرمج بأفضل الطرق ومافيه ولا بق ان شاء الله والحين نجي للسعر صراحة انا معطيه سعر مو من حقه مقارنة بالسكربت ومواصفاته السعر بالريال السعودي : 100 السعر بالدولار الامريكي : 26 طرق الدفع واول 3 اشخاص يشترون السكربت بيحصلون على الاصدار الثاني من السكربت مجانا الاصدار الثاني بيكون مختلف جذريا والسعر راح يكون اغلى من هذا واتمنى مايكون فيه ردود خارجا عن صياغ الموضوع واي استفسار بخصوص السكربت حط ردك : طرق التواصل معي وهذا وصل الله وسلم على نبينا محمد
  11. Pessoal estou tentando achar algum script de uber/taxi ou implementar algum código que vai funcionar com os players que serão cobrados pela viagem do uber/taxi apenas quando descerem do carro. É possível?
  12. resolvido, muito obrigado a todos script final function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name local Emprego = getElementData ( playerSource, "Emprego" ) if Emprego == "Uber" then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL)
  13. function Dar_ACL ( source ) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) if Emprego == "Uber" then if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) else outputChatBox ("Error", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Dar_ACL) function Sair_ACL (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você não está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pedir_Demissao", root, Sair_ACL) daquela forma antes quando clicava em pegar emprego mesmo sem lvl suficiente movia para acl, tentei fazer com checagem de emprego pra dar a acl, mas não funcionou tbm
  14. Olá pessoal, estou desenvolvendo um servidor em rpg vejo que tem há possibilidade e poucos tem um servidor de mta com sistema de uber, se puderem disponibilizar ou ajudar na montagem do script tentei fazer em um script mas nao consegui nao sei se foi a meta ou o script... gostaria daquele que o player ou chama pelo celular ou de /uber e o uber vai ate ele! att; Vivendo Na Madrugada
  15. I wanted to create a taxi/uber job that the passenger/player (not NPC) would be charged after getting off the vehicle. How can I do this?
  16. Olá, queria saber como faço para, quando eu digitar um comando (ex "/taxi estou na praia") mandar uma mensagem para um grupo (todos os jogadores do grupo) com as informações que o player enviar junto ao comando EX: Comando : /taxi estou na praia Mensagem que o grupo taxistas ira receber: NomeDoJogador pediu um taxi em: estou na praia alguém tem alguma idéia ou algum script ou exemplo pois também desejo usar esse sistema no emprego de mecanico "/Mecanico (Localização)"
  17. Opa, Estou com um projeto de servidor RP e sou novato em script's, quero ir aprendendo conforme a evolução do server e estou com 2 dúvidas... 1- Como removo a mensagem de login "You SuccessFully logged in" ? 2- Neste servidor que estou fazendo as profissões já estão configuradas e para chamar o uber por exemplo é só digitar "/uber" e para evitar do jogador ter que digitar o comando eu Estou com um script de celular no qual ele tem o botão de uber porém eu queria apenas que o botão do celular em si executasse apenas o comando "/uber" e já era mas pelo que eu vi ele está criando um novo sistema de uber no qual ele chama os players que estão na ACL uber e eu queria remover esse sistema e apenas fazer o botão executar o comando. Acho que deu pra entender mais ou menos a que ponto quero chegar. Código do "Botão Uber" Do script do celular: function ChamarTaxista () local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local loc = getZoneName ( x, y, z ) local city = getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ) outputChatBox("#00FFFFUber Acionado, aguarde no local.", source, 255, 255, 255, true) for theKey,player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( GroupName2) ) ) then outputChatBox("#00FFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." precisa de um uber em "..loc.." ("..city.."), localize-o em seu GPS", player, 255, 255, 255, true) displayServerMessage(player, ""..getPlayerName(source).." precisa de um uber em "..loc.." ("..city.."), localize-o em seu GPS", "warning") local blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( source, 56 ) setElementVisibleTo(blip, root, false) setElementVisibleTo(blip, player, true) setTimer ( function() destroyElement(blip) end, 270000, 1) end end end addEvent( "ChamarOTaxista", true ) addEventHandler( "ChamarOTaxista", root, ChamarTaxista)
  18. playerOrDist = {} function getUberNear(cliente) tableUber = aclGroupListObjects(aclGetGroup("UBER")) for objects,name in pairs(tableUber)do player = getAccountPlayer(name) if (getElementType( player ) == "player" and player ~= cliente) then local jX, jY, jZ = getElementPosition (player) local pX, pY, pZ = getElementPosition (cliente) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( pX, pY, pZ, jX, jY, jZ) if distancia[cliente] == nil or distancia[cliente] == false then distancia[cliente] = dist..","..player else local playerOrDist = split(distancia[cliente], ',') if playerOrDist[1] > dist then distancia[cliente] = dist..","..player end end end end return distancia[cliente] end Fiz esse pequeno código, aonde retorna um trabalhador da UBER mais próximo de tal player, estou com uma pequena dúvida, ali na parte "if playerOrDist[1] > dist then", se dois players pedirem uber ao mesmo tempo, tem chance de um número sobrepor o outro ex: cliente(Danilo) - uber mais próximo(carlos) - km(1) cliente2(João) - uber mais próximo(Jorge) - km(6) o meu medo é de quando "Danilo" e "João" pedirem uber ao mesmo tempo, acabe bugando e ficando assim cliente(Danilo) - uber mais próximo(Jorge) - km(6) cliente2(João) - uber mais próximo(Jorge) - km(6) espero que tenham entendido, boa noite!
