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Everything posted by R8ZOM

  1. @Einheit-101 There is an 2 huge and interesting bugs 1. Andryusha and Werfer or the missile trucks. When you pick airborne ranger and ordance training perk. IT SHOOTS 25 MISSILE IN 0.50 SECENDS lol. Is it a bug i think so u need to reduce its speed i think. https://ibb.co/dYkFbe 2. Friendly artillery can damage Friendly vehicles. Any of them. Even you are on the vehicle. And AT-Mines are so weak. They are supposed to be strong and op. Its to destroy tanks. Even a AT- Mine on Poland cant destroy AFV in 1 mine.
  2. @Einheit-101 When you prone in FPS mode. It just like... And those arms lol. FPS reacts diffrent based on where you walk at. https://ibb.co/f6iTaU https://ibb.co/jEoi9p https://ibb.co/kXCt9p AND SPECIAL CONGATULATIONS TO STAFF MEMBER JAKK. WHICH HAS REACHED 1000 HOURS !! Problaly im the first one who noticed alone in the server with him while he was afk lol.
  3. @Einheit-101 @R4FSAN Let me explain to make this clear. 1st Pic: Somebody problaly thought he used panel to regain 100 HP or to give armor. I don't really think so beacuse while in spectator you can't see players health or armor so its not really clear. R4FSAN mostly uses toughness i think. Beacuse its hard to kill them. (Sometimes you can see the health but not armor) 2nd Pic: @Einheit-101 I don't know how the f'ck he did that. But somehow he slapped JN without nick. People can think im doing this. So can you fix that ? And yeah in Pic R4F is going cross towards to rock. He might be right. 3rd Pic: Yeah i think thats an abuse. Since players can't get there. 4th Pic: Not sure tf happened there. Nothing is clear. 5th Pic: Again how tf slapping without R4FSAN nick there. And also not sure what happened R4FSAN also spawned a Hydra on Assault map. Drived a while until i warned him to get out of the map. He also created a team called OOF in TAB tf. Nvm dont abuse now or i will kill you in the Bangladesh.
  4. Are you kidding me ? First of all since R4FSAN became a mod. He never spammed since 2 months, i can assure you that.We were testing stuff in 7:44 for my time which i was supposed to sleep. We found a bug, spawned cars etc... This guy just came out with an spawned car of mine (infernus) and then killed me. After i killed him. He became mad and reported us. He did even called us kids. Morg in pictures was my friend. He had fun which i never actually slapped him. i slapped raf back. This guy said; We killed you with jetpack while you killed us first which i had no god mode on. https://ibb.co/dmhOLU We were doing tests in rocks. Which this guy just came to our position. We warned him that we were doing tests. R4FSAN and i "NEVER" abused more than 4/60 players; And those 4 players were always our friends and we were having fun. Seriously, when we tried to explain to him. He just ignored us, called us kids and just reported us IN THE FORUM BY NO EXACT REASON. When i tried to explain to him he said;, I dont care, you are kids etc... i got ss if you want. Though, its not a big deal idk why he reported us for such a small thing.
  5. @Einheit-101 Here are some suggestions and bugs about SAAW 1,1S S:If you are burning beacuse of an molotov. If you lay on ground. Like if you have 100 hp and if you are in prone mode. You'll survive with 40 HP left. Beacuse its so annoying that you can run off from a grenade but not molotovs; Also friendly molotovs are an cancer. 2,1B: MG81 IS LIKE OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG DUDE... If you headshot someone 5 times with MG81 machine gun as medic (idk does it works with other classes) it kills in 6th shot. You can't do headshot kill with MG81. And you also cant headshot with suomi and ppsh i think. I am not %70 sure but i think so. 3.,2S: You really gotta add some new custom animations. GTA IV anims really do suck. It just bugs player model as hell. And a kübelwagen hits you and if you fell. You can stand up in justttt in 10 secends. 4,2B: If you are an japanese sniper. And climb an ladder. (also works with some other models) This weird thing happens. Does he takes a :~ or what ? https://ibb.co/ddaOn9 5,Q1: Can OFF-NİGHTLY players join the server ? Beacuse server just got reach to like 30 players. And im really happy for it. 6,3B: You can't buy anything from the shop in El Alemain (D FLAG) I tried but it gave me nothing. 7,Q2: Shall we ban Spawn killing and spawn camping ? Beacuse many people hates it and rage quits beacuse of it.
  6. @LosFaul Artillery only map would be an disaster to be honest. And there is none as i know.
  7. @Einheit-101 Actually you don't have to be in discord server. Its just for reports and some chat since most of players don't know Russian for VK And yes, I know server has not created for Italy. But if you just play 24 hours, 19 hours of it is Italy. Since it takes 3/4 of the day; you really need to fix it.
  8. @Einheit-101 8. I just found this now in-game. When Godray Shader on F1 is on. Flare doesn't blind you in some camera angles. Only when godray shader is on https://ibb.co/hFTYJ9
  9. @Einheit-101 1. Can we create a discord server ? It should be offical. For reports and stuff. 2. You really need to reduce anti-spawn in TDM maps. Espically Italy. Its so long that you can run half of the map and kill everyone so easily. After reduce if spawn kills goes up too much we can put a rule about it. 3. Can you make the staff command (freeze) %100 impossible ? You can shoot people while frozen also can walk via Zoom +, Zoom - 4. In future can you rework on German skins ? Beacuse most of them has the same face (Soldier, Officer, Radio Operator,) 5. I think i said this before. Can you add a symbol,text on chat or a new nick color for wanted player. Beacuse its hard to find them and also sometimes wanted player text doesn't show up. 6. In Lagoon map, USA artillery can shoot waay down to Nazi base. (while nazi artys cannot) There is no mean for trench warfare since its 1 hit. And sandbags doesn't really protect you from artillery shells. Can you fix this ? 7. Set Health and Set Armour (admin panel) are so messed up. When you try to give urself 2 armour it gives u 7 and etc... https://ibb.co/imqkWU
  10. @Einheit-101 I think there is no point for /secret command. Since you still got MOD tag on. Doesn't really matters.
