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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. function b() outputChatBox("Your language changed succesfully") end addEventHandler("onClientLocalizationChange", getRootElement(), b) I'm not sure if this event helps anything because you have to disconnect from the server to change the language. But I will still leave this suggestion here
  2. Feel free to use it: https://github.com/Hydra455/setPedFollow-setPedAttack
  3. I don't quite understand what you said. But I guess you wanted to refer to where to put the line I gave you above. 1. Create a .lua file 2. Put setGameType ("Your gamemode name") in the .lua file 3. And in meta.xml put <script src = "filename.lua" type = "server" />
  4. setGameType("Name here") I think this is what you want
  5. For dxDrawImage3D you need to put faceTowardX/Y/Z argument too if you want to rotate image on the ground.
  6. Momentan e doar client-side dar o sa fac si server-side
  7. Cum scrie si in titlu am facut 2 functii custom numite: setPedAttack si setPedFollow - setPedAttack va face ca npc-ul sa urmareasca si sa atace jucatorul - setPedFollow va face ca npc-ul doar sa urmareasca jucatorul Video: https://streamable.com/8oaf0n
  8. Trigger the event in server-side? Idk if will work but you can try
  9. function s() for i = 7, 16 do setWorldSoundEnabled(i, false) end end
  10. I found the problem but idk how to fix it. The problem is because the texture is unamed
  11. Hi, I made some front bumpers and the problem is that the reflection shader is not applied on them. I am still a beginner in modeling and it would be very helpful if I could be told how I could solve this problem. I looked over the forum before doing this topic but I didn't find anything about it or I went over it without seeing it
  12. Use: setVehicleVariant(arg1, arg2) (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetVehicleVariant) yeah, you can make a custom function for that
  13. Nu e cv wow dar am zis totusi sa ii dau share Download Link: nu lmao Video: https://streamable.com/9e1xh9
  14. Indeed you can use variants for rear bumper, front bumper and stuff like that using setVehicleVariant()
  15. Hydra


    onClientRender() interpolateBetween() booleans With these you could make a slide as in the picture and you also need some math
  16. To be honest the map editor is bugged af, many errors/warnings in debugscript and sometimes it bugs when saving the map. Instead of adding new functions and resources, the current ones should be fixed
  17. onClientClick() onClientCursorMove() These functions can help you
  18. Try in this way function wolrdTexts() if getElementInterior(source) == 6 and getElementDimension(source) == 90 then dxDrawTextOnElement(john,"#FFFFFFStore #0099ffJohn #ccffcc(Frentista)\n #FFFFFFClick 'N' and press on me!",1,20,255,255,255,255,1,comy1) else end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, wolrdTexts) I don't test it so idk if will work
  19. Pune adresa ta ip in google care o poti afla din cmd cu comanda ,,ipconfig"
  20. If you refer to the spoiler you could put it on a default spoiler of the game and use attachElements or implement it as a variant on infernus which is a bit complicated if you are a beginner
  21. Sper ca nu ai pus in mtaserver.conf <serverip>ip-ul tau</serverip> in loc de <serverip>auto</serverip>
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