  19. function Pegar_Emprego (playerSource) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerSource ) ) -- get his account name if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then -- Does he have access to Admin functions? aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Parabéns! Agora você está trabalhando de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) else aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("UBER"), "user."..accName) outputChatBox ("Você saiu do trabalho de UBER!", playerSource, 0, 255, 0,true) end end addEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", true) addEventHandler("DNL:Pegar_Emprego", root, Pegar_Emprego) -- USE triggerServerEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego",localPlayer,localPlayer) No Client / triggerEvent("DNL:Pegar_Emprego",source,source) No Server Qualquer dúvida pode falar
  20. --[[ ################################################ # # # # # # # # # ################################################ --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DistanciaDoChatLocal = 200 -- Metros --MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisLocal = '#ffffff[ #CE98EBAnti Flood #ffffff] - #ffffffVocê Esta Digitando Muito Rapido, Aguarde 2 Segundos' ComandoDoChatGlobal = "" -- Ex /g Mensagem ComandoDoChatGlobal2 = "" ValorDoChatGlobal = 0 -- Dinheiro --MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisGlobal = '#ffffff[ #FF0000Anti Flood #ffffff] - #ffffffVocê Esta Digitando Muito Rapido, Aguarde 5 Segundos' MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal2 = '#ffffff[ #FF0000Aviso #ffffff] - #FF0000Você Esta Mutado, e Não Podera Utilizar os Chat do Servidor' MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal = '#ffffff[ #FF0000Aviso #ffffff] - #FF0000Você Esta Mutado, e Não Podera Utilizar os Chat do Servidor' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config do Chat Local addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function(tresc, msgtype) if (msgtype == 0) then cancelEvent() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) for key, gracze in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition(gracze) -- if getElementData (source, "ChatLocal:Delay", true) then -- outputChatBox ( MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisLocal, source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x, y, z, x2, y2, z2 ) < DistanciaDoChatLocal ) then local int = getElementInterior ( source ) local dim = getElementDimension ( source ) local int2 = getElementInterior ( gracze ) local dim2 = getElementDimension ( gracze ) if ( int == int2 and dim == dim2 ) then conta = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ff8cPresidente #00FF00● #00ff8c"..getPlayerName(source).. "#00FA9A » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #ff6600Vice Presidente #00FF00● #ff6600"..getPlayerName(source).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Humanos" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedAdm Corp/Gang #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(source).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedDeputado Estadual #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(source).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffed Vereador #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 BOPE #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CHOQUE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #635f5f C O E #00FF00● #635f5f"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "COE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROTA" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 ROTA #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BAEP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 BAEP #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PF" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #E47833 Policia Federal #00FF00● #E47833"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PETO" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 PETO #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROCAM" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 ROCAM #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CBV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Bala Voa #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Vermelho #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFFF00Terceiro Comando Puro #00FF00● #FFFF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ANS" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 Anonymous #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "OG" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #8A2BE2 Os Guri #00FF00● #8A2BE2"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Designer" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #0000FF● Designer ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderador" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #FFFFFF● Vereador ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Omega" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP OMEGA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Sigma" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP SIGMA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP EPSYLON #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Alpha" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP ALPHA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 UBER #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 Mecanico #00FF00● #228B22".. getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SAMU" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 SAMU #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "GIRL" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FF00F6 Garotas De Programa #00FF00● #FF00F6"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Ajudante" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFEE00 Ajudante #00FF00● #FFEE00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #05FF00 Cidadão #00FF00● #05FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#FFFFFF "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end end -- setElementData (source, "ChatLocal:Delay",true) --setTimer (setElementData, 2000, 1, source, "ChatLocal:Delay", false) end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config do Chat Global function adminchat ( thePlayer, _, ... ) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( player ) ) then if ( isPlayerMuted(thePlayer) ) then outputChatBox ( MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end -- if getElementData (thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", true) then -- outputChatBox ( MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end --local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) --if (money < ValorDoChatGlobal ) then --outputChatBox ( MensagemDinheiroInsuficienteGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ff8cPresidente #00FF00● #00ff8c"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "#00FA9A » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #ff6600Vice Presidente #00FF00● #ff6600"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Humanos" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedAdm Corp/Gang #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedDeputado Estadual #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedVereador #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 BOPE #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CHOQUE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #635f5f CHOQUE #00FF00● #635f5f"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "COE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 C O E #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROTA" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 ROTA #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BAEP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 BAEP #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PF" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #E47833 Policia Federal #00FF00● #E47833"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PETO" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 PETO #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROCAM" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 ROCAM #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CBV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Bala Voa #00FF00● #FF0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Vermelho #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFFF00Terceiro Comando Puro #00FF00● #FfFF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ANS" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 Anonymous #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "OG" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #8A2BE2 Os Guri #00FF00● #8A2BE2"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 UBER #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Designer" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #0000FF● Designer ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Omega" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP OMEGA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Sigma" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP SIGMA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP EPSYLON #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Alpha" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP ALPHA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 Mecanico #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SAMU" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 SAMU #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "GIRL" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FF00F6 Garotas De Programa #00FF00● #FF00F6"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Ajudante" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFEE00 Ajudante #00FF00● #FFEE00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #05FF00 Cidadão #00FF00● #05FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end if not getElementData( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) then --outputChatBox ( AvisoDoValorDaMensagemGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) --takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, ValorDoChatGlobal ) -- setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1",true ) -- setTimer ( setElementData, 0, 1, thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", false ) end addCommandHandler ( ComandoDoChatGlobal, adminchat ) function adminchat2 ( thePlayer, _, ... ) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( player ) ) then if ( isPlayerMuted(thePlayer) ) then outputChatBox ( MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal2, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end -- if getElementData (thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", true) then -- outputChatBox ( MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end --local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) --if (money < ValorDoChatGlobal ) then --outputChatBox ( MensagemDinheiroInsuficienteGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ff8cPresidente #00FF00● #00ff8c"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "#00FA9A » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #ff6600Vice Presidente #00FF00● #ff6600"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Humanos" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedAdm Corp/Gang #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedDeputado Estadual #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedVereador #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 BOPE #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CHOQUE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #635f5f CHOQUE #00FF00● #635f5f"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "COE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 C O E #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROTA" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 ROTA #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BAEP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 BAEP #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PF" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #E47833 Policia Federal #00FF00● #E47833"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROCAM" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 ROCAM #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PETO" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 PETO #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CBV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Bala Voa #00FF00● #FF0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Vermelho #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFFF00Terceiro Comando Puro #00FF00● #FfFF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 Anonymous #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "OG" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #8A2BE2 Os Guri #00FF00● #8A2BE2"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 UBER #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Designer" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #0000FF● Designer ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Omega" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP OMEGA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Sigma" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP SIGMA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP EPSYLON #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Alpha" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP ALPHA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 Mecanico #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SAMU" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 SAMU #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "GIRL" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FF00F6 