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Everything posted by Mmohab
it's working now .. Thank you so much
@Tut sorry for that, the error : The Validation ID was not accepted, Please try again https://imgur.com/a/f15ljpo
hello, this problem happens to me when I try to register on the community mtasa website.. I checked the captcha and tried to register from another browser.. it didn't work and still saying the same problem, could u help me please ?
New WnashTime || حصصريات وناسة تايم
Mmohab replied to ععيونككء اخخر امممأليء ^'s topic in Arabic / العربية
جميل .. بالتوفيق -
احسنت ، بالتوفيق
تصميم جميل ، بالتوفيق.
انا معجب جداً بإسلوبك ف البرمجة ? في اضافة تاني اقدر استفاد منها ؟
سلام عليكم اتمني ان يكون الجميع بخير وصحة وعافية hud الموضوع عن مود ولكن داخل الدبابة فقط C لما تكون داخل الدبابة اضغط علي حرف وبيتغير المنظور الي المنظور الاول ☀☀☀☀-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------☀☀☀☀ ☀☀☀☀-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------☀☀☀☀ صور للمود C قبل الضغط علي حرف C بعد الضغط علي حرف ☀☀☀☀-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------☀☀☀☀ اترككم مع تحميل المود اذكر الله بالتوفيق
@#\_oskar_/# اية المقابل اللي انت عايزه ؟
Hey guys, my question is simple, how can I link the Discord account with the MTA account ?? and what things should i use ?
Hello guys .. I hope you are fine .. Let's start with the topic When a player walks, he does not walk slowly but runs I want to make a script that when the player moves with the w button he is going slow and not running And when he presses space button he Running fast so .. what should i do ? and what the commands i need to ? thanks.
سلام عليكم شباب اتمني تكونو بأحسن حال حاولت اسوي رتبة ادمن جديدة غير الرتب المعروفة في باك اب اول جيمنج حاولت اسوي رتبة Server founder وهذه اسماء الملفات اللي عدلت عليها integration --> functions_s if string.find(forumPerms, SERVERFOUNDER) then return exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, "admin_level", 8, true) end integration --> g_configs --MAXIME mysql = exports.mysql TESTER = 25 SCRIPTER = 32 LEADSCRIPTER = 79 COMMUNITYLEADER = 14 TRIALADMIN = 18 ADMIN = 17 SENIORADMIN = 64 SERVERFOUNDER = 88 -- رقم السماح بكتابة الاوامر في قاعدة البيانات LEADADMIN = 15 SUPPORTER = 30 VEHICLE_CONSULTATION_TEAM_LEADER = 39 VEHICLE_CONSULTATION_TEAM_MEMBER = 43 MAPPING_TEAM_LEADER = 44 MAPPING_TEAM_MEMBER = 28 STAFF_MEMBER = {32, 14, 18, 17, 64, 15, 30, 39, 43, 44, 28, 88} AUXILIARY_GROUPS = {32, 39, 43, 44, 28, 88} ADMIN_GROUPS = {14, 18, 17, 64, 15, 88} staffTitles = { [1] = { [0] = "Player", [1] = "Trial Administrator", [2] = "Administrator", [3] = "Senior Administrator", [4] = "Lead Administrator", [5] = "Server Managment", [6] = "-", [7] = "Vice Founder", [8] = "Server Founder", -- الفاوندر }, integration --> g_staff function isPlayerServerFounder(player) if not player or not isElement(player) or not getElementType(player) == "player" then return false end local adminLevel = getElementData(player, "admin_level") or 0 return (adminLevel >= 8) -- اللفل حق الادمن end admin-system --> Player --> s_player_commands حاولت اخلي الفاوندر بس هو اللي يسوي امر givemoney وهذا التغيير موجود في admin-system --> Player --> s_player_commands والامر اهو function giveMoney(thePlayer, commandName, target, money, ...) if exports["integration"]:isPlayerServerFounder(thePlayer) then if not (target) or not money or not (...) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Partial Player Nick] [Money] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) else local username = getPlayerName(thePlayer) local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, target) if targetPlayer then money = tonumber(money) or 0 if money and money > 500000 then outputChatBox("For security reason, you're only allowed to give a player less than $500,000 at once.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) return false end if not exports.global:giveMoney(targetPlayer, money) then outputChatBox("Could not give player that amount.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) return false end هذه التغييرات فقط اللي سويتها وما سويت شئ غيرها وهذا الخطأ اللي يظهرلي في debugscript ساعدوني رجاءً ملاحظة : SERVERFOUNDER عشان الكود دا function getAdminGroups() -- this is used in c_adminstats to correspond levels to forum usergroups return { SUPPORTER, TRIALADMIN, ADMIN, SENIORADMIN, LEADADMIN, SERVERFOUNDER } end