  11. @STRIKE-EAGLE Server switched his mod to Nightly. you need to download it from https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ Until auto-update will be enabled for server. But i dont recommend play. Beacuse there are no players.
  12. Okay some of my friends helped me to install nightly lol. (CLOSED TOPIC)
  13. @Einheit-101 And i can't enter the server ffs. (only saaw) It says you have to update mta to enter it. When i click yes, it says No update currently avaliable go to www.mtasa.com WTF ??
  14. OH MY F''' GODDDD MY LONG WAITED TW MAP HAS COME AHAHAHAHAHAH. @R4FSAN And My bavarian worker auto congrtz
  15. @Sommy Ohh now i understand. Yeah thats a huge problem @R4FSAN There are so much MODS actually. You can just report them to me in Discord As you saw i muted him.
  16. Hmm, you decide. And btw Ein jakk (Jack921) lost his rank. I can't give it back beacuse i don't have permission to /xp command. Im the most active staff that only can return his account lol.
  17. @Einheit-101 Dont make that flare able to blind people. And if a enemy walks over the flare somehow. He will burn and lose 30 HP or you can just edit that. It's not gonna be fast as the old flare either. IDK will team or client able to see enemys in minimap. I'll think only for client. And reduce its ammo.
  18. @STRIKE-EAGLE This is the offical forum of SAAW. Please try to write suggestions and etc... If you dont have something to say. Just dont write absurd words to here.
  19. Ein can you add a new Flare gun ? Or modify the old one. Beacuse its uselles af. I think you should add a new one. Spot Flare. When you shoot this gun to air. Enemy squares will be on the minimap. Lasts like 10 sec or less.
  20. Hey Ein, Some maps has critic camera angles that it removes the texture. https://ibb.co/evwUEJ Like if you turn camera to some up in neptune it shows the water above the sand texture. So many maps has this bug.
  21. Ok i got some questions and little suggestions. Question 1: Will you make firing with all weapons while prone avaliable ? Suggestion 1: If you can do Q1; Can you make all machine guns %100 accurate while prone. Beacuse thats how it works. Question 2: Will you add cust. animations for Muscle CJ Anims ? (Engineer, Airborne, MG etc...) Beacuse they mostly have the SA anims. Question 3: Why GTA IV anims looks so COOL ? Beacuse they stand really COOL lol Suggestion 2: Being able to do Ammo and Health support by planes. Just a box with parachute, And people will open it and gain ammo and etc... Question 4: WHAT THE F''K IS THIS FALL ANIMATION ??!?!? https://ibb.co/jbA0yd https://ibb.co/g5AHdd https://ibb.co/dxf5Wy https://ibb.co/bVZtJd Question 5: Good ladder anims etc... But you really need to deal with Heaven Of Ladders ([TDM]Malta), Beacuseeeee... https://ibb.co/dU0NBy If you press LSHIFT on Malta's Ladders, World just turns reverse and climbs on ladder... https://ibb.co/fCBery One of my friends did a test about it. From my eye... https://ibb.co/jYpePJ Suggestion 3: I think you should change Machine Gun Anim (Standing on foot) Beacuse like wtf. https://ibb.co/cGapry You can't prone with MG as well.
  22. After the Lagoon's release. Can you make a new gamemode ? I really want [OPERATION] to be added. [OPERATION]: Simple, but you need to do this on most popular battles in WW2. Tank,Ship,Plane everything will be in it. (Can you make Airships btw ?) Example, ARMY will defend the position A,B,C for a limited score. WEHRMACHT will start from like 500 or 300 score and needs to capture all points before it ends. (5 score will be gone in like 5 sec you decide) If they do capture all of them. They will earn some Score boost. But if they fail. They can try it like 2 or 1 time again. When all points captured new points and map will get longer and end in some point. (you decide) If Wehrmacht fails capturing the fronts with 300 score x2 try. They will lose and votemap.
  23. Hey Ein, They are good things that waits us in July right ? Btw i wanna ask you can you add some of these -Math Questions. (Just add math questions like 5x20, 20/2 idk or maybe hard. Add 25-40 XP depends how hard is it) -New Explosion Sound (Explosion sounds just look regular as normal game and its so lame) -Point Lock System (Now for this, i don't think they are much maps for this system. It works like. it might be useful in Lagoon if it has 3 caps or more. 2 base opposite right ? in Trench Warfares, A and C is unlocked. but B is locked until one of teams capture a point. and if a team captures B after they captured A or C. Their first point will be locked until B is captured. Btw If like USA has not captured a point yet, he can't capture B. Until they captures a point.) -Its for parachuting if you add it. Transport Planes (Airborne Rangers can enter a transport plane which i think you need to add it. They can quit and parachute anywhere in map. Depends on driver.) -Radio (I already suggested it as you know. Just press a key and select a text or voice message to say like "Lets Go !" "Capture A!") -Add more animations (like /lay, /sit, /mfinger, /gtfo -Wanted Player Improvment (It is very simple actually. Just add colours to it. Like change his name to green. Why, if you ask. Sometimes people don't see the wanted player text and its actually hard to find it. So it would be easier) -Add /warn Command for staff. So staff can warn people -Add /bug Command for people that is bugged. They will write the bug in there and die. -Add information texts by console. In random times it will give information to people. -
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