Garotas De Programa #00FF00● #FF00F6"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Ajudante" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFEE00 Ajudante #00FF00● #FFEE00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #05FF00 Cidadão #00FF00● #05FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end if not getElementData( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) then --outputChatBox ( AvisoDoValorDaMensagemGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) --takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, ValorDoChatGlobal ) -- setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1",true ) -- setTimer ( setElementData, 0, 1, thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", false ) end addCommandHandler ( ComandoDoChatGlobal2, adminchat2 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local inGroup = false for _, group in ipairs ( { "Everyone" } ) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then inGroup = true break end end return inGroup end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Aqui, no comando /uber: local solicitantes = {} function pedir (splayer) local money = getPlayerMoney (splayer) if (money >= 30) and solicitantes[splayer] ~= true then local players = getElementsByType ("player") blip[splayer] = createBlipAttachedTo (splayer, 62) solicitantes[splayer] = true setElementVisibleTo (blip[splayer], root, false) for _, driver in ipairs (players) do local account = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(driver)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..account, aclGetGroup ("UBER")) then local passageiro = getPlayerName (splayer) local lugar = getElementZoneName (splayer) setElementVisibleTo (blip[splayer], driver, true) outputChatBox (" ", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox ("#838B83===============================================", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox (" ", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox ("✘ #838B83Uber Brasil #FFFFFF✘ - O cidadão "..passageiro.." #FFFFFFestá solicitando um Uber em "..lugar.."", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox (" ", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox ("#838B83===============================================", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox (" ", driver, 255, 255, 255, true) end end outputChatBox (" ", splayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox ("✘ #838B83Uber Brasil #FFFFFF✘ - Você solicitou um Uber, aguarde até alguém chegar", splayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox (" ", splayer, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif solicitantes[splayer] then outputChatBox( "Erro: Você já solicitou o Uber", splayer ) else outputChatBox ("✘ #838B83Uber Brasil #FFFFFF✘ - #ff0000Você não tem dinheiro suficiente para pedir um Uber #000000(#00FF00 R$30 #000000)", splayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler ("uber", pedir) No /aceitar: function aceitar (thePlayer, commandName, playerName) local account = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..account, aclGetGroup ("UBER")) then if not playerName then return outputChatBox( "Erro: digite o nome do passageiro!", thePlayer, 230, 0, 0 ) end local theClient = getPlayerFromPartialName (playerName) if theClient then local money = getPlayerMoney (theClient) if (money < 30) then return outputChatBox( "Erro: esse passageiro não tem a quantia necessária!", thePlayer, 230, 0, 0 ) end if blip[theClient] and isElement (blip[theClient]) then destroyElement (blip[theClient]) blip[theClient] = nil end if solicitantes[theClient] then solicitantes[theClient] = nil end takePlayerMoney (theClient, 30) givePlayerMoney (thePlayer, 30) else outputChatBox( "Erro: jogador não encontrado!", thePlayer, 230, 0, 0 ) end end end addCommandHandler ("aceitar", aceitar) Para remover é fácil: if solicitantes[player] then solicitantes[player] = nil end Faça isso no onPlayerQuit também, só substituir 'player' com 'source'.
  22. --[[ ################################################ # # # # # # # # # ################################################ --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DistanciaDoChatLocal = 200 -- Metros --MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisLocal = '#ffffff[ #CE98EBAnti Flood #ffffff] - #ffffffVocê Esta Digitando Muito Rapido, Aguarde 2 Segundos' ComandoDoChatGlobal = "rp" -- Ex /g Mensagem ComandoDoChatGlobal2 = "frp" ValorDoChatGlobal = 0 -- Dinheiro --MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisGlobal = '#ffffff[ #FF0000Anti Flood #ffffff] - #ffffffVocê Esta Digitando Muito Rapido, Aguarde 5 Segundos' MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal2 = '#ffffff[ #FF0000Aviso #ffffff] - #FF0000Você Esta Mutado, e Não Podera Utilizar os Chat do Servidor' MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal = '#ffffff[ #FF0000Aviso #ffffff] - #FF0000Você Esta Mutado, e Não Podera Utilizar os Chat do Servidor' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config do Chat Local addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function(tresc, msgtype) if (msgtype == 0) then cancelEvent() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) for key, gracze in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition(gracze) -- if getElementData (source, "ChatLocal:Delay", true) then -- outputChatBox ( MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisLocal, source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x, y, z, x2, y2, z2 ) < DistanciaDoChatLocal ) then local int = getElementInterior ( source ) local dim = getElementDimension ( source ) local int2 = getElementInterior ( gracze ) local dim2 = getElementDimension ( gracze ) if ( int == int2 and dim == dim2 ) then conta = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ff8cPresidente #00FF00● #00ff8c"..getPlayerName(source).. "#00FA9A » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #ff6600Vice Presidente #00FF00● #ff6600"..getPlayerName(source).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Humanos" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedAdm Corp/Gang #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(source).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedDeputado Estadual #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(source).