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Köszi már közben valahogy megoldottam, bár picit másképp néz ki. Le is akartam zárni a topicot csak nem tudtam hogy kell
EDIT: Mostmár ha telibe ránézek jó helyen van de ha elfordulok akkor fordul a kamerával: for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType('blip')) do local blipPosX,blipPosY = getElementPosition(v) local rotationBetween = findRotation(playerX,playerY,blipPosX,blipPosY) local distanceBetween_GAME = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D (playerX,playerY,blipPosX,blipPosY) local distanceBetween_PIXELS = distanceBetween_GAME * (3000/6000) local x,y = w/2, h/2 local blipScreenX,blipScreenY = getPointFromDistanceRotation(x+w/2,y+h/2,distanceBetween_PIXELS,rotationBetween) dxDrawText ( blipScreenX .. ' , '.. blipScreenY , bw/2,bh/2,bw/2,bh/2 ,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) blipScreenX = math.max(x, math.min(x+w, blipScreenX)) blipScreenY = math.max(y, math.min(y+h, blipScreenY)) dxDrawImage(blipScreenX- 10, blipScreenY - 10, 20, 20, 'player.png'); end
Sziasztok! Angol nyelvű topicban már megnyitottam ezt a témát de nem sikerült megoldani. Esetleg valaki tud segíteni ? A problémám, hogy egyáltalán nem jelenik meg blip bárhogy számolgatok pozíciókat. Itt a kód, a blip koord számítást, most kitöröltem belőle. local c = exports.gw_core local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local fonts = c:getFonts() local options = c:getOptions() local w,h = c:getSize(300), c:getSize(250) local bx,by = c:getSize(50), screenY - c:getSize(50)-h local x,y = c:getSize(60), screenY - c:getSize(40) - h local arrowSize = c:getSize(30) local bw,bh = w*2,h*2 local map = dxCreateTexture('world.jpg') local blipTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(bw,bh) local zoom = 5 setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( 'radar',false) function getMapCord(element) local x,y = getElementPosition(element) local imgSize = 3072 return ((x + 3000) / 6000) * imgSize, (-(y - 3000) / 6000) * imgSize end local blip = createBlip (2075.62890625,-1715.8212890625,13.546875, 0) addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,function() local _,_,r = getElementRotation(getCamera()) local _,_,pr = getElementRotation(localPlayer) local posX,posY = getMapCord(localPlayer) local playerX,playerY = getElementPosition(localPlayer) dxSetRenderTarget(blipTarget) dxDrawImageSection ( 0,0, bw,bh,posX - bw/2, posY - bh/2, bw ,bh ,map,r) for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType('blip')) do -- ITT KÉNE VALAHOGY KISZÁMITANI end dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawRectangle ( bx,by,w+c:getSize(20),h+c:getSize(20), options.panelDark) dxDrawImageSection ( x,y,w,h,w/2,h/2,w,h,blipTarget) dxDrawImage ( x + w/2 - arrowSize/2, y + h/2 - arrowSize/2, arrowSize,arrowSize,'player.png',r-pr,0,0) end) 33.sor amit nézni kell, ott nem tudom ,hogy milyen számítást kéne végezzek.
There's no blip on the minimap.
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(Oops, sorry for the non-english comment.) So, today I tried out the code your wrote, but something is wrong with that. I know it's hard to write a code, without testing.
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Igen, magyar vagyok ( Nem tudom mennyire megengedett fórumon magyarul írni )
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for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType('blip')) do local blipPosX,blipPosY = getElementPosition(v) local blipX,blipY = getMapCord(v) local rotationBetween = findRotation(playerX,playerY,blipPosX,blipPosY) local distanceBetween = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D (playerX,playerY,blipPosX,blipPosY) local blipScreenX,blipScreenY = getPointFromDistanceRotation(playerX,playerY,distanceBetween,rotationBetween) local MAP_RECTANGLE_START_X, MAP_RECTANGLE_START_Y = x,y local MAP_RECTANGLE_END_X, MAP_RECTANGLE_END_Y = x + s, y + s blipScreenX = math.max(MAP_RECTANGLE_START_X, math.min(MAP_RECTANGLE_END_X, blipScreenX)) blipScreenY = math.max(MAP_RECTANGLE_START_Y, math.min(MAP_RECTANGLE_END_Y, blipScreenY)) dxDrawImage(blipScreenX- 10, blipScreenY - 10, 20, 20, 'player.png'); -- I don't have blip images yet end I think I didn't understood something, because it's not showing blip in my minimap. What's wrong with this code?
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I know i can rotate the image, but i don't want it. I just want to place it to the right place when i rotate the map. If i rotate the blip it will rotate upside down, and I don't want that.
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Hello guys! I have an issue with my radar script and I can't fix it. I wanted to draw the server's blips to the player's minimap, but i don't know how to calculate the X,Y coordinates on the radar when I rotate my camera. That's my client side script: local c = exports.gw_core local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local fonts = c:getFonts() local options = c:getOptions() local s = c:getSize(300) local bx,by = c:getSize(50), screenY - c:getSize(50)-s local x,y = c:getSize(60), screenY - c:getSize(40) - s local arrowSize = c:getSize(30) local bs = s*2 local mapTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(bs,bs) local map = dxCreateTexture('world.jpg') local blipTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(3000,3000) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( 'radar',false) function getMapCord(element) local x,y = getElementPosition(element) local imgSize = 3072 return ((x + 3000) / 6000) * imgSize, (-(y - 3000) / 6000) * imgSize end local blip = createBlip (1962.291015625,-1751.20703125,13.3828125, 0) addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,function() local _,_,r = getElementRotation(getCamera()) local _,_,pr = getElementRotation(localPlayer) local posX,posY = getMapCord(localPlayer) dxSetRenderTarget(blipTarget) dxDrawImageSection ( posX - bs/2, posY - bs/2, bs,bs,posX - bs/2, posY - bs/2, bs,bs,map,r) for k,v in pairs(getElementsByType('blip')) do local blipX,blipY = getMapCord(v) dxDrawImage(blipX - 10, blipY - 10, 20, 20, 'player.png'); -- I don't have blip images yet end dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawRectangle ( bx,by,s+c:getSize(20),s+c:getSize(20), options.panelDark) dxDrawImageSection ( x,y,s,s,posX - s/2, posY - s/2, s,s,blipTarget) dxDrawImage ( x + s/2 - arrowSize/2, y + s/2 - arrowSize/2, arrowSize,arrowSize,'player.png',r-pr,0,0) end) There's the problem in the game :
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How can i use shaders?
Hi guys! How can i create skins for a weapon? For example a default M4 and a Gold M4.