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Everything posted by ccw

  1. ccw

    MTA can't locate GTA SA.

    Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic.
  2. ccw

    Game randomly turns off

  3. ccw

    Mta Crashing

  4. ccw

    Slow Download Speed

    Which server?
  5. Try installing this version of MTA: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.5.5-full_rc-11932-20180324.exe
  6. Zip up C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.5\mta\dumps\ and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give link here
  7. ccw

    Plasticsgate1 Bug

    Try: 1. Reinstall graphic drivers 2. Remove d3d9.dll from GTA:SA directory 3. Run MTA outside of Steam
  8. ccw

    Problem help !!

    Try installing this version of MTA: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.5.5-full_rc-11931-20180324.exe
  9. ccw

    Problem help !!

    Zip up C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.5\mta\dumps\ and upload to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give link here
  10. ccw

    Problem help !!

    Try installing this version of MTA: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.5.5-full_rc-11928-20180323.exe
  11. Install GTA San Andreas
  12. ccw

    MTA Vehicle-Mod Bugs

    Restart MTA and it should be fixed
  13. ccw

    MTA Vehicle-Mod Bugs

    Give the links to the mods so I can try this.
  14. ccw


  15. ccw

    Problem with the player

    Is admin resource modified? If yes, upload admin resource to https://upload.mtasa.com/ and give link here
  16. What is your MTA serial? 1. Start MTA 2. Press F8 3. Enter command: serial
  17. Try uninstalling Trusteer Rapport
  18. ccw

    BSOD when opening MTA

    Try following these instructions: https://malwaretips.com/blogs/remove-bytefence/
  19. Crash is a bug in MTA caused by destroying markers during 'onClientColShapeHit' or 'onClientElementColShapeHit' It will be fixed in the next MTA update. Until then, when destroying markers during 'onClientColShapeHit' or 'onClientElementColShapeHit' put destroyElement in a timer. e.g. setTimer(function() destroyElement(colShape) end, 50, 1)
  20. ccw

    [HELP] I guess Ban

    Install Anti-Virus and do a full scan https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/64715-install-anti-virus/
  21. ccw

    Error CD 16 .

    The issue seems to be affecting several players from Indonesia. Ask your ISP if they know of any problems, or try a VPN
  22. Please show a screenshot of the crash
  23. The server owner must add it. There is no other way.
  24. ccw

    Error CD 16 .

    Your network traffic is still being modified. Download this repair program https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/utils/servicing.bat and then 'Right click -> Run as administrator'
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