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffed Vereador #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 BOPE #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CHOQUE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #635f5f C O E #00FF00● #635f5f"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "COE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROTA" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 ROTA #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BAEP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 BAEP #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PF" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #E47833 Policia Federal #00FF00● #E47833"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PETO" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 PETO #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROCAM" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 ROCAM #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CBV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Bala Voa #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Vermelho #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFFF00Terceiro Comando Puro #00FF00● #FFFF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ANS" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 Anonymous #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "OG" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #8A2BE2 Os Guri #00FF00● #8A2BE2"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Designer" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #0000FF● Designer ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Omega" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP OMEGA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Sigma" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP SIGMA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP EPSYLON #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Alpha" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP ALPHA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 UBER #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 Mecanico #00FF00● #228B22".. getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SAMU" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 SAMU #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "GIRL" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FF00F6 Garotas De Programa #00FF00● #FF00F6"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Ajudante" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFEE00 Ajudante #00FF00● #FFEE00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #FFEE00Local #ffffff] ["..getElementData(source, "ID").."] #00FF00● #05FF00 Cidadão #00FF00● #05FF00"..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff » :#FFFFFF "..tresc, gracze, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end end -- setElementData (source, "ChatLocal:Delay",true) --setTimer (setElementData, 2000, 1, source, "ChatLocal:Delay", false) end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config do Chat Global function adminchat ( thePlayer, _, ... ) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( player ) ) then if ( isPlayerMuted(thePlayer) ) then outputChatBox ( MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end -- if getElementData (thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", true) then -- outputChatBox ( MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end --local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) --if (money < ValorDoChatGlobal ) then --outputChatBox ( MensagemDinheiroInsuficienteGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ff8cPresidente #00FF00● #00ff8c"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "#00FA9A » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #ff6600Vice Presidente #00FF00● #ff6600"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Humanos" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedAdm Corp/Gang #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedDeputado Estadual #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedVereador #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 BOPE #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CHOQUE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #635f5f CHOQUE #00FF00● #635f5f"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "COE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 C O E #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROTA" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 ROTA #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BAEP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 BAEP #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PF" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #E47833 Policia Federal #00FF00● #E47833"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PETO" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 PETO #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROCAM" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 ROCAM #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CBV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Bala Voa #00FF00● #FF0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Vermelho #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFFF00Terceiro Comando Puro #00FF00● #FfFF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ANS" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 Anonymous #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "OG" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #8A2BE2 Os Guri #00FF00● #8A2BE2"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 UBER #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Designer" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #0000FF● Designer ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Omega" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP OMEGA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Sigma" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP SIGMA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP EPSYLON #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Alpha" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP ALPHA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 Mecanico #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SAMU" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 SAMU #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "GIRL" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FF00F6 Garotas De Programa #00FF00● #FF00F6"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Ajudante" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFEE00 Ajudante #00FF00● #FFEE00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #4AAFFBDentro do RP #ffffff] [#97FB4A/rp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #05FF00 Cidadão #00FF00● #05FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end if not getElementData( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) then --outputChatBox ( AvisoDoValorDaMensagemGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) --takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, ValorDoChatGlobal ) -- setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1",true ) -- setTimer ( setElementData, 0, 1, thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", false ) end addCommandHandler ( ComandoDoChatGlobal, adminchat ) function adminchat2 ( thePlayer, _, ... ) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( player ) ) then if ( isPlayerMuted(thePlayer) ) then