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Everything posted by TMTMTL

  1. I see where you've got confused. Give me an hour as I've just woken, I'll post an example.
  2. Hi. With such a brief question, nobody is going to just give you hard earned work, maybe you could find something on the community resources? You don't sound willing to code so your last option would be to pay somebody to make a car shop? If you decide to pay for the script, send me a message. I don't mind doing commissioned work.
  3. Hi. I'm on my phone at the moment so it's a bit awkward. But you could make this a lot cleaner by making the volume a variable and only using 1 timer. Local soundVolume = 1 at the top, set your timer to 100 * 10, put if soundVolume > 0 then soundVolume = soundVolume - 0.1 end above the playSound, and set the Volume argument to the soundVolume variable.
  4. Updated main post with better quality videos of some of the stuff I have been working on. And I would also like to thank everyone for the positive reactions!
  5. You haven't posted any of the code or what you're really trying to achieve?
  6. Today we've hit 20 members in the discord, that's awesome because for the first 3 weeks of this project I was talking to myself in my own discord channel, setting myself reminders and stuff I had to finish, wondering if anybody would even be remotely interested. I'm happy with the response I've got so far, and I'm glad you've all took interest in this project! To those of you who have jumped on as contributors I appreciate you massively, because your skills will be the icing on the cake for this project, and to those of you planning to play here, I can't wait to see you all in-game when the BETA comes around! I will be sure to keep the videos coming, later on I'll upload some better quality videos and images. Thank you
  7. Your discord link has expired. Good luck with your project
  8. Hi. Piecing a full gamemode together can be a big task. I have recently undertaken the task of doing the same thing. And I started with making a login resource, and character selection(roleplay), but it depends on what your gamemode is.
  9. Hi. Could you better explain what you're trying to achieve please? Are you doing something similar to the invisible mode in GTA 5?
  10. Good thinking. To me it appears he has only sent you half of the game mode.
  11. By the look of that, you need to check half of the resources the mtaserver.conf is starting even exist. Secondly, run "upgrade all" in your console, thin out the errors and post back.
  12. Thanks man, I appreciate the support! I remember one done by some of the old school roleplayers(I remember Fields was one of them), in around 2014/2015. It worked quite well but was a vG rip. I decided to take another route and make my own from scratch.
  13. This is nice man. Have you released it?
  14. Cool spin off man. Well done.
  15. Summary: Off the end of my hiatus, I returned to MTA after 6 years to pick up LUA once again and make something cool of the game that I(and many others), love the most. I was originally going to develop the gamemode to a playable point and then open source it for others to contribute and play, but after talks with a few people I have decided to keep the project private and host it when completed. So at the moment, this project is a Work In Progress, and I'm working on it on my own. But in such a short space of time, it has came a long way. The script is written the script from scratch, beginning on the 22/12/2022. I wanted the script tailored to be exactly what we need from it, no other garbage. I know these are advertisements for "Servers to Play On", but I'd like to see how much interest I can drum up to see if there's a potential playerbase, thus not wasting my time. The Lore: The background story to the lore of the server scenario is that it's 6 months into the zombie apocalypse. If you've made it this far, you must have some kind of clue so please roleplay as though you do. People are scarce, energy and fuel is scarce, items are scarce. Zombies move around in large herds. You must do what you have to do to survive. The source of the virus is unknown, but you're welcome to conspire your own theories. Roleplay: This is a roleplaying server, however you are only asked to roleplay when it affects another players experience. For instance, when encountering new players, trading with players, firefights, stealing another players vehicles/items etc. If you're playing solo and there's no-one around, play as you wish. If a bear :~s in the woods, and nobody is around... Staff: I'd like to keep staff interaction with roleplay minimal, so you can play without the need to report for an admin, and have them come to complete a task. I believe staff should only require involvement with player to player, or game-breaking bugs. Showcase: I will include a few links to screenshots, videos etc here to stuff I've been working on or made, but I can't promise I'll stay completely up to date with it. Fishing: https://youtu.be/-vuAC-4Iouo Vehicle Dashboard: https://youtu.be/ePV3rRbt7j0 Abseiling & NVG's: https://youtu.be/T-o8_IqDhaY Prone Animation: https://youtu.be/tAr61LadAdg Vehicle Refueling: https://youtu.be/92BPKAVXy2E Character Descriptions: https://youtu.be/XpcJlCVtFao Weapon Raising/Lowering & Sprinting: https://youtu.be/aQQj9thAXZA Vehicle Crashes: https://youtu.be/HzD6e8x_GW4 Realistic Vehicle Handling: https://youtu.be/sqG4hut3J_M Reload & Dry Firing Sounds: https://youtu.be/AC22-DD3_p4 Weapons, Magazines & Ammunition: https://youtu.be/WWitr8Q9QuA Player, Vehicle & Container Inventories, Character Customization & Clothing States: https://youtu.be/TGP4IjYeiEw Base Building W.I.P Demo: https://youtu.be/qunJQDzSIzU Scuba Diving W.I.P Demo: https://youtu.be/38NPWMAjicA Custom Text Signposts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzJFJ3FvPT0 Weapon Attachments: https://youtu.be/Dmll7y9r_i0 Switching Pistol Animations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAa1rAHDuwk Website: http://6monthzin.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/FSUYd3mK
  16. I hate to be that guy. But does anybody have a mirror for this? I've lost my backup of it. Thank you. Now I'm double post guy. My mistake, I found a similar resource on the resources page. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=download&resource=9333&selectincludes=1 which should work, and same goes for anyone looking for something like this. Also, Jesse, if you're still about on here send me a PM. Would be cool to catch up brother.
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