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Everything posted by Skully

  1. Take a look at GetSoundFFTData, this resource does what you're trying to achieve though as a spectrum rather than a cone.
  2. You are attempting to poll a query result that may not be ready yet, the way you have declared your regQuery is not asynchronous. When you execute the query the result isn't immediately ready, so you should wait for a result to be prepared and then execute a callback function. function myFunction() dbQuery(myCallback, connection, "SELECT * FROM table_name") end function myCallback(qh) local result = dbPoll(qh, -1) -- Do stuff with result here. end See dbQuery for examples. Also I noticed you're storing passwords with md5, I wouldn't recommend doing so because md5 can be easily cracked, you should use a more secure method such as passwordHash.
  3. Sounds like the player isn't being removed from the database when they press leave. Are you getting any errors when someone attempts to leave their gang? Also double check your SQL query is correct and matches your database format/name.
  4. Removing the console itself completely is overkill and isn't particularly the best solution here, you can just adjust permissions for the commands.
  5. Why not make the windows larger than to fit the text?
  6. If you mean they don't fit the windows, you can try reducing the font size of the text.
  7. Code looks fine, try adjusting your screen resolution or make the GUI relative instead of absolute.
  8. Your elseif statement doesn't have a primary if statement to work from, try this. function updateTeamTables() table_allHumans = {} table_allHumansAlive = {} table_allZombies = {} table_allZombiesAlive = {} for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isPlayerInTeam(v, team_Humans) then table.insert(table_allHumans, v) if getElementData(v, "State") == "Alive" then table.insert(table_allHumansAlive, v) end elseif isPlayerInTeam(v, team_Zombies) then table.insert(table_allZombies, v) if getElementData(v, "State") == "Alive" then table.insert(table_allZombiesAlive, v) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) updateTeamTables() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "zp_Class") == "Spectator" then setspectator(v) end end if getElementData(source, "zp_Class") == "Zombie" then if attacker ~= nil and isElement(attacker) then setspectator(source) local scr = getElementData(attacker, "Score") setElementData(attacker, "Score", tonumber(getElementData(attacker, "Score")+2)) end elseif getElementData(source, "zp_Class") == "Zombie" and #table_allZombiesAlive == 1 then outputChatBox("true", root) end local dths = getElementData(source, "Deaths") setElementData(source, "Deaths", tonumber(dths + 1)) setElementData(source, "State", "Dead") setElementData(source, "zp_Class", "None (Dead)") local allHumans = getPlayersInTeam(team_Humans) local allZombies = getPlayersInTeam(team_Zombies) end)
  9. What do you mean work dependency? Are you talking about using that resource within your own scripts? The resource looks like it provides exported functions which you can use in your own work, have a look at the functions that are available. You're also better off getting assistance from the resource creator rather than here.
  10. Vice City Roleplay is back and we're excited to show everyone the server! Visit the nostalgic map of Vice City through MTA: San Andreas and see how this new roleplaying environment affects you. With a fully functional script which gives you support to roleplay to your full extent, multiple legal and illegal factions, you'll always have something to do. Along with new updates being pushed weekly by the development team, be prepared experience Vice City like never before. Join @ mtasa:// Website: https://vc-rp.net/ Forums: https://forums.vc-rp.net/
  11. Did you test with the latest from the GitHub? I didn't change anything and I'm using the one from there.
  12. @thisdp Is the combobox working? I'm getting this error everytime I try to make one. dgs\functions.lua:239: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) This is the code I'm testing it with; addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() mainWindow = exports.dgs:dgsDxCreateWindow(0.65, 0.59, 0.22, 0.14, "ComboBox Window", true) testCombo = exports.dgs:dgsDxCreateComboBox(0.09, 0.27, 0.52, 0.54, true, mainWindow) exports.dgs:dgsDxComboBoxAddItem(testCombo, "Test Item") end ) I'm on update 2.75.
  13. ؟dxCenter/c.lua ما مدى حجم الملف هو رمز داخل العمل؟
  14. Do you realise that servers are player hosted so you can't just 'take them down' because no one plays on them lol
  15. I think it's a little late to completely rework the language now lmao
  16. You should make a GitHub repo and allow other people to contribute, it'll help in finding a solution faster.
  17. Contact the server administrator for that specific server, only they can help you recover it.
  18. You can create a loop to go through all the vehicles you want to increase the speed on and use SetModelHandling on each vehicle, changing the property "maxVelocity" of the vehicle, for traction you can adjust "tractionMultiplier". bool setModelHandling ( int modelId, string property, var value )
  19. 50p already made one two years ago.
  20. I used to work from the $130/Month package, it provides slots for 200 online members and 20GB media storage which is more than enough. It all just depends on how many people you're expecting to use the forums, for something small and starting out, the $45/Month plan is probably the best.
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