outputChatBox ( MensagemVoceEstaMutadoGlobal2, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end -- if getElementData (thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", true) then -- outputChatBox ( MensagemFalandoRapidoDemaisGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end --local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) --if (money < ValorDoChatGlobal ) then --outputChatBox ( MensagemDinheiroInsuficienteGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ff8cPresidente #00FF00● #00ff8c"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "#00FA9A » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #ff6600Vice Presidente #00FF00● #ff6600"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Humanos" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedAdm Corp/Gang #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedDeputado Estadual #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#FFffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00ffedVereador #00FF00● #00ffed"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#A914F9 » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 BOPE #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CHOQUE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #635f5f CHOQUE #00FF00● #635f5f"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "COE" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 C O E #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROTA" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 ROTA #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "BAEP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 BAEP #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PF" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #E47833 Policia Federal #00FF00● #E47833"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "ROCAM" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 ROCAM #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "PETO" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 PETO #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CBV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Bala Voa #00FF00● #FF0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "CV" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 Comando Vermelho #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFFF00Terceiro Comando Puro #00FF00● #FfFF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "TCP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #000000 Anonymous #00FF00● #000000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "OG" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #8A2BE2 Os Guri #00FF00● #8A2BE2"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "UBER" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #838B83 UBER #00FF00● #838B83"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Designer" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #0000FF● Designer ● #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Omega" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP OMEGA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Sigma" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP SIGMA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Epsylon" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP EPSYLON #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Alpha" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP ALPHA #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #00FF00 VIP #00FF00● #00FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Mecanico" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #228B22 Mecanico #00FF00● #228B22"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "SAMU" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #Ff0000 SAMU #00FF00● #Ff0000"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "GIRL" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FF00F6 Garotas De Programa #00FF00● #FF00F6"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Ajudante" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #FFEE00 Ajudante #00FF00● #FFEE00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff ".. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then outputChatBox("#ffffff[ #B6D654Fora do RP #ffffff] [#FBCB49/frp#ffffff] ["..getElementData(thePlayer, "ID").."] #00FF00● #05FF00 Cidadão #00FF00● #05FF00"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff » :#ffffff "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end if not getElementData( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) then --outputChatBox ( AvisoDoValorDaMensagemGlobal, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Avisado", true ) --takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, ValorDoChatGlobal ) -- setElementData ( thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1",true ) -- setTimer ( setElementData, 0, 1, thePlayer, "ChatGlobal:Delay1", false ) end addCommandHandler ( ComandoDoChatGlobal2, adminchat2 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local inGroup = false for _, group in ipairs ( { "Everyone" } ) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then inGroup = true break end end return inGroup end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tipo esse só que inves de escrever /frp e os comandos só apertar uma tecla
  23. Então use o código do malignos. Edit: Indente o código pra ficar mais legível e fácil de você entender. Tente desta forma: SERVER-SIDE function ChamarTaxista () executeCommandHandler ( "uber", client ) addEvent( "ChamarOTaxista", true ) addEventHandler( "ChamarOTaxista", root, ChamarTaxista) addCommandHandler ( "uber", function () local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local loc = getZoneName ( x, y, z ) local city = getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ) outputChatBox("#00FFFFUber Acionado, aguarde no local.", source, 255, 255, 255, true) for theKey,player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( GroupName2) ) ) then outputChatBox("#00FFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." precisa de um uber em "..loc.." ("..city.."), localize-o em seu GPS", player, 255, 255, 255, true) displayServerMessage(player, ""..getPlayerName(source).." precisa de um uber em "..loc.." ("..city.."), localize-o em seu GPS", "warning") local blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( source, 56 ) setElementVisibleTo(blip, root, false) setElementVisibleTo(blip, player, true) setTimer ( function() destroyElement(blip) end, 270000, 1) end end end ) CLIENT-SIDE addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter",root, function () if source == sendmoney then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Enviar Dinheiro") elseif source == Callingm then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Solicitar Samu") elseif source == animshe then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Danças") elseif source == top10pivp then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Navegador") elseif