للأسف ما حصل شئ طب ممكن تكون المشكلة في الكلاينت سايد ؟ @Infinity-War طب هل استخدامي لباك اب owlgaming ممكن يكون السبب في المشكلة ؟
انا خليته يقول في الديبق success عشان اتأكد انه نجح test = executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_stats` (`username` TEXT, `Thirst` INT, `Hunger` INT)") if test then print ("success") else print ("failed") end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root , function () local atsh = getElementData(source, "Thirst") local hungry = getElementData(source, "Hunger") local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then return end local username = getAccountName(account) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE `username` = ?", username) if (#result > 1) then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE `player_stats` SET `Hunger` = ?, `Thirst` = ? WHERE `username` = ?", hungry, atsh, username) else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO health (username, Thirst, Hunger) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", username, atsh, hungry) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local accountName = getAccountName(account) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE username = ?", accountName) if (#result > 1) then setElementData(source, "Thirst", result[1].Thirst) setElementData(source, "Hunger", result[1].Hunger) end end) بس ايش الخطوة اللي بعدها ؟ يعني انا اشكرك جدا انك ساعدتني المشكلة اتحلت بس مافي شئ اتغير بالنسبة للكلاينت حق المود يعني المفروض اني لما اسوي local atsh = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Thirst") local hungry = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Hunger") المفروض انه يسوي تلقائي الجوع والعطش اللي كان متسجل بس يقولي نفس المشكله ان الجوع والعطش متغير ولازم اخليه كدا local atsh = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Thirst") or 100 local hungry = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Hunger") or 100 عشان كدا حسيت انه ما في تقدم ساعدني من فضلك @Infinity-War
executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_stats` (`username` TEXT, `Thirst` INT, `Hunger` INT)") addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", function (Player) local atsh = getElementData(source, "Thirst") local hungry = getElementData(source, "Hunger") local username = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE `username` = ?", username) if (#result > 1) then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE `player_stats` SET `Hunger` = ?, `Thirst` = ? WHERE `username` = ?", hungry, atsh, username) else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO health (username, Thirst, Hunger) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", username, atsh, hungry) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local accountName = getAccountName(account) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE username = ?", accountName) if (#result > 1) then setElementData(source, "Thirst", result[1].Thirst) setElementData(source, "Hunger", result[1].Hunger) end end) هذا عشان مود الجوع والعطش بحيث ان لو اللاعب سجل خروج وجوعه 50 لما يرجع يصير جوعه 50 ما يصير 100 من فضلكم ساعدوني ليش هذا السكريبت ما يشتغل ؟
executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `player_stats` (`username` TEXT, `Thirst` INT, `Hunger` INT)") addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", function (Player) local atsh = getElementData(source, "Thirst") local hungry = getElementData(source, "Hunger") local username = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE `username` = ?", username) if (#result > 1) then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE `player_stats` SET `Hunger` = ?, `Thirst` = ? WHERE `username` = ?", hungry, atsh, username) else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO health (username, Thirst, Hunger) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", username, atsh, hungry) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local accountName = getAccountName(account) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM player_stats WHERE username = ?", accountName) if (#result > 1) then setElementData(source, "Thirst", result[1].Thirst) setElementData(source, "Hunger", result[1].Hunger) end end) it isn't working please help