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Galactix last won the day on July 9 2018

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About Galactix

  • Birthday 01/06/2001


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    Video games, programming

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  1. Galactix

    Error damage

    I guess maybe your server doesn't have a strong enough connection and players are getting high ping which delay the response time between the client and the server which and would explain why you can't shoot players that are running, because of their delay, they won't be considered at the position where you shoot by the server.
  2. Sorry, I don't know how to work with mySQL.
  3. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/45036-rel-heroinventory-inventory-system-groups-more/
  4. function createText(thePlayer, command,...) local message = table.concat({...}, "") if message ~= "" then triggerClientEvent("CreateBox", root, message) else return outputChatBox("Synat:/ "..command.." text", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("", createText) -- "" put the command you wanτ This will work. The event that is supposed to be triggered is CreateBox, not CreateTipBox, which is triggered itself by CreateBox.
  5. Galactix


    You would simply have to script firstly the jobs that you would want in your server (basic scripting), to then script every group related to each separate job (using createTeam or setAccountData) and after you could make the possibility, for example, do /duty when you stand in a marker in front of the hospital as someone belonging to the doctor job group (for that you would just use getPlayerTeam or getAccountData depending on what you choose to use) and then you could finally grant permissions to each and every group like police officers can use police cars and armory or stuff like that (you could do that using just the same as in the previous step). You could also achieve all this by using ACL rank but it may be a little inappropriate to use. My personal preference would be to go with setAccountData and getAccountData when you need to retrieve the permissions allowed to a player by his job group.
  6. Galactix

    Hydra Flares

    You would need to find the appropriate texture mod for the flares and make players download it at join
  7. Galactix

    Hydra Flares

    What exactly do you mean? Hydra has flares indeed but what script would you wanna make out of that? If you wanna make something shoot hydra flares, then you should use this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateProjectile
  8. Just change thePlayer to source in your getPlayerAccount variable A client script is what is executed on the player's computer directly, not on the server. A client script doesn't use variables like thePlayer and such because everything is source related in general.
  9. vipVehicles = { [520]=true } function onVehicleStartEnter ( enteringPlayer, seat, jacked, door ) local cuenta = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then --Group VIP spaces(thePlayer) else outputChatBox ( "● You must be vip to enter this vehicle", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) -- and tell the player why end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), onVehicleStartEnter ) I Don't understand the spaces part though, could you explain what is its purpose?
  10. Show the script causing the error maybe?
  11. Galactix


    Oh alright, I get what you meant now, but I wasn't talking of the nesting in my second post, which is why you were confused.
  12. Galactix


    Which is what I said in my first post.
  13. function setNickToAccount() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local accountName = getAccountName(account) setPlayerName(source, accountName) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", setNickToAccount)
  14. function setNickToAccount() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local accountName = getAccountName(account) setPlayerName(source, accountName) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", setNickToAccount) Put this in any script and you should have the result expected.
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