source == putplibss then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Envie localização") elseif source == Callingp then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Chame a polícia") elseif source == top10 then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "10 melhores jogadores") elseif source == Calculatorpanel then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Calculadora") elseif source == policePanel then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Procurados(desativado)") elseif source == PlayerInfo then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Suas informações") elseif source == sms then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Whatsapp!") elseif source == mecanicolig then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Solicitar Mecânico!") elseif source == taxilig then guiSetText (phon_LBL, "Solicitar Uber!") --TA AQUI O CÓDIGO DO UBER, POSTEI O CÓDIGO INTEIRO SÓ PRA ENTENDER MELHOR. end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if( source == Callingp ) then triggerServerEvent('ChamarAPolicia', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (Callingp,false) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (Callingp,true) end, 60000,1) elseif( source == Callingm ) then triggerServerEvent('ChamarOSamu', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (Callingm,false) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (Callingm,true) end, 60000,1) elseif( source == mecanicolig ) then triggerServerEvent('ChamarOMecanico', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (mecanicolig,false) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (mecanicolig,true) end, 60000,1) elseif( source == taxilig ) then ------------------------------------------UBER AQ triggerServerEvent('ChamarOTaxista', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (taxilig,true) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (taxilig,true) end, 60000,1) end end) ( Não testado )
  24. Cara, acho que nenhum de vocês entenderam ainda kkk, isso deve ser pelo fato de eu ser horrivel tentando explicar as coisas... Mas repetindo, deis de já agradeço pela força q vcs tao dando. Bom, Pra deixar bem detalhado vou explicar como ta o servidor, Os trabalhos já estão prontos e não tem nada a ver com o script de celular! Esse código que vocês estão vendo acima é o código que ja veio com o script do celular, que aliás, todos eles são publicos, mas isto não vem ao caso.. O trabalho de uber está em uma pasta distinta, longe da pasta do celular e repetindo não tem nada a ver um com um outro e como o trabalho de uber tem que digitar /uber para chamar um uber oque eu queria é que o botão do uber no celular executasse esse comando para que os players não precisem digitar, apenas ir no celular e apertar o botão que o comando seria executado. somente, eu quero apagar todo esse sistema de uber do script de celular e fazer com que o botão execute um comando, e agora deu pra entender? kkk
  25. Vms por parte rapaziada, Vou postar todo o código aqui pra vocês entenderem. Aqui está o código da parte cliente: (Coloquei o código inteiro para melhor você entenderem...) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter",root, function () if source == sendmoney then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Enviar Dinheiro") elseif source == Callingm then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Solicitar Samu") elseif source == animshe then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Danças") elseif source == top10pivp then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Navegador") elseif source == putplibss then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Envie localização") elseif source == Callingp then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Chame a polícia") elseif source == top10 then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"10 melhores jogadores") elseif source == Calculatorpanel then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Calculadora") elseif source == policePanel then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Procurados(desativado)") elseif source == PlayerInfo then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Suas informações") elseif source == sms then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Whatsapp!") elseif source == mecanicolig then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Solicitar Mecânico!") elseif source == taxilig then guiSetText (phon_LBL,"Solicitar Uber!") --TA AQUI O CÓDIGO DO UBER, POSTEI O CÓDIGO INTEIRO SÓ PRA ENTENDER MELHOR. end end ) O código acima leva pra esse código --------------------------------------------------calling------------------------------- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if( source == Callingp ) then triggerServerEvent('ChamarAPolicia', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (Callingp,false) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (Callingp,true) end,60000,1) elseif( source == Callingm ) then triggerServerEvent('ChamarOSamu', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (Callingm,false) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (Callingm,true) end,60000,1) elseif( source == mecanicolig ) then triggerServerEvent('ChamarOMecanico', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (mecanicolig,false) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (mecanicolig,true) end,60000,1) elseif( source == taxilig ) then ------------------------------------------UBER AQ triggerServerEvent('ChamarOTaxista', localPlayer) guiSetEnabled (taxilig,true) setTimer (function ( ) guiSetEnabled (taxilig,true) end,60000,1) end end ) E por ultimo a Parte do servidor coloquei só a parte que interessa que é a do uber. function ChamarTaxista () local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local loc = getZoneName ( x, y, z ) local city = getZoneName ( x, y, z, true ) outputChatBox("#00FFFFUber Acionado, aguarde no local.", source, 255, 255, 255, true) for theKey,player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( GroupName2) ) ) then outputChatBox("#00FFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." precisa de um uber em "..loc.." ("..city.."), localize-o em seu GPS", player, 255, 255, 255, true) displayServerMessage(player, ""..getPlayerName(source).." precisa de um uber em "..loc.." ("..city.."), localize-o em seu GPS", "warning") local blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( source, 56 ) setElementVisibleTo(blip, root, false) setElementVisibleTo(blip, player, true) setTimer ( function() destroyElement(blip) end, 270000, 1) end end end addEvent( "ChamarOTaxista", true ) addEventHandler( "ChamarOTaxista", root, ChamarTaxista) Pelo visto é coisa simples mais como sou leigo no assunto não sei nem por onde vou. Se quiserem posso deixar o link p download do script, que daí fica mais facil pra me auxiliarem, mais deis de ja agradeço.
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