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Everything posted by Erlkonig

  1. Erlkonig

    help me

    AddEvent on the serverside-script. addEvent("sportmod", true) addEvent("business", true) addEventHandel("sportmod", root, setVehicleVelocity(sportmod)) addEventHandel("business", root, setVehicleVelocity(business)) Of course you should to edit setVehicleVelocity function.
  2. local serverTime = getRealTime() local minute = serverTime.minute theFirstTimer = setTimer(function() justOneFunction() eveyHourTimer = setTimer(justOneFunction, 60*60000, 0) end, (60 - minute) * 60000, 1) My problem in that fact the timer function was called a lot of time insted of one. I still can not resolve this problem. Have someone an idea? I tried to find more information about timers in MTA SA but still can not resolve that.
  3. Erlkonig

    help me

    Try to do it yourself. If something will wrong, you can ask here about your issue.
  4. Erlkonig

    help me

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientKey https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/TriggerServerEvent
  5. Erlkonig

    help me

    What exactly do you want to do?
  6. Erlkonig

    help me

    function setVehicleVelocity(player, command) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if (not veh or veh == nil or getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(player) ~= 0 ) then return end if (command == "sportmod") then setVehicleHandling(veh, "maxVelocity", 320) outputChatBox("Sport Mod Enabled", player, 255, 255, 0, true) elseif (command == "business") then setVehicleHandling(veh, "maxVelocity", 180) outputChatBox("Business Mod Enabled", player, 255, 255, 0, true) end end addCommandHandler("sportmod", setVehicleVelocity) addCommandHandler("business", setVehicleVelocity) addCommandHandler("gethandling", function(thePlayer) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) local handling = getVehicleHandling(veh) outputChatBox("maxVelocity is "..handling.maxVelocity, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end)
  7. Erlkonig

    help me

    It will not work as I said earlier. Edit getPedOccuipedVehicle(player) to getPedOccupiedVehicle(player).
  8. Erlkonig

    help me

    Can you please copy-paste the code here?
  9. Erlkonig

    help me

    It works like you write it. Max Velocity it's maximum of velocity, not acceleration. For check your vehicle handling you can use something like this: addCommandHandler("gethandling", function(thePlayer) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) local handling = getVehicleHandling(veh) outputChatBox("maxVelocity is "..handling.maxVelocity, thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end) I guess you need "engineAcceleration". Just I never used that stuff.
  10. Erlkonig

    help me

    What exactly does not works?
  11. Erlkonig

    help me

    There no "getPedOccuipedVehicle", it should be "getPedOccupiedVehicle". Use /debugscript.
  12. You should to give rights to this resource (edit ACL file or use standard admin panel). Like you gave the admin ACL rights for your user object. More information here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.php?title=Access_Control_List
  13. Is it works when the player leaving the server before restart / shutdown? Did you check the value in database when the player has leaved the server?
  14. Wow! It works really nice on android 10, I like it. Playing on my own server. But there some glithes with shooting, hope it will be fixed.
  15. Yes, I do not remember this resource but it must be possible as I remember. Did you try to change it at client-side script?
  16. Why is there nothing at "spawnpoints"? I guess it should be the table with spawn coordinates. Did not you changed the line with "local spawnpoints"? The script trying to get the array size but there nothing is.
  17. Try to use export function by the standart "parachute" resource. Try to call function 'onFire' when you want to open it.
  18. I am still working on this, planing to do it with images, not standart gui. Just use attachTrailerToVehicle for this stuff. Russian spoiler:
  19. Something like that? Use attachTrailerToVehicle for this.
  20. Also use that for your request. Of course after first steps. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerVoiceBroadcastTo https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsVoiceEnabled Also use that for your request. Of course after first steps. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerVoiceBroadcastTo https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsVoiceEnabled Also use that for your request. Of course after first steps. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerVoiceBroadcastTo https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsVoiceEnabled
  21. What do you exactly mean? Had I understood you correctly? Parachute should be opened automatically after x seconds when player jumped off?
  22. Erlkonig


    If it still actually, can you please write more correctly what do you need? As I understood you have a "Real Time" script but when you restart it the time turns to 00:00, right?
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