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Everything posted by R8ZOM

  1. Welp 2 Huge Bug in 1 day holy sh''. This one is more terrible. And if people know and uses it we will be RIP. Are you ready Ein ? Welp. If you drive-by with flare pistol and you shoot with it. It glitches ammo. Not just THAT. When you shoot flare shoots grenade WTF LMFAOOO. Scene 1: And while taking screenshots i just realized it can glitch to Rapid Fire as well. https://ibb.co/hGydNy Scene 2: https://ibb.co/gx752y Scene 3 (Rapid Fire): https://ibb.co/nHmnFJ Scene 4 (Post-Rapid Fire): https://ibb.co/dZAHhy
  2. Ein, I found a huge troll bug which is a big reason for players to leave. Let me explain quickly. If you are a sniper (scharfschütze) and if you plant so many S-Mines across TDM maps. Like 50 to rage people. If you die and go to spectate. Mines will remain and will kill every team. https://ibb.co/gbj1qJ
  3. I'l try to find many bugs as possible. Excited for new map tho.
  4. New Airborne skin is awsome. But I found criticial bugs about new vehs. (M8 and 234) maybe its in early stage but let me give some info. 1: Panzerspahwagen (234) doesn't have a custom model. Its just a bus 2: Same thing goes for M8 Lİght Armored Car 3: In Africa map (idk others) they are glitching tanks beacuse of their bus model. https://ibb.co/h1M2vJ https://ibb.co/mkMrpd https://ibb.co/e73Ahy I wanted to give those bugs to you after 4 hours. And speaking about airborne. Can you add parachuting ? Espically parachuting on Points (only airborne points)
  5. Ein, JN and I decided to make a [WAR] Map which his name is Kursk. at SAAW map editor we done really good work i think. Wehrmacht base is almost completed but we had a bug about server or us idk. When i try to load map it doesnt give any warning or any sign. And Kursk doesn't show up in map. But i tried to open other maps like Italy. It gived a warning and says "Please wait until map loads" "You can't change map while a map is loading" Some warnings like that it made me sad beacuse of we can't make the map. Is it a bug about us or server problem ?
  6. Ein i got couple of ideas in my head and i want to share with you 1: If machine gunners have a heavy gun. They can jump to a Jeep's back and shoot MG there Or maybe just add a new jeep model with Machine Gun on his back and everybody can use it. Same as Germans. But germans were not using not jeep, more like a motorbike with casket. https://ibb.co/kmLMNd https://ibb.co/ma7CTJ 2: Lying on ground with MG's and wait enemy to come. And shoot him on sight. (Lie system) 3: (This is not suggestion btw its a bug): If you shoot someone with HE Shell or With Mortar it dies in like after 50 times you shoot it. Explosives are so weak. 4: (Another Bug): When a tank is burning and someone tries to get out. If a enemy is on there ready to shoot him. And starts to fire. Guy on tank dies on he press F but not even leaved vehicle. He can be killed before he gets out.
  7. Hey Ein, I found this strange and rare bug. Photo1: https://ibb.co/n7uvLo Now let me explain. When i detect to spectate and wait for some time. Then ALT+TAB game this strange bug appears. It shows me as american but sometimes german classes i cant click or spawn. Sometimes it doesnt even show class selection and when i try to press F3 and change team a strange error text appears down my screen. Also, i dont know it is a bug or easter egg but LOL. It is hilarious Photo1: https://ibb.co/iw30mT When a enemy soldier which is german. (im American btw) Threw a grenade next to spawn selections "camera", well at least near somewhere and my character fell down LOL
  8. Shall we add activities to game ? For example a moderator or admin idk can do /activity. Its gonna be like /activity Revolver duel with 100 hp 100 armour /activity Suomi duel with 50 HP And winner will get some amount of XP or Money. Idk it would be fun. ;How does it work ? When people write /joinactivity they will teleported to. Umm activity area i guess. and they will be freezed there. They will be in line, front of Staff. Staff will give them hp,weapon some stuff and start countdown to start activity. It might be a fun addition to server.
  9. Ein, Lag is back it always happens in same time. https://ibb.co/jMSMy8
  10. I am writing this now while in game. People are having big amount of ping recently. Is this normal ? https://ibb.co/dsYE1T https://ibb.co/ikgTT8 Edit1: Btw is it DDOS attack ? or map ? (Africa) Edit2: Its not beacuse of Africa i changed map and its still lag as hell now its (Italy), Saul and many players are timed out i was too. https://ibb.co/h1sPJ8 Edit3: People started to complain about the lag https://ibb.co/euEFQo Edit4: OMG this lag gone too far. when i changed to Italy, i joined germany and look what props reacted. Im changing weapons in like 7 secends and sometimes grenade's ammo are being bugged and turns to MP40 ammo https://ibb.co/gSQTd8 https://ibb.co/fbweko
  11. Thank you Ein. its sure that its an barbaric and childish move.
  12. Now there is a freak from battlefield server always says THİS SERVER WİLL BE CLOSED TOMORROW SO ALL GO OUT TO BATTLEFİELD. Note: He bugs the chat and sais 1 million times THİS SERVER WİL... Note2: He speaked 1 time but it was russian i wasnt able to understand MAKSIM also talked to him Note3: its going on like 3 days and he always changes name it was . this day Note4 and BİG NOTE: He always but always does the spectate bug to skip maps and server was 13/60 its downgraded to 3/60 bc of him Photo1: https://ibb.co/gtvPfd Photo2: https://ibb.co/kWwx0d Photo3: https://ibb.co/mHKpDy Photo4: https://ibb.co/ghDo6J Photo5 (note: it was taked 2 days ago when his name was "Padavan"): https://ibb.co/kHkUDy We can't even play in server comfortable pls take care of this.
  13. Hey Einheit i just found a gamebreaking bug that causes spectate player to spawn end the map when he dies. Photo 1 : https://hizliresim.com/5DWG4M Photo 2 https://hizliresim.com/EPvyYn Photo 3 https://hizliresim.com/76RybW Photo 4 https://hizliresim.com/RndOB6
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