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Everything posted by Shady1

  1. if you want more support please open a new thread and tag me, if you liked my help you can like my comments
  2. yes, you can be more careful in such matters, recheck the information about what you did well before saying anything. I always say, it may be better to test and submit the correct codes, because the codes we publish may contain erroneous or incomplete typos. When I will share code samples in the forum community I will try the codes on my own test server and share the codes properly to MTA players, thank you for your help, have a nice day And I can express my special thanks for helping the player.
  3. destroyElement for elements,If you want to delete element data, use removeElementData on server side
  4. hello there is error in your comment, I recommend you to use getElementModel instead of getElementID
  5. Shady1


  6. did you follow the instructions you were told 1. and 2.
  7. I'm glad your problem is fixed, if you like my help, you can like it in the comment
  8. hello, I tested your code, I couldn't see any problem, only the car was active to go back, I turned it off, everything works addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() setAnalogControlState("accelerate", 0.1) end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() toggleControl("accelerate", false) toggleControl("brake_reverse", false) end) ths
  9. hello welcome to the forum i will post a link about your problem, i hope it helps you, have a nice day https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedControlState
  10. Shady1

    error CD16

    and https://www.g2a.com/grand-theft-auto-san-andreas-steam-key-global-i10000004439009
  11. Shady1

    MTA Açılma Sorunu

    yani bendede bazen oluyor ama çok olmuyor, 1 kere yeniliyorum MTA'yı daha sonra hiç vermez, taaki dediğim gibi MTA açıkken bilgisayarımı kapatmak olsun Yönetici tarafından komple hızlı kapat olsun felan bu tarzda uyarılar veriyordu ama fazla takmıyordum çünkü bunlar bir uyarı sadece, ciddi bir sorun değil bana göre
  12. Shady1

    MTA Açılma Sorunu

    Merhabala MTA foruma hoşgeldiniz, bu sorunu daha önce bende yaşıyordum, peki ya nasil yaşıyordum ? örneğin MTA sunucuda oynarken birden quit çekersem yada direkt zorla kapatmaya çalıştığımda vesayre bu sorunla karşılışyordum, bunun bir çözümü olarak MTA'yı komple sildim ve tekrar son sürümünü indirdim, proxy_sa sorun değil bu sadece patch'li gta_sa.exe gibi düşünebilirsin proxy_sa'yı https://nightly.mtasa.com/mtasa-1.5.9-rc-21545-20230124.exe
  13. olala, good luck bro
  14. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AddPedClothes https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CJ_Clothes verifique este site e tente como quiser códigos de amostra estão disponíveis
  15. You can actually do it with Luac encrypted to protect your Lua source file,but remember save and backup your Lua file before making Luac,because after you encrypt your Lua file with Luac, it is irreversible, so you can't restore it, so save your files. If you want to keep it, most of the shared functions are transferred to the server side,so you give less transfer to client side,but in terms of performance it may not be good to load all the load on the server side You can use cache=false , it will just prevent it from downloading your source file in MTA file location and client side will not be able to access this file https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/67224-luacmtasacom-and-us/
  16. Shady1


  17. Shady1

    error CD16

    Avoid if you are using GTA:SA crack version because you have to download original version
  18. Shady1

    error CD16

    hello welcome to the forum you have more than one non-standard, can you reinstall GTA:SA without mods and cleanly?
  19. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled("randomfoliage", false) end ) server-side
  20. Welcome to The Fade2Black Communtiy soon Hello everyone, I'm Shady(Eren) I want to introduce you a new game mode,In this game mode, the GTA:SA map was completely removed and we made a new map instead. Before I talk about the features of the server, I would like to explain our purpose. I got support from many people before making these systems and thanks to their help I got a good system so I have to thank them. As F2B managers, we are growing our staff. What is DayZ: it is a survival game mode, you can find loot in front of houses or in front of ruins and loot them,When you improve yourself, you can fight with other players or zombies and survive,You have to create your own team, your own group, because DayZ is a very difficult game... Contributors : Burak2346 Arfelious Nebla Server features : Airdrop : (Once you have Road Flare loot, use the loot and it will airdrop to your area) BaseBuild : (you should get a lot of loot and you can make a few objects) Craft : (You can make weapons with unnecessary loot and strengthen yourself.) Levels : (When you kill players or zombies you will gain experience points, then your Level will increase. You will have different loot for each Level) Shop : (You can buy a new market panel a lot of loot and gift it to your friends.) NPC : (There are NPCs in designated areas, when you go to these NPCs, they will give you tasks and you will earn gifts in return.) For more information, you can join our Discord page. : Discord https://discord.gg/DeK2yS44PM As the Fade2Black team, I would like to share the images of the new maps with you,After the server is active, we will share in-server screenshots... Server Mods ready : %98 Server Map ready : %100 Server tested : %50
  21. hello, welcome to forum,You can use getLocalPlayer() only on the client side, if you want to reach the player, use the word client. This is the player on which the event is run. --serverside: addEvent("eventNameHere", true) addEventHandler("eventNameHere", root, function() --use client word here --example: givePlayerMoney(client, 1000) <-- giving 1000 to player end ) --clientside. triggerServerEvent("eventNameHere", localPlayer)
  22. change function : function giveMoney(player)
  23. hello welcome to the forum,The code you provided appears to be a script that gives a player $1000 in-game money, but only allows them to use the command once per day. It appears to be functional, however, there are a few things that can be improved: 1- The variable `currentTime` is not being defined, you should use `getRealTime().timestamp` to get the current timestamp. 2-The `lastUsed` table is defined at the top of the script, but it is not being reset, so players who use the command once will not be able to use it again until the script is restarted. To fix this, you can add a line at the top of the `giveMoney` function to check if the current day is different from the last time the player used the command and reset the `lastUsed` table if it is. 3-The output message should be improved, it is better to use `outputChatBox("You can only use this command once per day. Wait "..timePassed.." seconds.", player)` instead of just "You can only use this command once per day.". This way the player will know when they can use the command again. local lastUsed = {} local lastDay = 0 function giveMoney() local player = source local playerName = getPlayerName(player) local currentTime = getRealTime().timestamp local currentDay = getRealTime().monthday if currentDay ~= lastDay then lastUsed = {} lastDay = currentDay end if lastUsed[playerName] then local lastUsedTime = lastUsed[playerName] local timePassed = 86400 - (currentTime - lastUsedTime) if timePassed > 0 then outputChatBox("You can only use this command once per day. Wait "..timePassed.." seconds.", player) return end end givePlayerMoney(player, 1000) outputChatBox("You have received $1000.", player) lastUsed[playerName] = currentTime end addCommandHandler("getgift", giveMoney) I want to try this code, hope it will work for you
  24. hello welcome to forum,I did not understand what you want to do but I wanted to prepare a code... local vehicles = { ["vehicle_name"] = true --You can replace the "vehicle_name" with the name of the vehicle you want to use and you can add more vehicles to the list. } function onKey( button, pressOrRelease ) if pressOrRelease == true then if button == "x" then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicles[getVehicleName(vehicle)] then -- turn on the headlights setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 2) end end elseif pressOrRelease == false then if button == "x" then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicles[getVehicleName(vehicle)] then -- turn off the headlights setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 0) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, onKey)
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