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  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Anarchy, Marijuana.

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  1. [PiG]

    New Mini League

    Phuck... why not? PiG's in.
  2. [PiG]


    Heyyyy! Calm down there, champ! You got liitle drops of spit flying everywhere! I wanna teach you something. Repeat after me... "MTA 0.2 doesn't display health properly, or skins properly, and it LAGS!" Maybe you can get your Special Education teacher to write those words nice and big on a piece of paper, and then you can pin it to the front of your sweater! It's okay... I know you Autistic types forget things sometimes. I had a look at your website there, Iggy. And (just between you and me) I have a little advice for ya... A ROSTER is a list of people involved in a project. A ROOSTER is a male chicken. This could save your clan some potential embarassment down the track. And while you're a-fixin' that spelling (get a grown-up to check if you're not sure about a word) you should make sure the LINKS on your website actually LINK to something. You could also try putting up some PICTURES - Everyone likes pictures! Don't worry, Corky - you're doing a great job! Here at PiG, we're very happy that you and DeathB have your little clan and your special, special website. I think it's terrific when "differently abled" people get out into the wider community. BIG HUGS!
  3. [PiG]


    For the record, nobody in PiG cheats - we may be crooked cops, but we play fair. DeathGripper's just mad because =X= was owning his sorry ass - he probably mistook one of the usual MTA0.2 glitches for a cheat because he was a crack baby. (We shouldn't make fun of the guy, though. It's not DeathB's fault he's retarded - it's his mom's. If that two-dollar whore had kept off the pipe while her boy was in utero, he wouldn't be misunderstanding shit all the time. I feel sorry for the poor kid, really.)
  4. [PiG]


    You're missing the point here, guys. You can fight all you like over who gets to be SECOND best clan, but PiG gonna learn y'all GOOD. You'll see... (12 members and rising...)
  5. [PiG]


    What does VCP stand for? Virginal Cock Pilots?
  6. [PiG]


    We never played Interstate '82, youngster, but PiG has been around in various forms since we started back in 1987 as a Leisure Suit Larry clan. When MTA was released, we decided to transfer our remarkable spelling and dope-ass website-making skills to Vice City. As you will soon understand, the Perpetrator Incapacitation Group will irreparably maim any challengers. We rock so muthafukking hard our noses bleed. We are PiG, you faggot-ass monkeys... Bring it ON.
  7. [PiG]


    Cocky? Confident, bro. Confident. You VCP cats are gonna be pissing your kevlar before we've finished with you...
  8. [PiG]


    Silly Rabbit - every clan STARTS with three members - The Guy Who Wanted To Make the Clan and His Two Pals, usually. The Perpetrator Incapacitation Group roster has climbed to nine members, and we're capping membership at 20 or so. And then we gonna school you ragamuffins with shotguns and burning crackpipes. We've already ruined any chance of allying with Yetika, and, as our ranks swell, we look forward to phucking with VCP... Be warned, clan monkeys. We shall ruin you. w w w . p i g f u c k e r . t k http://www.nickwhite.org/PiG.htm
  9. [PiG]


    Dude, porn sprays got pretty old, pretty fast, and on the servers I've been using for the last three years I've only seen clever logos and player names. I mean, c'mon... It's wicked fun to mark a corpse with your personal signature, or declare an area 'Your Turf' with a well-placed piece of graffiti. And I imagine all the photoshop junkies in the GTA community would love the opportunity to put together a few tags. Is it actually possible to achieve this in MTA? It would rule. w w w . p i g f u c k e r . t k http://www.nickwhite.org/PiG.htm
  10. If you're looking for a gang that's just starting up check PiG out - we're crooked cops. Give one of us a shout when you see us online, or mail f u c k i n g p i g @ p i g f u c k e r . t k if yr interested... w w w . p i g f u c k e r . t k
  11. [PiG]


    We start small... but SOON. Soon you will all be so DEAD from our Crooked Cop Shotguns... http://www.nickwhite.org/PiG.htm
  12. [PiG]


    Don't know if this has been suggested already, or if it's even workable in GTA, but it'd be fucking cool to have a tagging function similar to Half-Life. Think of the Graf-War possibilities... PiG is now recruiting... http://www.nickwhite.org/PiG.htm
  13. http://www.nickwhite.org/PiG.htm PiG is now recruiting, and we's gonna be the baddest corrupt cop gang in Vice City...
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