i think its pretty amazing, what they did, its like what the rockstar team is doing now, which is making a sequel to the GTA series... This mod really deserves more attention.
If i were to bring one of my freinds from shcool over and tell them that i have the next GTA they would belive it... it would take them time to notice how small the map is becuase all u do when u get a new GTA is somehow end up going in circles...
im gonna do that... i like tricking ppl...
(edit: you n00bs dont even have the link on here http://www.myriadislands.com/ )
The only change they need is to have better modeled cars which they can pick off of any one of these gta modding websites... kinda what killer kip did... i'm sure that boosting up the limit ajuster wouldnt hurt any of our computers anyway//